Tom Thomson Unsolved Mystery Essay Example
Tom Thomson Unsolved Mystery Essay Example

Tom Thomson Unsolved Mystery Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (277 words)
  • Published: July 16, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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"Ultimately, they will understand my feelings." - Tom Thomson. The puzzling death of the esteemed painter Tom Thomson has sparked a multitude of theories, ranging from suicide, accidental death, drowning to conjectures linking his demise to financial issues or conflicts related to war. In my view, only self-destruction or homicide are credible reasons for his departure. No matter what the reason behind his passing is, it's undeniable that Thomson's art has significantly increased in value and fame posthumously.

In 2002, the National Gallery of Canada hosted a significant exhibition showcasing Thomson's work, thereby placing him on an equal footing with eminent artists such as Picasso, Renoir, and the Group of Seven. This could possibly explain why Thomson decided to end his life - perhaps to safeguard his art's rep


ute whilst also providing for his wife Winnie. His undisclosed commitment towards Winfred Trainor might have been an additional influence on his decision. Shannon Fraser, the proprietor of Mowat Lodge, revealed to author Charles Plewman (who was a good friend of Thomson) about Tom's high anxiety regarding marriage.

Many people speculated that Winnie's pregnancy put immense pressure on Tom. It is believed that Tom was so terrified of the prospect of becoming a parent that he would rather end his own life. Another reason for this belief is a piece of artwork by Katie Ohike titled "Tom Thomson's Paddle." During the creation of this artwork, Ohike made a comment: "When creating this piece I was struck by how intentional one must be to wrap something 17 times." This statement serves as evidence that Tom's death was not accidental but either a murder or

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a suicide.

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