How Unlimited Access to Internet Affect Motivation of Employees Essay Example
The presentation majorly discusses the link between unlimited Internet access and motivation of employees. This paper is organized with the view to building a theory through extensive review of literature materials. The design of the paper is to develop questions that would form the basis of the theory, the extensive search on organization internet procedures, the actual working environment in relation with other working places. The qualitative search among the twelve employees of different attributes like gender, job experiences, work type and the analysis of the questions are core areas upon which the survey is going to be conducted. The job satisfaction and the motivation of the employees of different organizations are closely related with the access to the internet. The curtailed internet access in different organizations would jeopardise the attitude of the employees i
...n the organization either positively or negatively in relation to the jobs they hold. The gender of the employees also plays a major role in determining how the access to the internet in limited or unlimited way would affect the productivity of the employees. The female gender as the findings revealed are more positive in having unlimited internet access at work place but the age factor did not produce any difference. The company and organizations therefore should allow internet access by the employees but over access would again derail the functions of the organization.
Technological advancement, the development of the blue chips and other sophisticated software and other computer applications; the world has been turned into a global village where information flows very rapidly. The economies of the world are exponentially growing at a supersonic speed and
the competition in undoubtedly stiffer. The goal to succeed in the waters of stiff competition is the employee’s relevance to the organization and the competent organizations have proved to be perfect in the selection and motivation of the employees. The availability of the information, access to internet and learning at the arms length are the key principles towards realizing the productivity of the employees. Technology therefore plays a key role in achieving the successes many companies are yearning for in order to remain relevance in the field of stiff competition. Therefore how technology affects performance, the access to internet by the employees and the availability of that internet in restricted and unrestricted ways has direct impact on the overall output of the employee’s performances. The Herzberg’s two factor theory would them explain how internet access would affects employee’s motivation and the subsequent results.
Literature review
The past studies have revealed that the motivation of the employees would have both positive and negative impact on their performances. Organizations main responsibilities are to ensure that employees are satisfied in their areas of specializations which would them motivate them more in putting more efforts to realize the goals of the organizations they are working for. Job satisfaction and the employee’s motivation are the two sides of the same coin in that satisfaction and motivation in any job performance are the same. The paper therefore looks at the link between the creation of the unlimited internet access and, which of course is employees motivation and the ultimate output that is job performance.
Motivation refers to an internally generated drive to achieve
the goals and follow particular course of action. Highly motivated employees focus their efforts to achieve the targets and goals while those who are unmotivated focus their attentions elsewhere. It is the responsibility of the managers and the heads of different organizations to motivate their employees in order for them to focus their energies and resources towards realizing the success of the organization. Then what motivates employees to perform should be studid and one question must be posed, what motivates employees to do well? What are the underlying factors that would make employees to show up every day at work place in order to work for the company, to excel at work place and put all their potentials for the company? To address the above queries, some of the theories of motivation must be discussed.
There are several factors that motivate employees to perform. Some of the factors are intrinsic while others are extrinsic in nature and the employee’s motivation takes precedence in any organization since all the organizations in the world are competing and every day each company will devise the best model to retain the best employees in order to remain relevance. The job working condition and the fair treatment of the employees by the management are key in retaining the employees. The work ethic and responsive management to the needs of the employees are some of the factors to be considered by the management when it comes to employee’s retention.
Herzberg’s two-factor theory is developed as a result of inquiry about the attitude of the employees. Herzberg two distinct lists of factors. One set of factor caused happiness and happy
feelings or a good attitude within the worker and the entire factors as a whole were task related. The intrinsic factors are called motivators and include recognition, achievement, growth, advancement, responsibility and work. Other grouping is primarily present when feeling of unhappiness and bad attitude are present, and these factors are not directly related to the jib itself, but to the conditions surrounding the job. This second of grouping Herzberg hygiene factors and they include salary, interpersonal relations-supervisor, interpersonal relations-subordinates, interpersonal relations-peers, supervision- technical, company policy and administration, working condition factors in personal life, status and job security. Motivators refer to factors intrinsic within the work itself like the recognition of a task completed. Conversely hygiene factors tend to include extrinsic entities such as relations with co-worker, which do not pertain to the worker’s actual job.
Other scholars have suggested that motivators pertain to the job content. Their absence does not prove highly dissatisfying. But when present, they build strong level of motivation that results in good job performance. They are therefore called satisfiers or motivators. On the other hand, hygiene factors pertain to the job context. The presence of these conditions to the satisfaction of the employees does not necessarily motivate then but their absence results in dissatisfaction. Because they are needed to maintain at least some level of no dissatisfaction, the extrinsic conditions are called dissatisfies. On the other hand, improving the hygiene factors do not does not create motivation, Herzberg found out that all the external stimulation whether negative or positive wears out and therefore do not change the long term performance . For example managers who come down hard on
the employees may achieve immediate result, but long term behaviour may deteriorate further.
In conclusion of the literature review, the past studies to find out and develop the best research questions as to what reasons and other factors may influence the employee’s performance and the underlying factors for such reasons. The internet at work place whether limited or unlimited has some of the motivational and un-motivational factors when it comes to realizing the success of the company and the general wellness of all the employees. The motivation of the employees has direct result on the output and the performance of the company. The companies therefore must ensure that the employees are motivated
The study collected data from twelve respondents. The respondents were grouped into three and the objective of the study was divided among family and friends working at different job categories. The research questions were divided into two parts with part A dealing with basic information and part B dealing with general information. The items were specifically used to study and measure the motivation of employees upon the introduction of unlimited internet access. The respondents were subjected into indicating their satisfaction and dissatisfaction as in agree and disagree on a six-point Lakers scale with one for strongly disagree to six strongly agree. The twelve respondents were made of six females and six males aging from sixteen to fifty years. Many of the respondents were students and the surveyor’s age of sixteen to twenty five. The full time work were three and the rest were part time workers. The twelve respondents are comprised of six females and six males, aging
from sixteen to fifty years old. In this survey, most of respondents are students and most survveyors’ age is from sixteen to twenty five. Therefore, there are only 3 are full-time work and the rest are all part-time workers.
Part B contained nine questions relating to motivation in the Herzberg’s theory, the theory that states that there is a positive relation in individuals work and the attitude towards that work which will determine the success or failure. The objective of the study was to find how the motivating factors influence the output of the work done. The scale of one to six was used to determine the success and the risk factors in the motivation of the employees. The study was basically based on the internet access as the motivation and the performances of the employees.
The results found out that increasing the internet access had the positive result as to improvement of the employee’s satisfaction and the general output of the work. The results showed that the increasing internet output facilitates the processing of the work related tasks. The outcome is all tabulated in the table found in the survey in the part A of the study. Employees like supervisors who are considerate, honest, fair, and competent, who recognize and reward good performances and who allow some elements of participation in decision making. Employees also like organizations which show basic interest for employees and employee’s welfare, values and principles. The above underlying factors are important in determining the reasons as to which the employees attitudes may be influenced. The measure of employees attitudes are portrayed by the establishment of the
organizational rules and principles as discussed above. The terms of service and the conditions of work plays the roles in determining how the employees will behave at work place, how their attitudes will be shaped and how they will react and relate with the management, the core workers and the customers of the organization. Finally the internet upgrade determines the employees’ attitude and motivation.
The objective of the study was to analyze the outcome of the increasing internet accessibility and the motivation of the employees; the motivations were related to the job performances. The study was done with reference to the Herzberg’s theory of motivation and the hygiene factors. The relevant organizational policies on the use of the internet and the employee’s performances, using the data like age, gender working years. Table two showed that there is no variance from the age groups but on the gender scale, females were more satisfied than males. The theory suggests that in order to improve the employee’s performances, the hygiene factors like the quality of supervision, the internet policies of companies and the general working conditions inspire workers. The survey on the restricted internet use would affect the positive perception on different jobs. When the employees are given enough access to the internet access, their job satisfaction will increase. When good conditions of work are provided by the company, especially on the use of internet, the productivity of the employees will increase. When the employees are monitored on how they use the internet would affect the relationship between the employees and the supervisor. Assigning enough autonomy regarding to use of Internet in the workplace to employees
will increase employ's job satisfaction. The participants are strong agreeing that the company provides good working conditions to support the employee use of Internet unlimited in the workplace.
The results of the study suggest both intrinsic and extrinsic factors do have impacts on the employee’s motivation at the work place. The unlimited internet access influences the motivation of the employees. Both hygiene and extrinsic factors are all important on the motivation of the employees. The gender differences emerged on the hygiene factors as males were dissatisfied with the hygiene factors than females. The management should therefore improve on the hygiene factors so that males can also put more effort as a result of motivation to achieve the success of the company. The age difference also revealed that young employees who do not have enough experience should be motivated more than the experienced employees for the same purpose. The unlimited internet access as revealed helps employee’s to put their best because it is a form of motivation.
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