Gender Women Social Studies – Flashcards

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"Facebook for Women vs. Facebook Designed by Feminists: Different vs. Revolutionary"
Author: C.V Harquail DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN WOMEN AND FEMINISTS many people fail to distinguish "women" and "feminist" "women" = social category, based on person's gender self-definition "feminists" = social category, based on persons political orientation many women advocate feminism and many feminist are women MARKETING TO WOMEN designing something for women is a marketing challenge need to make things that appeal to the women eye FEMINIST DESIGN feminist design of a product is a political action products designed by feminists are intended to change power relationships and advance social change, on behalf of men and women in order to make a Facebook for women/feminist, need to ask women how they would want the website to look Facebook for women might have had: ways to evoke and express emotion ways to personalize the look and feel to make it more "us" FACEBOOK DESIGNED BY FEMINISTS: FEMINIST HCI HCI = human computer interface feminism focuses on changing power relationships to bring about social, comic, and ecological justice a social network platform designed by feminist would aim to facilitate egalitarian and inclusive social relationships, distribute authority and responsibility, encourage collaboration, honor individual agency and self definition,, and more a Feminist Social Network Platform would "give the user a tool to express her choice and the truth of her existence" not a product, instead be a service supported by users several ideas of a "Facebook" designed by feminist (pages 44/45) political goal in mind driving goals to create friendships, affinity groups, and social movements designed as an open software, cheaper WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? general point to remember is that any piece of technology reflects implicit assumptions of the people/business that designed it, along with explicit design/commercial goals of the product no technology is neutral, every one reflects values and political stance towards the social world
Feminist Politics: Where We Stand
Author: Bell Hooks ● Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression. β—‹ Favored definition as it didn't imply that men were the enemy β—‹ Definition that implies that all sexist thinking and action is the problem (It is an open-ended definition) ● To understand feminism, one must understand sexism ● Feminism is often misunderstood and misinterpreted which gives it a negative connotation to society β—‹ Even feminists followed wrongminded assumptions and definitions of feminism as anti-male and a complete absence of patriarchy and sexist thinking ● As feminism progressed, it became understood that females could be sexist as well. β—‹ Shift to gender justice ● Once females gained a voice of greater presence, it became relevant that discrimination across other mediums such as race and age were apparent. β—‹ Privileged white women ceased to consider revolutionary feminism once they gained economic power within the social structure ● Reformist feminism was a temporary fix. β—‹ Trying to make changes to a system while keeping that system ● Necessity of revolutionary feminism β—‹ Complete change in mentality and structure ● Feminist motivation is unclear because of a lack of understanding and consensus to feminist definitions
Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener's Tale
Author: C. Jones Three levels of racism: ● Institutionalized β—‹ lack of services and opportunities due to race ● Personally Mediated β—‹ racist assholes ● Internalized β—‹ people believe themselves as inferior
The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is
Straight white men do not really know how to react to the word "privilege" when it is used to describe them. This article uses idea of a video game called "The Real World" to describe to straight white men that privilege is like the lowest difficulty setting in the game. Lowest difficulty means easier to level up, get stuff, and get automatic entry to certain places. In making the character, computer gives you random number of points and it's up to you to put points in different categories like wealth, charisma, etc. Point of the game is to get points and put it in category and to level up, but lowest setting entails getting points easier. You can't restart the game and the computer picks your difficulty level for you. Hardcore level is "gay minority female." You don't get any achievements for leveling up though. It just gets harder.
Claiming an Education
Author and background: Adrienne Rich American poet, essayist and feminist. She was called "one of the most widely read and influential poets of the second half of the 20th century",[1][2] and was credited with bringing "the oppression of women and lesbians to the forefront of poetic discourse."[3] ● Everything you read is what the strong deem important, most notably white men β—‹ lots of stuff left out, woman's studies is there to combat that. Educational "Contract" ● Make your own learning decisions, do your own thinking + talking. think actively ● You have the right to be taken seriously ● You have no lack of ability, and dont fall for easy solutions
Forty Years of Women's Studies
Author and background: Beverly Guy-Sheftall a Black feminist scholar, She is the Founding Director of the Spelman College Women's Research and Resource Center. Bonnie Thornton Dill Bonnie Thornton Dill is dean and professor of Women's Studies. A pioneering scholar studying the intersections of race, class and gender in the U.S. Innovator of intersectionality ● WS debuted in 1970, "mainstreamed" in 80's ● Spawned new sub studies, black womens studies, gay and lesbian studies, peace studies, men's studies. ● Accomplishments: heightened awareness and advocacy around rape, sexual harassment, sex trafficking, health discrimination, etc. Increased feminist activism. ● Much more work to be done, too much allowance of "un-reforming" -------------- ● Intersectionality: examining differences through more than one lense (gender, sexuality, class, etc.) ● Intersectionality = good data -> better social justice ● important to understand the relationship of power and privilege ● factor in eliminating inequality
No More Miss America
Author(s): New York Radical Women Beauty Pageants epitomize the roles women play daily to compete for male approval and conditioned beauty standards made by society. The Pageant is racist because there has not been a Black, Puerto Rican, Alaskan, Hawaiian, Native American, or Mexican-American, winner. Pageant winners are sent to war zones to cheer on American troops to kill, making the winner a death mascot. Pageant winners are shills that will promote products for money while claiming to be honest and objective. Only the woman who wins is "used" while the losers are "useless". Last years winners are forgotten immediately as is the same with all pop culture saying women have to be young and sexy. Conformity to being inoffensive, bland, and apolitical is the key to winning the Pageant. The pageant promotes judging women by appearance rather than men getting judged on actions. Thought Control used by the pageant to further the belief that men are oppressors and women to be oppressed. Page 33-34.
Ethnicity and Body Consciousness
Author: ● "The increasing display of slim bodies in the mass media motivated increased interest in the possible psychological effects of such images on young women's self and body image." β—‹ Study focused on white women β—‹ Black women deemed as displaying lower levels of body dissatisfaction than white women ● Black women who DO internalize thin ideal standards show similar levels of concern as white women. ● Black women are less likely to rely on others' approval, less likely to idealize dominant norms, and less likely to experience body dissatisfaction. ● Methods of research: Self-esteem, others' approval, body consciousness, female character affinities, body mass index. β—‹ Current studies had similar results to previously described studies.
We Do For Love
Author: Rose Weitz Studies show that men choose dates based off a women's looks (221). Hair flipping is a good way for women to attract men's attention because men know that it is a sign of flirting. Both women with short hair and Black women get frustrated with their hair because they cannot get the same attention as women with long hair (222). Styling and cutting hair gets attention as well. Many women dye their hair blonde or red. Athletes struggle between being feminine and being called a lesbian because of their "masculine" body, so many athletes have nice hair to counter their fit bodies (223). Black women struggle with the problem that society thinks Black women are less feminine/attractive than White women, so they aim their focus on their hair to be more attractive. It is a lot of work and they teach men to not touch their hair as a result. Disable women also counter their disability by having nice hair (224). In relationships, hair is be a good bonding connection, but it can also become an object for men to control/critique. As a result, many women will cut their hair after a break up (225). Some women do not like the attention they receive for their hair and will try to cover it up with things like a hijab. For one woman, the power to covering her hair is greater than being recognized for having pretty hair (227). In the end, women create the idea that there is a very specific and limited range of female appearance that is deemed acceptable (229).
Bodies and Bathrooms
Author: Dan Frosch Coy Mathis, age 6, was born a boy but identifies as a girl. Coy wants to use the girl's bathroom but the school refuses to allow this based only on Coy's sex even though her gender identity does not match it. School very accepting otherwise even referring to Coy as a girl and permitting her to wear girl's clothing. Coy leaves school because parents pull her out and the case is brought to court which decided Coy can use the girl's bathroom in public schools in 2013. The case brings attention to transgender children in school who feel uncomfortable and are bullied and harassed in school. Transgender: One who identifies with the opposite gender than the one society expects of the sex he or she is born with. Page 245-246
Still Needing the F Word
Author: Anna Quindlen The world has changed, but we are still far from a postfeminist era. Women are expected "to hide their intelligence in order to succeed with their male peers" (46). Once expected to meet standards of male counterparts and be perfect homemakers, women are now expected to be perfect professionals and still meet male standards. Essentially, women must always put others first and maintain effortless perfection.
belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
My Heroines & Our Grandmothers
Author: Marge Piercy & Maya Angelou "My Heroines" is a poem that defines true heroines as the ones persistently doing the invisible jobs without recognition, but without them, no progress could be made. "Our Grandmothers" is a poem about a slave who could be separted from her children if she ever made the wrong move or acted out. Despite her position, she vows, "I will not be moved" (113).
Feminist Men
Author: Byron Hurt The "Feminist Men" chronicles and discusses Byron Hurt's journey through his revelation that the practice and support of feminism is not specific to women. Hurt connects his personal experience with his distaste for his father's dominance attitude and then adoption of the same attitude. He concludes with the statement "Not only does feminism give women a voice, but it also clears the way for men to free themselves from the stranglehold of traditional masculinity." (716)
Toward a New Vision
Author: Patricia Hill Collins The author utilizes this article to shed light on the idea that the categories of oppression are not mutually exclusive but intersecting and parallel. Collins asserts that we need to move away from dichotomous thinking because that leads to the ranking of oppressions. We need to think in terms of inclusion and recognize that oppression and privilege coexist. To do this she believes we need to build coalitions through finding common ground or a course for social change, and building empathy by engaging in self-scrutiny and understanding.
Dichotomous Thinking
binary thinking. Either/or categorization
There is no Hierarchy of Oppression
Audre Lorde: Lorde's article focused on the prevelence of oppresssion no matter what group you belong in. For Lorde, she is a black, female, lesbian, mother of two in an interracial relationship. In the categories she places herself in, she can never shake off the traits other people attach to her. To the gay and lesbian community, she is the black woman. In the black community, she is the lesbian. All of the oppressions she faced permeated into one giant oppression. She, in turn, came to the conclusion that oppression doesn't come in levels, but comes all at once.
The idea that one sex is better than the other, and that sex should dominate the other.
White Privilege and Male Privilege
Author: Peggy McIntosh McIntosh, a professor at a university teaching Womens's Studies, tells her story of how she came to understand why males don't see the privilege they encounter every day. Being a caucasion, she fell into the same boat that men do: she doesn't see the privilege she recieves from what she was born into. After going through a self journey, she ends up with a sizeable list of what privileges she recieves, and what things are considered normal for white people.
White/Male privilege
advantages gained from others disadvantages
Fear of Feminism
Author: Lisa Marie Hogeland This article discusses many of the reasons that women fear feminism, including: β€’ "The Personal is Political": An opening of private matters to political analysis and discussion. β€’ Fear of politics and consequences, because feminism politicizes gender consciousness. β€’ Fear of complexity, thinking ideas, etc... because feminism is work. β€’ Fear of being identified as lesbian. β€’ Fear of being unable to find/attract a man. β€’ Feminism is not "safe", because one is standing opposed to their culture, being critical of institutions and behaviors.
"The Personal is Political":
An opening of private matters to political analysis and discussion.
Prosthetic Power
Author: Aimee Mullins In this article, Mullins discusses the different relationships between 3 things: ability (including disability), prosthetics, and beauty. She brings up the fact that people are changing the way people see prosthetics and disability, especially related to beauty. The article also discusses turning the "disability" aspect of prosthetics into an advantage in beauty, physical capability, and other parts of life. Through these different discussions, it also opens up discussion to the definition of beauty.
If the Clothes Fit
Author: Minh-Ha T. Pham Fashion determines how we are read and thus how we are treated. "If feminists ignore fashion, we are ceding our power to influence it. Fortunately, history has shown that feminists can, instead, harness fashion and use it for our own political purposes" (247). Women are judged more hashly on how they look. Also, women of color "consciously and unconsciously fashion themselves in ways that diminish their racial difference" (247).
Power dressing
women appropriating men's style of dress in an attempt to gain politcal and economic equality. Feminine apologetic = feminine touches on women's professional attire, that would otherwise be seen as imitations of men's fashion.
Hold That Nose
Author: Lisa Miya-Jervis Lisa use her own experience on refuse to surgically alter her Jewish honkin nose to discuss her idea that identities shouldn't be unites from religion and geography.
Is Fat a Feminist Issue
Author: Janna L. Fikkan & Esther D. Rothblum Pool evidence that demonstrates the impact of weight bias on woman, from employment & income, education, romantic relationships media, and race &ethnicity. Claims that feminist movement should pay more attention on fat issue The price paid by women as a result of weight-based discrimination is significant,..., and yet has received relatively little attention by feminist scholars when compared with other topics relating to weight or with other sources of discrimination impacting women.(240) That a fat woman's experience would not receive the same level of attention, critique, and organized action only serves to further devalue her.(241)
Cisgender Privilege
Author: Evin Taylor This article talks about gender privilege and how this privilege is involve in people's lives - Cisgender are those people who were defined as the people whose gender identity role, or expression is considered to match their assigned gender by the societal standards. - The word "cis" means "on this side. On the other side are the transgender people who are the ones who change, cross, or live beyond gender. This meaning matches with the prefix "trans" that means "change, crossing or beyond". - Taylor described gendered privilege as "who is able to live in a life and/or body that is easily recognized as being man/male or woman/female generally needs to spend less energy to be understand by others".
Opening Pandora's Box
Author: Felice Yeskel - Classes although different worlds can have similarities - Wealth is not the only form of different class but it is the most common - Many areas such as work and schools are separated by class - Gap between rich and poor greatest since 1929 - Race and class are intertwined (usually whites are middle or upper and Latinos/Blacks/Natives are poor) - People with disabilities are generally poor (low class) - Classism has also evolved into prejudice today - It is almost impossible to not have classism as it would mean no one would be rich or poor, but at the same time racism, sexism, heteronormativity will exist unless classism is solved
Author: Vivian M. May - A lot of people have Problems of Understanding/Normal Use of intersectionality - Intersectionality calls for analytic methods, modes of political action, and ways of thinking about persons, rights, and liberation informed by multiplicity - Intersectionality is the study of intersections between forms/systems of oppression, domination or discrimination - Categories such as: Gender, Class, Sexuality, Race, Age, Ability, etc. - Example: Life is different if you are a young white female as compared to an older black male - According to May, intersectionality is a feminist knowledge creation method (epistemology)
Don't Laugh, It's Serious, She Says
Author: Ellie Mamber With the narrator of the poem being a 55 year old single woman, she wonders why it is so hard when she is beautiful, smart, talented, etc. - The men her age at these social events are only concentrating on women that are much younger - She points out that these men need to focus on women like her before it's too late
The Social Construction of Disability
Author: Susan Wendell This article talks about how society actually constructs what she called "Pace of Life" that are all those requirements that a person has to fulfill in order to be categorized as a "normal" person. - Susan defines the construction of disability as "not thinking in people with disabilities and not making things usable for them" - She also talks about its deconstruction and what are some obstacles for making possible this deconstruction, some of those obstacles are: thinking that is a person misfortune, seeing it as a biological thing, etc. But finally she invites people disabled and abled to think in a way that both of them can access all the resources in life and all the opportunities that are in it
Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference
Author: Audre Lorde - Talks of differences among people in race, gender, sexuality, and how women should unite from this instead of attacking it
The Social Construction of Gender
Author: Judith Lorber - Everyone does gender - Gender construction starts with the assignment to a sex - People are treated differently and treat other differently based on sex - When assigned a gender people act and react like that gender would continuing a gender order - Gender ranks males above females and usually value a man's work more than that of a female - Men dominate positions of authority and leadership in society. - Most people follow gender norms as it has been built into them since birth
Rush Limbaugh and the New Networked Feminism
Author: Tom Watson - After Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut for testifying about contraceptive costs, people all over the nation were outraged and expressed their anger through social media. This led to many sponsors and radio stations dropping Limbaugh. - Social media has provided an outlet for women to voice their opinions against what they see as unjust (Rush Limbaugh, Susan G. Komen cutting funding for planned parenthood, Michael Moore bailing out Julian Assange after rape accusations). With social media, feminists can bring change in ways they couldn't before. It allows them to fight against the rape culture that almost forgives "violence and sexual assault against women" and claims that women provoke and ask for rape.
The Wife Elisabeth
Author: Emily Dickinson - A woman must fulfill her husband's and her society's expectations of how to behave, sacrificing opportunities and her own voice. - By linking the subject's brilliance to the images of pearls and weeds, Dickinson illustrates the deep suppression of wives' aptitudes, forever unidentified by the husbands.
Vampires & Vixens
Author: Alison Happel and Jennifer Esposito - Happel discusses popular culture's effects on impressionable adolescents, specifically how Twilight was successfully marketed to teens and young adults, but ultimately bears social and material consequences. - Texts in popular culture do not strictly reflect understandings of the world - they create the world. They are sites of education, critical sources of information, so it's necessary to critique what has a massive appeal to youth. - Twilight promotes the notion of postfeminism as well as the romanticized idea that helpless women should tame naturally aggressive men. Violent scenes are eroticized, disregarding history of violence against women. This upholds patriarchal views of "love, sexuality, and gender roles".
Beyonce: Feminist Icon?
Author: Sophie Weiner Beyonce claims that she is a feminist and has made many songs empowering young women. She has spoken out against issues such as the economic equality that many women face, and through her music, has become a role model for women of all ages to look up to. Some examples of songs that are empowering are telephone, independent woman part 1, survivor, etc.
Unraveling Hardwiring
Author: Cordella Fine The Great Male Variability hypothesis: "men are more likely to be outliers" (145). (ONLY TRUE IN THE U.S. and CANADA) Requires that we think of and study intelligence and aptitude as "hardwired" Requires that populations demonstrate invariance in outlier patterns
The Five Sexes, Revisited
Author: Anne Fausto-Sterling The author is responding to her own article "The Five Sexes" Intersexuality, gender ambiguity, and societal discomfort indicates a pressure for dimorphism Gender assignment (by doctors) and gender identity (from within) in conflict is painful
Trans-Identities and Contingent Masculinities
Author: Evelyn Blackwood One of the interviewer, his/her parents allow her/him to become a tomboy because that person would be protected by men privileges. Some of them still keep their responsibility at home like cleaning the dishes or laundry because they have a responsibility at home they want to fulfill to keep a respect and loyalty to the family. ^^Kinship is extremely important in Indonesia
What's Up With Boys *READ*
Author: Michael Kimmel & Christina Huff Sommers Transformation of discrimination. Now boys are being targeted, rather than just girls.
When I Was Growing Up
Author: Nellie Wong She is a dark chinese and she wanted to be white because they seem to have all the privilege in the world. She dates White males because she felt privilege.
Through the Lens of Race **
Author : Isis H. Settle Jennifer S. Pratt-Hyatt NiCole T. Buchanan Five Themes: Gender-based Mistreatment, perceived advantage, friendships and community, caretaking, work and family options. Women's perceptions of their gender reflect significant within-group heterogeneity Women are often devalued. So if you were a certain race you may face twice the discrimination The racism toward black women reinforces the fact that being a white woman is the norm
Wrestling With Gender
Author: Deborah H. Brake Wrestling is a sport rife with gender tensions and contradictions. Filled with masculinity even though theres a lot of touching Girls in wrestling must overcome negative cultural stereotypes associated with women in the sport and weather a variety of forces that coalesce to suppress female sports participation in early adolescence Some boys forfeit in case they are beaten, which shows that they are "weak" since they have been defeated by a girl who are stereotypically "weak"
Thinking About Shakespeare's Sisters
Author: Virgina Woolf Systemic oppressions which block the appearance of a female genus Challenges merit-based social analyses to picture the interlocking social structures which prevented her from writing "a room of her own, and five hundred [pounds]a year" β†’ economic and social power; public and private agencies
Enlightened Sexism
Author: Susan Douglas Douglas' article points out differences between media representations and social actualities of gender and economic or political power These media representations are also, insidiously, "the response... to the perceived threat of a new gender regime" (285)
If Women Ran Hip Hop
Author: Aya de Leon Intersectional analysis through speculative method: "if..." allows diagnoses of current problems by reimagining the system as something entirely new "men would be relieved" - How much of current hip-hop culture rests on "that front"? "all the young women... would unleash their brilliance"
A movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.
The concept of men as well as the ideals of men being the center and most integral part of society.
The assumption that heterosexuality is the normative behavior in any given setting that regulates "social policy"
Transnational feminisms
social movement forming on intersections of several social factors
Mythical norm
society creating a standard of "normal" to all people
Gender as a Social Construct
People are expected to act a certain way based on their perceived gender, despite the fact that sometimes chosen gender does not match biological sex.
Greater Male Variability
Men make up lowest and highest end of intelligence, meaning only a man could be considered as most intelligent.
Gender Identity
A person can relate more closely to a gender that does not match this person's given sex.
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