FELE Practice Test – Flashcards

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Teachers in a high school social studies department are developing school learning goals that address State Board of Education benchmarks related to a standard on preparing students to participate as active and engaged citizens. One of the benchmarks states that students will "Evaluate, take, and defend positions on issues that cause the government to balance the interests of individuals with the public good."
critical-thinking skills.
A principal wants to plan professional development activities for teachers aimed at reversing a school trend toward declining scores on the statewide reading assessment. The principal can most effectively begin the planning process by taking which of the following actions first?
analyzing test data to identify specific reading skills needing improvement or subgroups of students needing additional support
Three years ago a middle school implemented a new mathematics program. Following are some data derived from the school's scores on the statewide mathematics assessment for the last three years.
How can the achievement gap in mathematics performance between the total group and the subgroup be closed?
School administrators are in the process of designing a data report that will be used to communicate standardized assessment results to classroom teachers. The reports are likely to be most useful in facilitating and improving the teachers' instructional planning if they
include information about each student's performance on each section of a test
A principal has established grade-level teacher teams to provide teachers with professional support and improve school performance. A key school goal at this time is to "set and achieve high academic expectations for every student." In observing the teacher teams in action, the principal can best ensure that they are effectively striving to meet this goal if team members place the greatest emphasis on discussing ways to
respond to students who are progressing at different rates in the classroom.
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A recently hired principal at a low-performing school wishes to create a school climate that fosters strong academic achievement for all students. Which of the following approaches by the principal would best help promote attainment of this goal?
using a variety of means to communicate a vision of high expectations for students and faculty on a regular basis
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A principal, who has been reviewing student scores on the statewide assessment, is concerned about a significant and rapid decline in the performance of students from a subgroup in the school. The principal's best initial response would be to involve faculty and staff in
determining specific factors that are likely to be causing or contributing to the observed student trend.
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A recently hired principal wishes to evaluate teacher quality in the school by determining the extent to which the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices are currently being implemented. The principal can best achieve this goal by taking which of the following actions first?
arranging to spend time observing in each teacher's classroom
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A recently hired middle school principal has determined that many students from one subgroup, which makes up approximately one-quarter of the student body, often do not benefit fully from the instruction their teachers are delivering. The principal wants to offer the faculty suggestions for improving their performance in regard to this issue.
using a variety of materials during instruction that are likely to be relevant and meaningful to all students
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Last year a school district initiated an interim assessment program in which two interim assessments aligned with state-adopted standards for mathematics would be administered each year to students in grades 3 through 10. Which of the following issues should a principal in the district consider the most important concern during the first year of implementing the interim assessment?
The interim assessment results were not available to school staff until nearly 3 months after they were administered
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Which of the following practices observed in an elementary classroom would best reflect the teacher's commitment to the belief that all students are capable of learning and achieving academic success?
using increasingly intensive instructional interventions for students who continue to struggle
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A principal undertakes outreach to recruit individuals in the community who are interested in playing an active role in the school. Such roles include serving as a classroom volunteer, making classroom presentations in curriculum-aligned areas of expertise, and serving as a mentor to selected students. In doing so, the principal makes it a priority to reach out to members of the various demographic groups that make up the school community.
promoting all students' school success by valuing diversity
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A principal who is new to a school plans to use student results on both district- mandated interim assessments and annual statewide assessments to help monitor teacher performance. In using this approach, the principal can best help assure fair and accurate monitoring by taking into consideration the
previous performance of the students in each teacher's class.
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A principal recently led the development of a comprehensive database that includes standardized test results, classroom assessment results, and report card grades for all of the students in each grade level. Teachers can easily access the database to review existing information and enter new information
strengthening instructional decision making
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An elementary school principal is aware that certain student groups in the school, such as ELLs and students with an economically disadvantaged classification, tend to perform at substantially lower levels than their peers both in the classroom and on standardized tests. The principal can best address this situation by providing teachers with professional development aimed at improving their ability to
provide differentiated instruction that builds on students' unique strengths and experiences
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A principal in a school with a history of low performance is preparing to interview candidates for an open position in the English department. The principal is considering various prompts that could be used to elicit information from the candidates during their interviews.
Describe a significant problem you encountered in attempting to promote learning for one or more students, and explain how you addressed that problem.
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A school is planning to initiate a new mentoring program for beginning teachers. Goals of the program include promoting the instructional proficiency of new teachers and increasing new teacher retention. Which of the following practices used by school administrators would best help ensure the success of the new program?
providing initial and ongoing training for individuals who are selected to serve as a mentor
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A principal will be working with a small group of staff members to select professional development activities that all teachers will participate in during the upcoming school year. The principal can best promote effective decision making by guiding the staff members to place the most emphasis on which of the following criteria when evaluating each professional development option under consideration?
Does the activity match defined school goals and priorities?
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A principal will be leading a school in which most teachers work independently with minimal professional interaction with their peers. One of the principal's goals is to transform the school into a professional learning community in which groups of teachers will collaborate on an ongoing basis, analyzing and evaluating student performance and using reflection, discussion, experimentation, and problem solving to promote continuous improvement in student learning. The principal begins by leading many discussions with teachers about the characteristics, functions, and benefits of professional learning communities and by implementing training for teachers on relevant skills, including data analysis.
allocating time in the school schedule for teachers to work together
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An assistant principal has conducted an observation in a teacher's classroom. Although the teacher exhibited a number of strengths during the observation period, the assistant principal also identified some areas needing improvement. Which of the following actions taken by the assistant principal would best help in preparing for a productive post-observation conference with the teacher?
organizing data and notes collected during the observed lesson that can serve to guide discussion with the teacher
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A principal who was hired to turn around a failing school intends to conduct a thorough review of student performance on standardized tests to assist in analyzing current teacher effectiveness in the school. The principal can best ensure that this approach will yield accurate results by first taking steps to verify that
the curriculum taught in the school is closely aligned with the content addressed on the standardized tests.
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Peer coaching would be most appropriate to use as a professional learning strategy for teachers in which of the following school contexts?
A school recently hired a group of beginning teachers who are experiencing difficulty adjusting to the various demands of the job.
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A principal recently hired a new classroom teacher who appears to possess strong natural leadership skills. The principal would like to find ways to nurture and expand the teacher's leadership abilities. Which of the following approaches would likely be most appropriate and effective for the principal to use first in efforts to achieve this goal?
offering the new teacher opportunities to collaborate and contribute in a variety of school contexts
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A principal is planning to begin delegating a number of tasks to aspiring leaders. In implementing delegation plans, which of the following should the principal consider the most important responsibility?
engaging in ongoing monitoring of the quality and timely completion of delegated tasks
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An elementary school principal believes that one way to enhance the school's educational program is to develop a professional culture in which teacher leadership is expected and encouraged. Which of the following strategies would best help promote the development of such a culture?
supporting teachers' use of collaborative practice in addressing grade-level or schoolwide issues
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Which of the following classroom situations observed by a principal most likely reflects teacher behavior the principal should address as a violation of the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida?
A teacher blocks students' access to points of view that conflict with a significant segment of the school community's beliefs.
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Which of the following actions by a principal most clearly illustrates the principal's resiliency on the job?
leading faculty work groups to develop new strategies to turn around poor student performance after the failure of a previous effort
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Which of the following strategies for using technology would likely be most effective in helping enhance a principal's effectiveness as an instructional leader?
regularly participating in online collaboration for school administrators to share best practices and gather input from each other
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A second-year principal has just overseen the introduction of a new district- mandated teacher evaluation system in her school. Although all teachers now seem to accept the new system, the change caused a great deal of tension and conflict in the school over a period of several months. The principal would like to improve her ability to implement future school changes smoothly and efficiently.
surveying school staff to solicit their feedback regarding the recent school change process
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A superintendent has appointed a principal to lead a school whose performance is among the lowest in the district. The superintendent informs the principal that the first goal upon taking over leadership of the school must be to improve student achievement as measured by standardized test scores.
meeting with school stakeholder groups to establish a collaborative effort toward school improvement.
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Following the third round of school budget cuts in four years, an elementary school principal hears from many teachers about problems they are facing as a result of the cuts. In this situation, the principal should place the highest priority on taking action to address which of the following teacher comments?
"With the need to teach combination grade level classes, I'm often unable to provide adequate support to a number of students who need special academic assistance."
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Last year, after much discussion and debate, the principal of an elementary school with low performance in mathematics led staff in making a decision to begin a new mathematics program. The principal arranged initial and ongoing support for faculty in implementing the new program.
comparing the performance exhibited by students on standardized mathematics assessments before and after adoption of the program
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Last year a school began implementing a new district policy regarding instruction. Teachers have had extensive opportunities for training in use of the new instructional approaches, and at this point all but a handful of resistant teachers appear to be doing their best to implement these approaches. When the principal meets with one of the resistant teachers to discuss the issue, the teacher insists that he has been doing his job well for more than 20 years and is certain that the instructional changes currently supported by the school would be disruptive for his students and ineffective in improving their learning.
reinforcing the idea that instructional change is required of all faculty and soliciting the teacher's ideas about the kinds of support that would help him ease the transition
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A principal will be working with a team of stakeholders that includes teachers, administrators, specialists, and parents or guardians to develop a plan to improve the school's integration of technology and instruction. The principal can best help promote a successful effort by guiding the team to take which of the following actions first?
defining the desired outcomes of the plan in clear and concrete terms
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A principal is leading a middle school with many discipline problems involving student-on-student aggression, students who cut classes, students who misuse school property, and other issues. Which of the following actions considered by the principal would likely be most effective to use as an initial step for reducing such discipline problems and promoting a safe, positive learning environment for all students?
scheduling staff in ways that provide continuous supervision of students throughout the school
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A principal who is reviewing the school's current school safety and security practices should make it the highest priority to address which of the following issues?
Visitors are able to use any of a number of unattended entrances to get into the school.
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Which of the following is likely to be the most important logistical challenge for school administrators who are preparing to implement a peer coaching plan aimed at assisting experienced teachers in the school who are struggling to meet new district expectations for teacher performance?
managing schedules in ways that make time available for participants to collaborate without adding to the length of their workday
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The sponsor of a high school athletics club and his students plan to have a car wash on a Saturday in the school's parking lot to raise money to defray the cost of attending a summer athletics competition. Which of the following represents an acceptable procedure for handling funds collected during the car wash?
The club sponsor places all of the monies collected into a manila envelope and deposits the money following school protocol.
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Which of the following components is used as part of the calculation in the Florida
base student allocation
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A school's IEP committee is preparing an IEP for a student with an intellectual disability. The committee plans to require that the student receive two periods of instruction daily in a resource room. In evaluating the appropriateness of this accommodation under federal and state guidelines, the committee should take steps to determine that
the student cannot be provided with a satisfactory education in the regular classroom environment even with the use of supplementary aids and services.
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The principal of a middle school has been asked to confirm that the school is meeting requirements outlined in the federal Children's Internet Protection Act.
implemented a program for educating students about safe and appropriate online behaviors
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According to the Florida State Board of Education Consent Decree, students with limited English proficiency have a right to be provided with
adaptive technology that translates text into their home language.
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