Global Warming Essay Sample
Global Warming Essay Sample

Global Warming Essay Sample

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  • Pages: 5 (1156 words)
  • Published: August 16, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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The rise in Earth's temperatures leading to a greater frequency of natural disasters like wildfires and droughts is being caused by a combination of human activities and natural phenomena.

We strive to educate individuals on the topic of global warming and its consequences, as well as explore solutions for mitigating its impact. The build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere thickens the earth's atmospheric layer and leads to global warming, which traps sunlight and elevates temperatures across the planet.

The growth of heavy industry due to human activity has caused a higher need for industrial parks, leading to an increase in greenhouse gases.

Developed countries are providing assistance to developing nations by utilizing their abundant low-wage labor force, allowing for the production of goods within these countries. Vietnam has received support from multiple nations, resulting in the creation and management of industri


al parks by Japanese corporations including Honda and Toyota.

Both the mills in the mentioned location as well as those in Vietnam are responsible for adding to air pollution. Smog generated by carbon dioxide from both vehicles and mills leads to environmental changes in the surrounding areas. Additionally, power plant upgrades have a significant impact on altering the environment and ecosystem.

The impact on human well-being and life is significant. Moreover, if any mishap occurs within plants, they can transform into a nuclear bomb and harm the environment nearby. For example.

Although time has passed since the tragic events at Fukushima Power Plant, their impact on the surrounding ecosystem remains permanent. Furthermore, recent forest fires have been linked to both global warming and elevated temperatures in the environment. Nonetheless,

Extended periods of drought have affected various locations worldwide, causin

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farmers to be unable to tend their fields and lack access to clean drinking water due to the absence of recent rainfall.

Previously, I viewed a program about select African countries where youngsters were compelled to trek between four to five kilometers to access pure water from springs because of the deficiency of uncontaminated water in the vicinity. The film exhibited several declarations and analyses concerning climate change.

The documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" by Al Gore delves into his viewpoint on human actions and their impact on global warming. During the movie, Gore brings viewers to different places while explaining the tale of greenhouse gases and how they affect our planet's climate in the long run.

Al Gore employed charts and graphs in his presentation to illustrate the association between increased temperatures and elevated levels of carbon dioxide. His focus was on human involvement, with an emphasis on Americans' significant contribution.

According to Gore, those responsible for contributing the most to planetary heating and greenhouse gases must take responsibility and find ways to reduce this problem through lifestyle changes. In the film, Gore shares personal stories that sparked his concern for this issue, such as his college education with a climate expert.

Gore reflects on two difficult situations in his personal life: the loss of his sister to lung cancer and his son's nearly fatal car accident. He also discusses a memory from his elementary school days when a classmate asked about Continental Drift, and the teacher dismissed it as "pathetic." Gore connects this attitude to the belief that the Earth is too massive for humans to cause any long-term harm to the environment.

In a humorous manner, Gore utilizes

a cartridge holder featured in the "Crimes of the Hot" episode of Futurama to depict the aftermath in the nursery. Despite his defeat by George W. Bush in the 2000 U.S. presidential election being a difficult setback, Gore considers it as an opportunity that helped him refine his long-standing mission.

In his essay "Tilling a New World", Bill McKibben argues that uncontrolled economic growth is closely connected to the dangerous increase in carbon dioxide levels in our planet's atmosphere. According to McKibben, this assertion means that greenhouse gas emissions from the United States are predicted to rise by 20% in 2020 compared to those recorded in 2000.

Although society has experienced significant improvements in their standard of living, economy and housing, there has been an alarming increase in carbon dioxide levels.

My stance with him is founded on the notion that the progression of the economic structure bears responsibility for the surge in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, leading to catastrophic outcomes for both human wellbeing and environmental equilibrium. In order to tackle climate change, it is crucial to put into effect measures. I have evaluated several remedies, commencing with ceasing coal and oil combustion.

Overcoming the consumption of natural gas can be a difficult challenge for affluent residents in the long term.

Fossil fuel-based items play a crucial role in our daily lives, encompassing clothing, employment, entertainment and even sleep. These commodities heavily rely on the energy derived from fuels. As such, citizens of developing countries also aspire to possess and enjoy these amenities.

To promote environmental protection, a viable solution is to alter individuals' views. An effective approach involves sorting out recyclable and reclaimable waste for multiple uses,

in addition to disposing of waste properly in designated bins to maintain a clean environment.

To prevent additional harm to forests, it is important for people to take the lead in reforestation efforts and switch to sustainable energy sources. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on using solar-powered products.

Enhancing and promoting the use of this energy source is crucial due to its ability to power a diverse array of objects. To diminish greenhouse gas emissions, one effective approach is to reduce consumption, such as by driving less or utilizing reusable shopping bags.

Various strategies exist to mitigate the impact of global warming on both the environment and society. A potential approach involves reducing consumption, which would result in less reliance on fossil fuels for transporting environmentally-friendly goods worldwide. This action has the potential to effectively reduce the effects of global warming. Furthermore, global warming can lead to catastrophic natural disasters like wildfires and droughts.

To safeguard and maintain our planet, we can make use of accessible resources like 1.

These are three climate change-related resources:

  1.'s Climate Change Challenges page
  2. Scientific American's article on 10 Solutions for Climate Change

This webpage provides HTTP hyperlinks related to the safety and security of nuclear plants, specifically addressing the Fukushima incident. To access them, simply click on the provided links. The initial link is The second hyperlink begins with HTTP but has unidentifiable text at its conclusion.The crucial task of protecting the environment is highlighted in the development plan of industrial parks, as emphasized in the article at Additional information on the impact of climate change can be found at hypertext markup language 6 contains information about drought effects on global

warming. Additionally, it references two films: "An Inconvenient Truth" directed by Davis Guggenheim and "Tilling the New World".

Bill McKibben is the author.

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