Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Conflict.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Conflict. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Conflict on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Conflict, and much more. Keep on reading!

Strategies for Resolving Conflict Essay Example
1401 words 6 pages

Conflict is inevitable; even though some conflict can be good most of the time other times it can be harmful to a team. By definition conflict is any situation in which incompatible goals, cognitions, or emotions within or between individuals or groups that lead to opposition or antagonistic interactions. Conflict can be damaging but with […]

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Conflict Conflict Resolution Interpersonal Communication Personal Goals
Horton hears a who Essay Example
1052 words 4 pages

Horror’s Journey Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mild. -Dry. Issues. This quote really relates to this story called Horton Hatches the Egg. In the same way that this quote states , how we have to be who we really are […]

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Conflict Elephant English-Language Films Large Animals Society
Analysis of “The Grave” Essay Example
991 words 4 pages

An Analysis of “The Grave” The grave is the story of a young girl named Miranda who goes exploring and hunting with her brother Paul, one afternoon. Upon trespassing onto private property that their family had sold, and inspecting some empty gravesites, both Paul and Miranda find hidden treasures inside the empty earth. Both had […]

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Books Children Conflict Narration Protagonist Society
Exposure to Conflict Essay Example
1035 words 4 pages

In this world we are often exposed to elements of conflict with other people and this can sometimes have a negative effect on our identity and sense of belonging. As social creatures, we need to belong because we develop an understanding of ourselves through our relationships with others. When these associations are threatened we can […]

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Belief Conflict Human Social Psychology
Regional Conflict Essay Example
964 words 4 pages

Contemporary political environment is characterized by numerous political hotspots. Iraq, Pakistan, Israel, and Palestine are the regional conflicts of international significance. Many national leaders neglect the risks of local military conflicts. In reality, local conflicts possess considerable potential to be turned into a global war. Iraq: global perspectives of a local conflict The military intervention […]

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Conflict Iraq Iraq War
Introducing New Products for Growth in Organizations
1328 words 5 pages

Introduction All organizations need new products in order to continue to grow, as most of the products you can find in any market today are in their maturity stage and have very little possibility of growth.Most departments within an organization will be involved, in one way or another, in the development of a new product.We […]

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Business Process Conflict Leadership Marketing
Encountering Conflict Analysis Essay Example
1175 words 5 pages

The experience of conflict is multifaceted. It has the power to either debilitate individuals or motivate them to surpass their limitations. This phenomenon is pervasive, with conflict manifesting in numerous ways, locations, and with varying levels of intentionality. The impact of conflict runs deep and can affect people in distinct ways. To navigate these challenges, […]

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Bullying Conflict Ireland Israel
The Great Leapfrog Contest And Essay Example
1616 words 6 pages

In the short stories, ‘The Good Corn’; written by H.E. Bates and ‘The Great Leapfrog Contest’; by William Saroyan techniques such as characters, point of view, setting and structure work together to explore the issue of personal conflict and establish tension between the main characters in each story. An examination of these techniques allow a […]

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Animals Books Character Conflict Divorce English-Language Films Fiction Poetry Short Story Social Institution
Ethnic Conflict in Assam Essay Example
1282 words 5 pages

Jerei Hagramaya Gawo, meaning “the way forest weeps,” is a significant novel by Ratna Bharali Talukdar that explores the ethnic conflicts in North East India. Published in October 2012, it focuses on the tension between the Bodos and ‘Aadivasis’ during the 1990s. Despite a history of coexistence, discontent among these indigenous inhabitants has grown due […]

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Aggression Conflict Violence
How Does Lofgren Manage Conflict Essay Example
588 words 3 pages

Conflict happens when there are dissimilarities in opinions, values or goals in deciding or resolving a matter where each party would want the best outcome. This situation is common when there are a group of people deciding on a matter or problem. As each individual is unique, more people in a group will generally generate […]

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Conflict Mediation Negotiation Teamwork
Purple Hibiscus: Analysis on How Conflict Is Portrayed Essay Example
689 words 3 pages

In the novel, Purple Hibiscus, Adichie clearly portrays the conflicting oppression of Kambili’s patriarchal household – where she is ordered to follow a strict ‘schedule’ – to the realisation of an almost ‘holiday’ like freedom she is exposed to when visiting Aunty Ifeoma and her family. In this extract, the author also intentionally expresses the […]

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Child Conflict Literature
Effectively managing interpersonal conflict Essay Example
293 words 2 pages

It’s not unusual for people to have disagreements, though they are generally unwelcome. However, if managed appropriately, these disputes can transform into instructive events that aid individuals in comprehending their colleagues’ responsibilities and the subject matters they need to deal with thoroughly. The following are some techniques for handling conflict more effectively: 1) Opting for […]

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Conflict Conversation Interpersonal Communication Social Psychology
The Concept of Intra-Union Conflict Essay Example
1413 words 6 pages

The concept of intra-union conflict is not much different from that of intra-group or intra-organizational conflict. However, before we delve into that argument, it is essential that we consider an authoritative view of the subject matter from the International Labour Organization (ILO). The ILO (2006) states that ‘Conflicts within the trade union movement’ is “A […]

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Conflict Teamwork Trade Union
Example of Potential Conflict or Dilemma Essay Example
604 words 3 pages

Example of potential conflict or dilemma: A child wants to go outside and play, but it is raining and cold outside How to manage the risk I would insist they wear a coat, and shorten the length of time they are outside for. Where to get additional support and advice The EYFS framework states that […]

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Child Childhood Conflict Risk
Conflict and Political Relations Between China and America and How to Manage Them Essay Example
5502 words 21 pages

Executive Summary China has put a great effort to modernize its military since 1950s. The nation started by improving the welfare of the military. It has also embarked on adequate and comprehensive training of its soldiers. Education standard has been improved to ensure military forces are provided with adequate knowledge necessary to play their role […]

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Conflict Conflict Management
Effects of Cognitive Appraisals of Communication Competence in Conflict Interactions Essay Example
1183 words 5 pages

The study examined the effectiveness of party correspondence during conflict in both Western and Chinese societies. In Singapore, a pilot study was conducted with 30 participants to investigate communication skills in intercultural conflict situations. Western participants focused on assessing the other party’s competence by considering the timeliness and relevance of their communication as indicators of […]

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Conflict Conflict Management
Social Conflict and Critical Criminology Essay Example
747 words 3 pages

Siegel discusses social conflict and critical criminology (2011). Based on his arguments, this paper will discuss what conflict criminology is, and how it contributes to crime in today’s society. It will also discuss how relative deprivation and a stratified society contribute to crime and delinquency. It will discuss various sociological schools of crime causation, and […]

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Conflict Conflict Management Criminology Jealousy
The Reasons for Contemporary African Armed Conflicts Essay Example
631 words 3 pages

Introduction According to Stephen Ellis, the Africa’s post-Cold War wars gradually instigated throughout the Cold War (1948-1989) andhad historical origins in that erafootnoteRef:2. According to him, the nature of the Wars unquestionably transformed since the dreadful fight during the mid-twentieth century. He added that, the violence had increased for the past few years and that […]

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Colonialism Conflict Conflict Management
The Origin and Nature of International Conflict Essay Example
588 words 3 pages

Most behavioral tendencies, including the propensity for violence, are universal to nearly all humans. However, this does not imply that they are genetically determined. Every human being can be both violent and humane which depends on a myriad of developmental, empirical, societal and incidental factors. Although socio-biologists presume that genes exist for specific behavioral dispositions, […]

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Conflict Conflict Management
Family Theory and Conflict Theory Essay Example
408 words 2 pages

A family is more of a social organization or an institution. This is because it is inclusive of all practices as well as beliefs of a family and all a family is comprised of in a normal society. It also includes all the connections with other families as well as other social institutions. Family theory […]

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Conflict Conflict Management
Interpersonal Conflict Essay
303 words 2 pages

At my previous squadron, my supervisor and I had an active conflict. The conflict resonated from my supervisor’s opinion on the number of days I was to work, and her character which I deemed as unprofessional. As an air force reservist I can work in different duty statuses, such as; Air Reserve Technician (ART), Traditional […]

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Conflict Conflict Management
Conflict in Flannery O’Connor Literature Essay Example
316 words 2 pages

Conflict occurs in variable manners, and it can be individual to individual, individual to self, or individual to surroundings among other contexts. Flannery O’Connor, William Faulkner, and Emily Dickinson present conflict in poetry and prose. They present such in “A Good Man Is Hard to find,” “Barn Burning,” and “No Rack Can Torture Me” respectively. […]

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A Good Man Is Hard to Find Barn Burning Conflict Conflict Management Consciousness Torture William Faulkner

Popular Questions About Conflict

What are the 5 basic types of conflict?
The five basic types of literary conflict are internal conflict, external conflict, person versus person, person versus nature and person versus self.
What are the five levels of conflict?
The five levels of conflict are competitive, collaborative, compromising, accommodating and avoiding. These levels were developed as a conflict-resolution and management tool in the 1970s, and they form the core of the widely used Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument.
What is the main source of conflict?
Finances and Jobs. One major source of family conflict is within the area of finances--specifically, the lack of enough money to pay bills, maintain the mortgage or rent, buy sufficient food and other necessities and have any remaining money for recreation. job or career may contribute to conflict within a family.
What are the major causes of conflict?
The main cause of conflict may be briefly stated as follows:Individual Difference: Inn society, men are not alike in their nature, attitudes, ideal, interest and aspirations. Cultural Difference: Culture is the way of life of a group. It differs from society to society. Clashes of Interests: The clash of interests of different people makes conflict inevitable.
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