Jazz Essays
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Search paper Pinnacles of Perfection: Phish and the Evolution of Jamming For as much as I love Phish, there is so much music I hadn’t heard until I decided to write this paper. It was almost impossible for me to have lots of experience with all the different periods of jamming they had. I decided […]
Review Michael Buble is often referred to as the ‘new face of jazz’; the thirty-eight year old jazz/pop sensation has won three Grammy awards as well as multiple Juno awards. Buble has had ten albums, which have all been great hits. Buble’s 2009 album Crazy Love debuted at number one after only three days of […]
Thelonious Monk “You know anybody can play a composition and use far-out chords and make it sound wrong. It’s making it sound right that’s not easy. ” This quote spoke by Thelonious Monk himself represents his whole career into two sentences. He was widely considered one of the most influential jazz piano musicians. What is […]
James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” portrays the theme of suffering through the struggle between two brothers attempting to comprehend each other. The story highlights the challenges faced by African-Americans in the mid-twentieth century, where their societal status was determined by race. Though the brothers seem dissimilar initially, Sonny’s brother starts comprehending his sibling’s peculiar ways towards […]
The importance of knowledge management is exemplified by the experience of being invited to a concert. Whether it’s planning a night out in Washington DC or any other aspect of life, utilizing both explicit and tacit knowledge can enhance the overall experience. This article delves into how these types of knowledge can be applied to […]
Sonny’s Blues, authored by James Baldwin in 1957, portrays the experience of coming of age in 20th century Harlem, during a time marked by an intense popularity of jazz music and the prevalent racism within urban communities. The narrative recounts the journey of two African American brothers as they endeavor to comprehend each other and […]
This essay will focus on a comparison, contrast and review of the opening sequences of ‘Sex and the City’ and ‘The Sopranos’. I will analyse how each scene depicts and represents the city of New York, and how the actual programme itself is portrayed. I will deconstruct and break down each technique used, and how […]
The challenge in addressing this question is defining the term ‘black music’. Does it refer to music created by black individuals, for black audiences, both, or neither? Moreover, what distinguishes it from ‘white music’? Additionally, legal classification based on race (black or white) presents challenges, as various states historically used different criteria to determine someone’s […]
Scott Alexander (2008) asserts that musicologists widely recognize the Original Dixieland ‘Jass’ Band’s 1917 release of Dixie Jass Band One Step as the first-ever Jazz record, signifying almost a century of Jazz history. Jazz has undergone evolution and diversification, much like any other musical style or genre, resulting in several branches and sub-genres. Its inception […]
This phrase, from the liner notes of “My Favorite Things” clearly defines Coltrane’s life and his search for the incorporation of his spirituality with his music. John Coltrane was not only an essential contributor to jazz, but also music itself. John Coltrane died thirty-two years ago, on July 17, 1967, at the age of forty. […]
Glenn Miller and the Swing/Big Band Era Glenn Miller, born on March 1, 1904 in Clarinda Iowa, was a highly influential musician who led the most popular big band in the world from 1939 to 1942. His orchestra, which is considered the most beloved of the swing-era, achieved tremendous success across various melodic music genres. […]
Introduction to Music Essay Music is an art, having various styles and types. The expanse of music may be difficult to understand by people who are not engaged in the art. In my attempt to achieve a deeper and more precise understanding of music and music-making, I approached one of our local musicians for a […]
Langston Hughes is considered by many readers to be the most significant black poet of the twentieth century. He is described as …the beloved author of poems steeped in the richness of African American culture, poems that exude Hughess affection for black Americans across all divisions of region, class, and gender. (Rampersad 3) His writing […]
The career, creative achievements and artistry of Julian “Cannonball” Adderley marked a new outstanding epoch in jazz music, which he and his vivid improvisations opened in the history of jazz. He was among the most significant musicians, alto saxophonists, educators and enthusiasts of jazz and soul-jazz cultures of the twentieth century. He had own unique […]
Something’s Coming appears towards the start of the musical and introduces Tony, the male lead. Through the song, the audience finds out that Tony is waiting for something to happen and feels like it will be soon. You will notice the use of muted brass in the accompaniment, a subtle jazz reference that places the […]
During the Roaring Twenties young Americans responded to this criticism by expanding on all of these violations, with more outrageous slang, jazzier music and dance, shorter and flimsier dresses and shorter hair. The dance styles of the 1920s were vibrant, lively, exuberant and full of life. In the 1920s many people would dance for long […]
Music is everywhere. You wake up in the morning to your alarm clock blasting music into your ear. Then you take a shower and sing your favorite tune. Even when you enter your car, you turn on your radio and rock out to your favorite music station. Music is not just an art, it is […]
Cultivated music is type of music that is imported to another place or country, whereas Vernacular music is type of music that originally comes from the country. Then, vultivated music in America means that music from other countries that are brought to America. For example: Opera. Opera is a music that originally from Italy. If […]
Describe some of the influence of Latin music in the US in the early part of the twentieth century. The influence of Latin music in the us in the early part of the twentieth century was the start of a new genre of music called “Afro-Cuban Jazz” What was the significance of “Machito and His […]
The two concepts that make up a musical theme are unity and variety. These two concepts although very different function together to make up a piece’s theme. Unity gives that feeling of familiarity while variety gives you exactly that, variety. Different sound sources and different levels of sound. In the analysis of Manha De Carnival […]
When it comes to music, I see head arrangements and written arrangements as being alike. Even though jazz musicians don’t receive much acknowledgment, they continuously compose while improvising. Many melodies they create are not documented or recorded. If miniature tape recorders had been accessible in 1942, I would have been able to compose a new […]
The story “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin makes excellent use of multiple literary elements. Namely, I think the writer utilizes symbolism and the nuances of point of view to give the story a deeper connotation that could not be said plainly. The meat of the story is about an unnamed older brother’s relationship and differences […]