Types of Internet Users Essay Example
Types of Internet Users Essay Example

Types of Internet Users Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (856 words)
  • Published: March 8, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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The Internet is one of the most powerful tools in the world; it allows people to do more tasks than any other piece of current technology. The Internet can replace several things altogether in one’s life: telephone, the postal system, physical shopping, banking at the bank, and even dating. With so much available on the Internet, it is hard to imagine that there are people who don’t use it; one could kind of picture those people listening to 8 tracks and talking on their corded rotary phones. But many people don’t have the means to the Internet, sadly.

For those who do, they can be classified into three basic categories: the newbies, the geeks, and the addicts. The newbies are the relatively new computer users. Newbies are all ages; children just learning about the Internet are newbies as are older


people who are trying to become more techno-savvy. Regardless of age, a newbie is a newbie. Many sites will actually call new users or newly registered people “newbies”. Newbies are often recognized online by other Internet users because of their lack of Internet lingo and the speed of their responses.

A newbie will question what someone means when they type a shortcut into a conversation such as LOL or GTG. A newbie’s response will be: LOL? It’s not hard to pick these guys out. Newbies are often more likely to give out personal information as well. This can be a safety factor for children and adults alike, but Internet predators may be looking for people who appear to be less technologically inclined, assuming they are easier prey. Teens are especially susceptible to online chat room dangers. They

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can easily buy into someone’s praise of them.

Newbies will learn their way around the Internet in no time and in about a year will graduate to one of the other levels of Internet users: geeks or addicts. Everyone has a pretty good impression of what a geek may look like; however, an Internet geek can look like the nerd portrayed on television to the most glamorous or handsome person on the block. Internet geeks are very techno savvy. They utilize the Internet for almost everything. These are the guys and girls who download songs and movies free of charge.

These are the guys and girls who rarely watch their televisions any more or use their telephones because they do everything over the Internet. If someone has a question, they are on their laptops searching for the answer and will have it in minutes. Internet geeks are constantly running virus scans and downloading something that will better help their systems to run. Internet geeks are also the ones responsible for many of the viruses that the other geeks are trying to avoid getting. Everyone wants to have an Internet geek on their list of friends.

Finally, there are Internet addicts. Much like geeks, the Internet addicts do virtually everything over the Internet, but they go one step further. Internet addicts are on the Internet all the time. If they are not sleeping, they are in front of their computers. Many Internet addicts have jobs that give them access to the Internet during working hours. While this is frowned upon by many companies, the addicts will jump online regardless of the cost. The desire to be surfing the web

or answering emails is so strong that they are even willing to get in trouble at work.

Internet addicts post to forums, send forwards to their friends’ emails like they are bearing gifts, and often form relationships with people online since that is the place that they most like to be. Internet addicts aren’t necessarily anti social, but they prefer to spend their time online “meeting” people, playing games, or being entertained in other ways such as through news casts or entertainment sites. Internet addicts have very little use for magazines, newspapers, postal mail or television.

Everything they need to make them happy can be found on the Internet. The Internet is one of the best tools ever introduced to society. It helps millions of people every day in millions of different ways. It provides access to information faster than any other form of research or inquiry; it allows people to instantly communicate and to stay in touch with relatively little cost. The Internet had changed lives and society. Almost everyone knows about the Internet, but there is still a small portion of society who has yet to actually utilize it.

The newer users are referred to as the newbies, and they are the virgins of the information highway. After they spend a year or so getting their feet wet, they can become geeks. Geeks love the Internet and spend countless hours mastering it and utilizing it for the good of all humanity. Newbies can also become addicts. Addicts have a more selfish approach when utilizing the Internet; they love it just as much as the geeks but use it simply as a form of entertainment and make

it their lifestyle. All Internet users have a little bit of newbie, geek, or addict in them.

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