Gregory’s Girl – plot and how gender stereotypes are reversed Essay Example
At the beginning of the Gregory's Girl it start's at the football trial Phil is refusing Dorothy at the trial by being patronising and sexist as he uses words such as "Dear and sweetheart." Dorothy is a very self-confident and ambitious person and won't take "no" for an answer. She is also a bit rude and cheeky when she answers Phil back "You didn't say boys only. You're not allowed to anyway, I want a trial." Basically she feels that it is unfair to only have male members on the team and that she thinks just because he is judging her on her gender it is unfair. She thinks that a woman player could just be as good as a man. Andy and Gregory are watching the trials from the sideline and start speaking about Dorothy.
...y is falling for Dorothy. When Steve and Gregory are talking to each other Gregory falls in a daze and repeats what others say, "Body contact!" Gregory is still in his own little world " I'd pick her..." and " as close as she liked." Dorothy is being boastful and arrogant "I was the best you know I was the best." Dorothy uses short sentences, monosyllable words, which emphasise her points. She is emphasising that she is good and she feels confident because she thinks and knows that she is a good player because she is playing better than most of the people on the team and to let Phil know that she is good enough for the team as she really wants to join the match and should let her join and not judge her by gender.
Later in th
cookery room Steve is making fun of Dorothy when Gregory says he in loves and can't sleep Steve replied, "Sounds more like indigestion." and "maybe you're pregnant." Steve thinks he joking about Dorothy. Gregory is so confused because he is infatuated and is being repetitive because he can't express himself. "She's got teeth, lovely teeth, lovely white teeth." This shows that he has gone off to his own little world again. Steve is still carrying making fun of Dorothy. Steve is being very straightforward about Dorothy to Gregory saying that he has "no chance" with going out with Dorothy also using monosyllable to emphasising it.
As the second match commences Carol and Dorothy begin to talk about Gregory who is currently playing in goal. Carol has realised that Gregory fancies Dorothy and asks Dorothy whether she likes him. Carol informs Dorothy that Gregory is "crazy for" her. Dorothy is surprised by this and replays by saying "oh" carol then goes on saying that Gregory couldn't takes his eyes of her in French " He was even drooling at your school bag."
Dorothy only thinks about Gregory as a football player not in any other way at all being as a boyfriend. Dorothy thinks Gregory is "an idiot." Gregory is trying to impress Dorothy by using numbers "split second, two microseconds" On the other hand Dorothy is totally not impress with Gregory. Gregory is getting jealous that everyone is looking at her. Gregory thinks that Dorothy belongs to him and doesn't want anyone to look at her " what a girl! nice legs too eh?" then Gregory isn't satisfied with Andy by saying, " Andy, please."
Dorothy is ignoring
Gregory and Dorothy is carrying on with what she is doing. Gregory is trying to flirt and impress Dorothy "bruise like peach, boing, bruise, bop, bruise..." Gregory is using lots of monosyllable words, which is emphasising what he is saying. Gregory is trying to be funny and impress her with his arm "no...it's this arm...see stuck." Gregory is trying to impress Dorothy with his Italian and failed because he only knows one word "Bella! Bella!" and he says he can speak Irish because it the same as English! Gregory is trying to be clever when Dorothy is around because he is trying to show-off his talents.
Gordon gets a date with Dorothy within 2-3 minutes where as Gregory has totally failed before and he is very jealous and he mimics Dorothy because he hasn't replied to Gregory straight away where as she answered to Gordon first.
Gregory is trying to learn Italian because he only knows one words and he wants to impress Dorothy with more Italian. The only reason why he wants to now more on Italian because he has heard
Madeline is helping Gregory because she is more mature than his older brother Gregory.
Steve doesn't care about Gregory and Dorothy and is taking the fun of him and Dorothy again "you're the goalkeeper, she's the sweeper." Steve is being straightforward and honest that he has no chances with Dorothy " another ten years...and you'll cry your eyes out." Gregory is trying to change Steve mind around with food and is trying to make Steve to think about his chances with Dorothy " I'm going through a crisis."
Gregory wants a picture of Dorothy but he too afraid
to say it for him and say that he getting it for a friend who is very shy.
Gregory is perfecting his image before he goes to see Dorothy. Gregory is trying to impress Dorothy again by using numbers "nothing that can't wait a million years." Gregory is trying to show-off in front of Dorothy "great, first class" using monosyllable, which is emphasising what he is saying. Gregory is trying to impress her again and is praising her but she is just interested about football practise but not him. Dorothy is saying to Gregory that he gets out of breathe really easily "you waste a lot of energy." Gregory is trying to impress her and failed about what he eats and Dorothy knows he eats twice as much. "Double apple pie and custard.
Madeline the younger girl is telling Gregory advice to prepare for the date and to improve his self-image "do your neck, do your underarm."
He gets pass on from one girl to another and he doesn't know what happening until he gets with the girl who fancies him. He though he has his the jackpot by going out with three girls in one day. Dorothy friends have set him up because they were trying to get Susan and Gregory together instead Gregory being with Dorothy, which has works but has been worthwhile.
Gregory's Girl is a play, which is a reverse sex stereotyping because usually it the boy who asks a girl out but in Gregory's girl it is the girl who asks a boy out. Also it is girls who are normally better at cooking but in this case it is a boy who is
better at cooking than a girl. Most things that happen in Gregory girl are mostly reverse sex stereotyping for example when Gregory is absolutely useless at playing football and he is trying to be the goalie. On the other hand Dorothy is a very good football player. Also the younger people in Gregory girl are more mature this is shown when Gregory little sister Madeline knows what is going on with Gregory because he is acting in a very immature way.
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