The Effects of Computer Technology to Student’s Lifestyle and Study Habits Essay Example
In the years where computers are not yet invented, students are not yet engaged in activities using technologies. Students rely on books and visit library facilities to study, read their notes and to review their school lessons. During those years, despite the lack of computers and hi-tech gadgets students still achieve high and good grades and the students are still focused on their studies. They strive hard just to attain higher and better grades in their education. As years passed, industrial evolution occurred and great changes and improvements happened. One of these changes is the invention of the computer.
Some people can’t afford to buy one for themselves or for their children. But for people who have enough money to buy themselves a computer, they are lucky because they can use the computer to make things easier for
...them. Students can use the computer to do their home works and projects. Students who can’t afford to buy a computer just go to the library to read books, to do research works, and to make their school projects. During the years when computers were first invented, people make use of computers to help them accomplish their works and to make their tasks lighter and faster.
Now in the present time, the age of modern technology, where almost everything is high-tech, computer technologies has greatly improved and has had become better. These days, the computer technology industry is rapidly growing and changing. Along with that growth and change of computer technology are the people who almost instantly adapt to the changes. The reason why computers technologies are invented is to help make people’s life easier and to improve thei
way of life, especially the students. Modern computer technologies make studying easier and fun to students.
Computers help students in their studies for students can start and finish their research works by just a few clicks in the computer. Because in the past years where computers are not yet born, the students find it hard and difficult to study because of lack of resources but in our time today students almost have all the things they need to study better. But as usual, things can have a positive and a negative effect. Students benefit from computers but they are also affected by the bad influences that computers cause.
According to what we have observed in our present time, the true essence of the proper use of computer technologies is slowly being forgotten and ignored, thus, becoming a problem and concern of most parents and teachers. Some parents say that computer is a distraction to their child’s education because most students nowadays are addicted to compute games like Counter Strike for the boys and social networking sites such as Facebook. com for the girls. Students spend their money and waste their time doing this kind of things rather than focusing on their studies and attending school.
Students are not thinking that too much time they spend with computers also consume too much electricity everyday which become an additional expense in part of the parents. Teachers also worry about the students on using the computer students nowadays just copy and paste their assignments and submit them without reading and analyzing the content. The ability of the students in critical thinking and their sense of creativity and originality is slowly being
lost because students now just rely on what they find and search on the computer.
Also, the students become lazy because the role of computers now for the students is to do their assignments for them, not to help them broaden their knowledge and come up with original work and creative projects. Most students now use computers not to do research work, but to play games, opening their facebook accounts to chat with friends and the worst, to destroy other’s dignity by the social networking wars and arguments. Students also make use of the computer to watch pornographic pictures and videos to satisfy their selves.
Students can use the computer to fake their grades which they send to their parents. Staying in front of the computer for long hours can also affect the health of the students especially their eyes due to the radiation of the lighting of computer screen produce. Computers can also be used in forgery and faking of important files and documents which is a major crime especially in the city of Manila. Despite these negative effects of computers, computer technology has made our lives a lot easier and convenient.
For instance our banking needs. Years ago, people had to manually file the important data of their customers; now they just use the computer to find these data. In just one click, they would instantly find the name of the customer, the birth date, the address, e-mail address, phone numbers and etcetera. As for the clients of these banks, they can also easily get a quick look at their account balances through logging in to the bank website; in addition to that a lot of
people are able to apply for a loan with the use of the computer.
Because of the birth of computer technology, we now have credit cards or what others call plastic money, which are very useful especially when we do not have cash on hand or when you are ordering a certain product through the internet. It's amazing how computer technology has changed so much our way of living. Nowadays, purchasing products such as cellular phones, bags, household utensils, and clothes or even paying the bills can be effortlessly done at the comfort of your own home.
With the use of the computer a lot of students especially those with unfortunate disabilities or severe illnesses are able to enroll to different schools through home schooling. Students are even able to take their examination tests or check out their grades by the use of the computer. To the students, the positive effect and benefit they can get from using computers is that they get instant availability of resources, preparation for examination, produces neat and readable product, can reduce the need for hard cover text books, and prepares students for using the machines in college.
Today, the affect of computer technology to students depends on the student who use it. Most students now use computers in the wrong way and others don’t know how the use the computers in the way where they can get good benefits from it. The goal of this research study is to determine all the possible negative and positive effects of computer technology to the life style and study habits of students. Also, the researchers want to prove through this research that if computer technology
is used in a good way, it can be very helpful to the students’ way of life.
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