Feudalism – Flashcard
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Where did knights stand in the social hierarchy of a feudal system?
below all nobles and above all peasants
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Where did the Magyars live in relation to what was then known as Europe?
to the east
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Read this excerpt about an invasion by Vikings in England. After Easter this year the Viking army we spoke of before came to East Anglia. They landed at Ipswich and marched straight to where they had heard [the lord] was with his local forces. . . . And the East Anglians ran off at once. . . . The Danes held the battlefield. Then they got horses and afterwards took control of East Anglia and plundered and burned the countryside for four months—they even went as far as the wild fens and killed men and beasts and set fires throughout the fens, and burned down Cambridge and then turned south to the Thames River. . . .Then they turned back to their ships with their plunder. What does this excerpt reveal about the Vikings?
They were raiders and they stole from people.
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In the feudal system, a land grant was called a
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What type of system was a manor system?
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