FIRST AID PRACTICE TEST #3 – American Red Cross Test – Flashcards

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1 An 8-year old child accidentally swallows a strong pool acid. The first treatment step is to: A. Contact a poison control center. B. Give the child water or milk to dilute the acid. C. Encourage the child to vomit by irritating the back of the throat. D. Mix one part sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) with ten parts water for the child to drink.
A. Contact a poison control center.
2 You find an unconscious student on your bus wearing a "diabetic" medic alert tag. You should: A. Put a candy under his/her tongue. B. Lay victim down and elevate head. C. Lay victim down and elevate feet. D. Make sure students airway is clear of vomit and check breathing and pulse until help arrives.
D. Make sure students airway is clear of vomit and check breathing and pulse until help arrives.
3 A finder that has been completely cut off should be: A. Placed in a glass of milk to preserve it. B. Packed in ice to freeze the finger so it can be attached later. C. Wrapped in sterile dressing, placed in a plastic bag and put the bag on ice. D. Splinted in its correct position so the nerves and blood vessels will start to grow back.
C. Wrapped in sterile dressing, placed in a plastic bag and put the bag on ice.
4 An abdominal would with exposed intestines (evisceration) should be cared for by: A. Gently pushing the organs back into place. B. Tightly wrap the abdomen to contain the organs. C. Covering the would loosely with a moist clean dressing. D. Flushing the wound with clean water and covering it snugly.
C. Covering the would loosely with a moist clean dressing.
5 An unconscious student suddenly has a seizure on your bus. You should: A. Put a spoon in his mouth so that he won't swallow his tongue. B. Remove objects that might cause injury and when the seizure is over, be reassuring and comforting. C. Try to stop the seizure. D. Tie the person to a chair or table, making sure feet and hands are securely tied.
B. Remove objects that might cause injury and when the seizure is over, be reassuring and comforting.
6 It is a very hot day; student has red, hot, dry skin, rapid weak pulse, and rapid shallow breathing. You should: A. Cool the body with rubbing alcohol. B. Apply cool wet cloths to the victims underarms and groin. C. Give the victim a big glass of ice water. D. Have victim jump in a pool of water.
B. Apply cool wet cloths to the victims underarms and groin.
7 On an extremely cold day, a boy fell and dropped his backpack in an ice pond. His fingers are bluish looking, You should: A. Warm the area gently by soaking the affected part in water no warmer than 105 degrees. B. Rub vigorously until color returns. C. Apply wet cold towels to affected parts. D. Apply rubbing alcohol to affected parts.
A. Warm the area gently by soaking the affected part in water no warmer than 105 degrees.
8 A child has taken an unknown quantity and type of pills, you should: A. Induce vomiting. B. Call poison control center and do not induce vomiting. C. Drink a large glass of milk. D. Lay on ground and raise feet above heart level.
B. Call poison control center and do not induce vomiting.
9 A child comes to you with a snakebite. You should: A. Apply a tourniquet 4 inches above the bite. B. Apply ice pack and elevate. C. Wash affected area and keep lower than heart and don't cut it. D. Cut and suck out as much venom by using mouth, apply tourniquet and elevate.
C. Wash affected area and keep lower than heart and don't cut it.
10 When treating a severe bleeding injury in the groin area, you should: A. Apply pressure to the pressure point. B. Use a tourniquet to control bleeding. C. Apply direct pressure to control bleeding. D. Wait for professional medical personnel to care for this sensitive area.
C. Apply direct pressure to control bleeding.
11 When giving CPR on a 25-year-old, you should compress the chest downward about _____ inch(es). A. One B. One and a half C. Two D. Two and a half
C. Two
12 A victim you are caring for has neck and back injuries and is in shock. When giving first aid, you should: A. Elevate the victim's legs about 12 inches. B. Minimize movement of the victim's neck and spine by wrapping the victim tightly in a blanket, then rolling the victim onto one side in case of vomiting. C. Give the victim small amounts of water or milk to drink, if thirsty. D. Minimize movement of the head and neck, maintain the victim's normal body temperature, and reassure the victim.
D. Minimize movement of the head and neck, maintain the victim's normal body temperature, and reassure the victim.
13 A student is found wandering on the freeway and admits to taking LSD. You should: A. induce vomiting immediately. B. Call 9-1-1 and calm and reassure the student. C. Lay student down and elevate his head. D. Have student go home and tell his parents.
B. Call 9-1-1 and calm and reassure the student.
14 A student slipped on the steps boarding the bus and knocks out front tooth. You should: A. Place the tooth back in the socket in its normal position. B. Throw the tooth away. C. Place tooth in envelope for the tooth fairy. D. Place tooth in milk, ice on the socket and send student to dentist.
A. Place the tooth back in the socket in its normal position.
15 A child falls on tan bark in playground and receives a splinter in his eye. You should: A. Wash eye with sterile water. B. Remove splinter immediately. C. Call 9-1-1 D. Wrap head and keep eyes still.
C. Call 9-1-1
16 A high school student gets stabbed on your bus that causes the organs in his abdomen to push out. You should: A. Push back in and hold together with students belt. B. Have another student sit on wound and take to hospital. C. Remove clothing around wound, cover the organs with a moist sterile or clean dressing and cover with plastic wrap, place a cloth over wound to keep organs warm. D. Let student bleed and take to hospital.
C. Remove clothing around wound, cover the organs with a moist sterile or clean dressing and cover with plastic wrap, place a cloth over wound to keep organs warm. gee do they have plastic wrap on a school bus?
17 A soccer player had a hit to his/her shin and you are unsure if it is just bruised. You Should: A. Splint injured area and help reduce pain and swelling are using ice. B. Ice for pain and send player back into game. C. Wrap with ace bandage and let player back into game. D. Elevate leg and use ice, lots of rest.
A. Splint injured area and help reduce pain and swelling are using ice.
18 Joe comes on the bus with his finger in his hand. You should: A. Take student and a finger to nurse. B. Wrap finger in sterile gauze and put in plastic bag and put bag on ice. C. Have student hold finger and till he gets home. D. Pack finger in ice and drive to hospital.
B. Wrap finger in sterile gauze and put in plastic bag and put bag on ice.
19 Student was stabbed with a knife in his guy. You should: A. Pull out knife and dress with sterile bandages. B. Poor alcohol on wound and pull knife out. C. Elevate leg after laying student down. D. Do not remove knife, place dressings around knife and bandage to hold dressings and knife in place.
D. Do not remove knife, place dressings around knife and bandage to hold dressings and knife in place.
20 Student fell off playground bars and can't move. You are unsure of a head or spinal injury. You should: A. Minimize movement of the victims head and spine. B. Lay victim on ground and elevate legs. C. Apply tourniquet to neck to hold head still. D. Reposition in proper sitting position.
A. Minimize movement of the victims head and spine.
21 To care for a major open wound, which is bleeding profusely, you must act at once. What do you do first: A. Wash wound B. Place dressing over wound C. Place dressing over wound and apply direct pressure. D. Apply direct pressure
C. Place dressing over wound and apply direct pressure.
22 Student slices his/her wrist on your bus. You should: A. Have student hold arm over their head B. Apply sterile bandages on wound and apply pressure C. Apply sterile bandages and pressure to wound, if not able to control bleeding. D. Use a tourniquet to stop bleeding.
C. Apply sterile bandages and pressure to wound, if not able to control bleeding.
23 A driver was thrown against steering wheel and your not sure of internal bleeding. What signs do you look for: A. Tender, swollen, bruised areas of the abdomen, rapid weak pulse, skin that is cool or moist, vomiting, coughing up blood, excessive thirst, becoming confused, faint. B. Bruised areas on stomach, rapid fast pulse, skin hot and moist, vomiting, coughing up mucous, drowsy C. Tender areas on stomach, normal pulse, skin that is cool to touch, vomiting, spitting blood, able to drink, faint D. Bruised area on stomach, no pulse, rapid pulse, cool skin, coughing, becoming confused.
A. Tender, swollen, bruised areas of the abdomen, rapid weak pulse, skin that is cool or moist, vomiting, coughing up blood, excessive thirst, becoming confused, faint.
24 A puncture wound to the chest cause by an ice pick or another sharp object causing air to be taken in and out, is called a sucking chest wound. What do you do: A. Cover the wound with a Band-Aid B. Sit victim up and tell him to breathe through his mouth C. Cover the wound with a dressing that does not allow air to pass through it. D. Let wound aloe as it will heal from the inside out
C. Cover the wound with a dressing that does not allow air to pass through it.
25 A co-worker has fallen onto a high voltage electrical wire. The victim is unconscious. Your best action is to: A. Quickly pull the victim away from the wire B. Push the victim away from the wire with an object C. Cut the wire between the victim and the power source D. Stay away from the victim until the power is turned off.
D. Stay away from the victim until the power is turned off.
26 A victim falls through an ice-covered pond and is pulled out ten minutes later. The victim is unconscious, but breathing. You should monitor the victim's pulse, maintain an open airway and: A. Give the victim warm fluids to drink B. Obtain a "core temperature" using a rectal thermometer C. Re-warm the victim as quickly as possible by immersing in a warm water bath D. Remove the victim's wet clothing, dry the skin, then cover the victim with warm blankets.
D. Remove the victim's wet clothing, dry the skin, then cover the victim with warm blankets.
27 A student at school comes to you with a tooth that has been knocked out. The tooth is in good condition and there is no bleeding. If possible, you should: A. Splint the tooth in place and dial 9-1-1 B. Pack the tooth in ice and have the student drink a glass of milk C. Refer the student to a dentist since saving the tooth is impossible D. Place the tooth in its normal position (in the socket).
D. Place the tooth in its normal position (in the socket).
28 A student has a rapid pulse, pale and moist skin, and is throwing up blood. You should treat for: A. head injuries B. Internal bleeding. C. Drinking a poison D. A cut in the mouth
B. Internal bleeding.
29 A student wearing contact lenses has a large splinter protruding from one eye. You should: A. Wrap both eyes tightly with a dressing B. Not attempt to remove the splinter and call 9-1-1. C. Carefully remove the contact lens and cover both eyes D. Flush the affected eye with the student's eye solution and cover the eye with a dressing
B. Not attempt to remove the splinter and call 9-1-1.
30 A 40-year old victim with a history of heart disease says, "I think I am having a heart attack." The victim has chest pain, shortness of breath and is dizzy and pale. While giving first aid, you should place the victim in a comfortable position, calm the victim, then: A. Begin chest compressions, rescue breathing and call 911 B. Call 911 and assist with medication prescribed to the victim. C. Call 911 and do not allow the victim to take prescribed medication D. Assist with medication prescribed to the victim and call 911, if the pain lasts over 20 minutes
B. Call 911 and assist with medication prescribed to the victim.
31 A child you are transporting swallows a large bug and is having difficulty breathing. The child has been coughing for over a minute. You should: A. Give back blows B. Raise the child's arms and give back blows C. Encourage the child to keep coughing. D. Give the child a teaspoon of olive oil to kill the insect
C. Encourage the child to keep coughing.
32 If you suspect a serious muscle, bone, or joint injury, you must: A. Apply ice to entire area you think is injured B. Give victim an aspirin C. Keep injured area elevated D. Keep the injured part from moving.
D. Keep the injured part from moving.
33 A child who is not breathing need: A. To be rolled on his side and slapped between shoulder blades B. Open airway C. Rescue breathing. D. Sit with child until rescue comes
C. Rescue breathing.
34 If a child is not breathing and has no pulse, give cycles of: A. 4 compressions and 1 breath B. 2 compressions and 2 breaths C. 3 compressions and 1 breath D. 5 compressions and 1 breath.
D. 5 compressions and 1 breath.
35 If a child is choking and cannot speak, give quick, upward thrust to abdomen, just above the navel until: A. The object is swallowed B. The object is forced out. C. The object is vomited out D. Until the child regains consciousness
B. The object is forced out.
36 Allergic reaction is can cause breathing problems. The victims tongue may swell closing the airway. What should you do first: A. Remove whatever is blocking airway B. Call for ambulance immediately 911. C. Lay victim on side D. Put victim in a sitting position
B. Call for ambulance immediately 911.
37 If you come across an unconscious victim, check to see: A. Victim is breathing B. Has a pulse C. Is bleeding severely D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
38 A heart attack has some common signals.The most important is: A. Elevated temperature B. Moist, clammy skin C. Pain or discomfort in the chest area that doesn't go away. D. Slow pulse rate
C. Pain or discomfort in the chest area that doesn't go away.
39 Many heart attack victims delay in getting treatment. If pain persists longer than _________ seek emergency help. A. 2 hours B. 30 minutes C. 5 minutes. D. 10 minutes
C. 5 minutes.
40 Little Jamie is laughing with her mouth open. A bug flies through the bus window and in her mouth. She starts coughing. You should: A. Have her drink a glass of water B. Let her continue coughing. C. Put her head between her legs until she stops D. Have her tilt her head back until she stops
B. Let her continue coughing.
41 To give rescue breathing, make sure you give 2 breaths every: A. 1 Second B. 2 seconds C. 1 & 1/2 Seconds. D. 30 seconds
C. 1 & 1/2 Seconds.
42 If you are forced to give abdominal thrust, give: A. 4 B 5 C. 1 D. 3
B. 5
43 And eye burn from a dry powder chemical should be treated first by: A. Bandaging both eyes B. Encouraging the patient to blink C. Flushing the eye(s) with a commercial eyedropper D. Flushing the eye(s) with water until the ambulance arrives.
D. Flushing the eye(s) with water until the ambulance arrives.
44 A football player complains of nausea and dizziness after a school game on a hot day. The player has pale, cool and dry skin. You are brought to the locker room to see the player. Your next step should be: A. Privately questioned the player regarding drug and alcohol use B. Apply rubbing alcohol to the player skin to quickly reduce body temperature C. Administer salt water or salt tablets to the player to replace salt lost through sweating D. Loosen the players clothing, apply cool wet cloth's and give small sips of water to the player.
D. Loosen the players clothing, apply cool wet cloth's and give small sips of water to the player.
45 A student being transported appears drunk and smells strongly of alcohol. At the final destination, the student appears to be "passed out," begins to vomit. The student is breathing normally and has a strong pulse. You should: A. Notify CHP's school bus office/coordinator B. Notify school officials about the students use of alcohol C. Clear the air way, place a student in a semi - sitting position, give the student hot coffee or milk to drink, and call 911 D. Clear the airway, place a student on the floor, roll the student onto their side and call 911.
D. Clear the airway, place a student on the floor, roll the student onto their side and call 911.
46 If direct pressure and elevating a wound on a leg fails to control severe bleeding, the next step is to: A. Apply a tourniquet B. Apply constricting band C. Apply pressure to the appropriate pressure point. D. Remove blood soaked dressings and replace with clean dressings
C. Apply pressure to the appropriate pressure point.
47 After giving a 25-year-old unconscious victim 2 rescue breaths, you determine the victim does not have a pulse. Your next step would be to: A. Administer 5 abdominal thrusts B. Begin cardio pulmonary resuscitation CPR. C. Reposition the victims head and sweep the airway D. Continue giving rescue breaths every 3 seconds
B. Begin cardio pulmonary resuscitation CPR.
48 When caring for shock victim, elevate the legs. A. Above the heart B. 12 inches. C. Over the head D. 6 inches
B. 12 inches.
49 Signals of shock include: A. Dizziness B. Pale, cool moist skin C. Rapid breathing D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
50 To stop the burning of skin on someone with burns: A. Apply butter B. Apply salt C. Apply cool water. D. Apply ice
C. Apply cool water.
51 Chemical burns should first be: A. Applied with butter B. Flushed with hydrogen peroxide C. Apply ice to burn area D. Flushed with cool running water.
D. Flushed with cool running water.
52 You should ______ go near a victim you think has been injured by electricity until you are sure the power has been turned off: A. Always B. Never. C. Intervals of 5 minutes to check pulse and heart rate D. None of the above
B. Never.
53 You come across victim lying on the highway who is seriously injured and who is in immediate danger. You should: A. Position your bus between the victim and the danger, turn on red flashers B. Drive on and call 911 as soon as you can C. Move the victim as quickly and carefully as possible. D. Stay away, don't put yourself in danger
C. Move the victim as quickly and carefully as possible.
54 Permission to give care to an unconscious or unable to respond victim is: A. Permitted B. Implied. C. Denied D. None of the above
B. Implied.
55 To find a pulse on a 12-year-old unconscious student, you should use your fingers to feel the: A. Inside of the wrist above the thumb (radial pulse) B. inside the arm at the bend of the elbow (ante-cubital pulse) C. inside of the arm, midway between the elbow and shoulder (brachial pulse) D. Adams apple, then pull your fingers into the groove at the side of the neck, (carotid pulse)
D. Adams apple, then pull your fingers into the groove at the side of the neck, (carotid pulse)
56 When beginning rescue breathing, a first aider must insure air is being delivered to the lungs and not the stomach. This is done by: A. Sweeping the mouth, pinching the nose and giving 4 slow breaths B. Tilting the head for word and catching the nose, while giving 4 quick breaths C. Using the modified jar thrust airway manoeuver, followed by too quick breaths D. Using the head tilt and chin lift method of opening the airway, followed by two slow rescue breaths.
D. Using the head tilt and chin lift method of opening the airway, followed by two slow rescue breaths.
57 A child is asleep in the sun and get sunburn covering the entire back. You should: A. Cover the area with a dry dressing B. Apply Vasoline ointment to the area C. Cover the area with a moist dressing D. Apply large amounts of cool water to the burn area.
D. Apply large amounts of cool water to the burn area.
58 An unconscious student suddenly has convulsions (seizures). You should: A. Apply wet towels to the student's forehead and underarms B. Hold the student firmly to restrict movement and prevent injury C. Insert a tongue depressor or similar object into the student's mouth D. Protect the student by removing nearby objects and keep the student's airway clear.
D. Protect the student by removing nearby objects and keep the student's airway clear.
59 What is the most important action you can take to help a victim. A. Calling for help. B. Clearing airway C. Moving victim to a soft spot to rest D. Applying pressure
A. Calling for help.
60 You can help to reduce disease transmission by: A. Avoid contact with body fluids when possible B. Wear protective clothing such as disposable gloves C. Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after giving care D. All of the above.
D. All of the above.
61 Before you help the victim you should: A. Check the scene and victim. B. Call 911 C. Recruit help from bystanders D. None of the above
A. Check the scene and victim.
62 To check for a pulse on a victim. A. Raise left arm and feet in armpit B. Straighten left arm and feel on wrist C. At the side of the neck. D. Place hand over the heart
C. At the side of the neck.
63 The best method for caring for an insect sting is to: A. Make a half inch incision over the site to relieve swelling B. Cover the stinger and wound with Vaseline to draw out the poison C. Remove the stinger, wash the site and apply a cold pack to the area. D. Apply a vinegar-soaked cloth to the area for five minutes, then remove the stinger
C. Remove the stinger, wash the site and apply a cold pack to the area.
64 An archery student is shot with an arrow that is protruding from both sides of the student's chest and back. The proper first aid is to: A. Attempt to remove the arrow, it can be done easily B. Stabilize the arrow in place with a bulky sterile dressing on both the chest and back. C. Cut the arrow off one inch from both the chest and back areas, then cover the wound area D. Apply antiseptic to the entry and exit areas of the wound, then cover the wound area with a moist dressing
B. Stabilize the arrow in place with a bulky sterile dressing on both the chest and back.
65 A victim of a traffic collision complains of next and back pain and has an open fracture to the lower arm with minor bleeding. You should: A. Control bleeding, then immobilize the arm B. Immobilize the arm, then control bleeding C. Minimize movement of the head and spine, control bleeding. D. Calm and reassure the victim, control bleeding and wait for professional medical assistance
C. Minimize movement of the head and spine, control bleeding.
66 After eating fish, a student is short of breath, appears swollen in the face and neck, complains of tightness in the throat and has a rash across the chest. Treatment should include determining if the student has allergies and: A. Administer abdominal thrusts B. Sweep the mouth before beginning rescue breathing C. Call 911 while calming and reassuring the student. D. Place the student laying face up, with arms above the head
C. Call 911 while calming and reassuring the student.
67 An unconscious six-year old with an obstructed airway is given abdominal thrusts. The next step is to: A. Administer chest thrusts and check the pulse B. Check the pulse and begin chest compressions C. Use the head tilt, chin lift method to open the airway D. Look in the mouth and finger sweep if necessary to remove any object.
D. Look in the mouth and finger sweep if necessary to remove any object.
68 During a field trip, you find a student whose pulse and breathing are rapid and the skin is cool and moist. You should treat the victim for: A. Shock B. Diabetic reaction C. Hyperventilation D. Morning sickness
A. Shock
69 You find an unconscious victim wearing a "diabetic" medic alert tag. You should: A. Maintain an open airway and regularly check the victims pulse. B. Locate the victim's insulin and administer it according to instructions C. Place the victim in a semi-sitting positions and administer fluids containing sugar D. Roll the victim onto their side and place a sugar cube or hard candy under their tongue.
A. Maintain an open airway and regularly check the victims pulse.
70 A student has ben shot in the chest. The wound is making a sucking sound with each breath. You should first: A. Use a plastic bag to reinstall the student's collapsed lung B. Put gauze in the wound to stop bleeding and escaping air C. Apply an antiseptic to the wound to prevent lead poisoning D. Cover the wound with a sterile dressing that does not allow air to pass through it.
D. Cover the wound with a sterile dressing that does not allow air to pass through it.
71 Splinting a suspected broken arm is done: A. After gentle movement confirms the injured part is broken B. After carefully placing the injured part in its natural position C. To keep the injured part and the joints on both sides from moving. D. To keep the part from moving, splinting the joints may cause further injury
C. To keep the injured part and the joints on both sides from moving.
72 A motorcyclist involved in a traffic collision is disoriented, complaining of neck pain, and is nauseated. The motorcyclist is bleeding from under the damaged helmet near the right ear. You should: A. minimize movement of the victim's head and spine. B. Roll the victim onto their side to drain the right ear C. Remove the helmet and check for a skull fracture D. Flush the right ear with water to locate the source of bleeding
A. minimize movement of the victim's head and spine.
73 After giving 2 rescue breaths on an unconscious six-year old child, you determine the airway is obstructed. You reposition the head and continue giving 2 more rescue breaths. The airway remains obstructed. Your next step is to administer: A. Chest compressions B. Four back blows C. Six chest thrusts D. Five abdominal thrusts.
D. Five abdominal thrusts.
74 A stoma is an opening in the front of the neck for breathing. When giving rescue breathing to a victim with a stoma, you should first attempt to: A. Give rescue breaths into the nose B. Give rescue breaths into the mouth C. Give rescue breaths into the stoma. D. Get special equipment before giving rescue breaths
C. Give rescue breaths into the stoma.
75 A first aider should move an injured victim when the: A. Victim is unconscious B. Victim is suspected of having a severe fracture C. Victim's position interferes with administering first aid or the victim is in a dangerous position. D. Victim's injuries appear minor and the victim wants to be moved to a more comfortable location
C. Victim's position interferes with administering first aid or the victim is in a dangerous position.
76 You observe multiple injuries to victims upon arriving at the scene of a traffic collision. Which of the following injuries should be cared for first: A. Abdominal injury with exposed organs B. Major bleeding from a large leg wound C. Vomit filled airway and noisy breathing. D. Broken upper leg (femur) with bones protruding through the skin and minimal bleeding
C. Vomit filled airway and noisy breathing.
77 An injured adult has refused consent for care but then loses consciousness and develops difficulty breathing. You should: A. Notify CHP for immediate assistance B. Not treat the victim since the victim has refused consent C. Treat the victim, consent is implied with unconsciousness. D. Attempt to contact the victim's family for consent to treat
C. Treat the victim, consent is implied with unconsciousness.
78 A student you are familiar with appears ill and is behaving strangely. You should: A. Call 911. B. Transport the student to their private physician C. Make a report to the school concerning the student's possible use of drugs or alcohol D. Ask the student to check with the school nurse or parent when they arrive at their destination
A. Call 911.
79 When calling 911, you should: A. Speak rapidly, 911 operators are very busy B. Speak clearly, follow instructions and hang up last. C. Move the victim near the phone so 911 can direct care D. Give your name and location, then hang up and return to the victim.
B. Speak clearly, follow instructions and hang up last.
80 Reducing the chance of disease transmission when providing first aid. A. Is not a concern with healthy students B. is unnecessary unless in direct contact with blood C. Includes avoiding all contact with students known to have a contagious disease D. is best achieved by wearing gloves and washing hands with soap and water immediately after giving care.
D. is best achieved by wearing gloves and washing hands with soap and water immediately after giving care.
FIRST AID PRACTICE TEST #3 - American Red Cross Test for BUS DRIVERS
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