Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Communication.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Communication. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Communication on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Communication, and much more. Keep on reading!

Book Report on “Body Language” by Allan Pease Essay Example
719 words 3 pages

It is language that is the only tool that man can draw on to communicate with each other. Every country has its own national language. However, there is a universal language that even people who are deaf and/or speech-impaired can use. It is body language. Yet most people are still ignorant of the existence of […]

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Book Report Gesture Job Interview Nonverbal Communication
The Role of Peri-Operative Practitioners in Holistic Care
1893 words 7 pages

A new holistic emphasis on the philosophy underpinning the role of peri-opereative practitioner has emerged in recent times and Department of Health (DOH) initiatives such as The NHS Plan (DOH 2000 p. 1 – 9) (appendix a) and Essence of Care (DOH 2001, p 1 – 201) places the patient’s needs firmly in the centre […]

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Effective Communication Health Care Nonverbal Communication
Counselling Assignment Essay Example
3416 words 13 pages

March 16, 2007 Counseling assignment. Client Biography for Counseling Assignment: This client is a 44-year-old woman of Caucasian descent from rural Southern Ontario. She has received a quality education and previously worked as an Elementary school teacher. Currently, she works as a tutor for the adult learning center. The client self-identifies as Canadian and doesn’t […]

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Counseling Health Nonverbal Communication Psychotherapy
Arguments For The Boss Essay Example
1069 words 4 pages

Most of these customers are not dropping by after work; they are coming from nightclubs or bowling alleys. A trip to Denny prolongs the party. Adding to the party scene, Dyne’s has coaxed several rock bands to help it concoct late-night snacks. One band dreamed up Bacon Cheeseburger Fries (fries topped with beef, cheese, bacon, […]

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College Cross-Cultural Communication Nonverbal Communication Psychotherapy
Communication sex, age, intensity, and emotion Essay Example
202 words 1 page

According to the article, females surpass males in recognizing emotions based on sex, age, intensity, and emotion. Moreover, younger participants have better emotional recognition than older participants, high-intensity expressions are more accurately recognized than low-intensity expressions, happiness is the easiest expression to recognize whereas anger is the hardest. The study discovered that young participants outperform […]

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Emotions Nonverbal Communication Social Psychology
The Importance Of Marketing In The Company Essay Example
1167 words 5 pages

Failure to recognize the differences and adapt to them can cause costly errors. Marketing: Exporting companies sometimes falls to research and therefore, do not understand their target foreign market, its types of channels, its types of consumer marketing, the time it requires to arrange deals and introduce products, and its local sensitivities and preferences. -Infrastructure: […]

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College Greeting Nonverbal Communication Risk
Inside the Multicultural Workforce Essay Example
1116 words 5 pages

According to Koegel, Donin, Ponterotto, and Spitz (1995), the American workforce is a diverse mix of cultures and backgrounds. This diversity has the potential to impact teamwork and communication in large corporations like Worldwide Telecommunications Inc. To ensure success, these companies must recognize the effects of a multicultural workforce on their culture. Effective communication, teamwork, […]

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Multiculturalism Nonverbal Communication Teamwork Workforce
Non Verbal Communication Narrative Essay Example
293 words 2 pages

When it comes to positive non-verbal communication, there are various ways to effectively communicate. Touch, such as playing with hair or holding hands, along with hugging and maintaining eye contact during interviews can all convey positivity. It’s important to keep eye contact brief, lasting no more than four to five seconds. Smiling is also an […]

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Emotions Gesture Nonverbal Communication
Communication in Nursing Essay Sample
3656 words 14 pages

In this assignment, the focus will be on discussing the importance of communication in nursing. To illustrate this point, a personal experience from a clinical setting will be used as a reflective example. This reflection highlights how communication played a critical role in addressing a specific situation during the clinical placement and how it aligns […]

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Nonverbal Communication Nursing Patient
Children And Young People Communicating Essay Sample
2422 words 9 pages

The undermentioned essay will research and show an apprehension of how kids and immature people communicate. learn and develop through linguistic communication and literacy and reflect on the function the practician plays in supplying a communicating rich environment to make this. Lev Vygotsky emphasised the of import function that linguistic communication plays in the development […]

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Children Linguistics Nonverbal Communication People Reading
Nonverbal Communication (Speak Without Words) Essay Example
679 words 3 pages

The aspect of nonverbal communication plays a significant part in the field of social and interpersonal relationship. Using this aspect, people can effectively relate and express their personal opinion, critical information, and ideas towards social issues, activities and others. Indeed, with the proper use of nonverbal communication, one can effectively build harmonious relationship, which is […]

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Interpersonal Communication Nonverbal Communication Social Psychology
Social Psychology Norm Essay Example
374 words 2 pages

During a recent visit to the bowling alley, my husband and I conducted an experiment to observe the reactions of others by breaking social norms. Specifically, I continuously burped loudly while consuming a Diet Pepsi. Similarly, I would spend time in the men’s league area with my husband and his friends. Additionally, I would fart […]

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Nonverbal Communication Social Psychology
Non Verbal Communication Argumentative Essay Example
771 words 3 pages

“We speak with our vocal organs, but we converse with the whole body” as said by Abercrombie (1988), suggesting that as well as language, communication between people also include gestures that we call non verbal communication(NVC), which reinforce or complete what we are saying. In different situations, the NVC of a person varies with different […]

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Emotions Gesture Nonverbal Communication
Verbal and Non – Verbal Communication Essay Example
906 words 4 pages

Communication is the study of the transfer of meaning (Eunson, 2005, p. 2). This consists of verbal communication, which is the exchange of ideas through written or spoken words and non – verbal communication, which is conveying a message through cues such as facial expressions (a smile), head movements (shaking left to right), proxemics (closeness […]

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Nonverbal Communication Philosophy Social Psychology
Communication barriers Essay Example
1085 words 4 pages

In this assignment I will be writing about what I understand about communication barriers and how to overcome them, I will also be writing about what are the barriers in my work placement and the strategies that are used that could overcome the barriers Communication barriers are what stops the message getting across or stops […]

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Education Learning Nonverbal Communication
Informal communication Essay Example
1273 words 5 pages

When we use informal communication, it is normally when we are communicating with friends colleagues and also family. When using informal language it can sometimes make it harder to communicate and understand. For example when people are texting or even talking or on a chat forums. A lot of people might use this kind of […]

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Nonverbal Communication Patient Social Work
Developing Effective Communication In Health And Social Care Essay Example
1314 words 5 pages

For a duration of fifteen weeks, I took part in ‘Oakwood East Sussex School’ located near Hampden Park in Eastbourne that provides pre-school and primary education. My focus was on observing and interacting with students aged 6 to 8 years in years 2 and 3. Additionally, I observed the interactions among personnel members, parents, and […]

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Effective Communication Health Learning Nonverbal Communication Social Care Teacher
Communication techniques Essay Example
732 words 3 pages

There are many different ways to communicate with someone without using speech. Most communication techniques are visual or audio, but there is also touch orientated communication techniques such as Braille, moon and touch language. Visual communication techniques can be things such as hand gestures, makaton, sign language and body language. Communication TypeDescriptionHow would this type […]

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Gesture Linguistics Nonverbal Communication
Organizational Communication in the Internet Age Essay Example
1054 words 4 pages

Today is 21 century, is the computer and Internet age, I choice this topic because effective communication is critical for both managerial and organizational success, and want to understanding how these advanced technology can improved organizational communication, and are possible that Internet communication will replace the traditional communication in an organization?Communication effective is most important […]

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Internet Intranet Job Satisfaction Nonverbal Communication
Theories of communication Essay Example
723 words 3 pages

There are two different types of theories of communication: Michael Argyle’s communication cycle and Tuckman’s stages of group interaction. The communication cycle involves a two-way process to ensure effective communication and understanding of ideas between two individuals. This process facilitates the understanding of each other’s opinions. The text stresses the significance of acquiring and enhancing […]

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Conversation Nonverbal Communication Social Psychology Theory
Language Study Essay Example
733 words 3 pages

I will be exploring the features of online spoken language, specifically initialisation and rebuses, using my own data collected from a text conversation with my friend. Initialisation involves using the single first letter of a word to represent the whole word, such as “lol” for laugh out loud and “wtf” for what for f***. This […]

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Linguistics Nonverbal Communication Study Writer
Cross-cultural Communication Narrative Essay Example
774 words 3 pages

Understanding cultures and people’s background with greatly enhance someone marketability and future success with people worldwide. Individuals communicate in many variety of ways based on where individuals where raised, education, and exposure to other cultures. Individuals need to do some research about the country and the country’s culture before traveling in that country or interacting […]

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Cross-Cultural Communication Gesture Nonverbal Communication

Popular Questions About Communication

What is communication defined as?
Communication is the transmission or ideas or thought from one person to another in a way that is mutually understandable. Communication is a means of passing an information signal from source (sender) to a recipient (receiver) in such a way that the message is understood.
What does communication mean to me?
Communication for me is a flow – of thoughts, ideas, ideals, dreams and even emotions. Dictionaries define communication as an act of giving. It is to a very large extent the truest meaning of communication. I believe in the power of giving, not just philanthropically, but in a more direct and literal manner.
What are the benefits of good communication?
In the workplace, good communication isn’t just about mitigating conflict (although that is an important benefit of communicating effectively. Good communication is also an important factor in client relationships, profitability, team effectiveness, and employee engagement.
What is the best form of communication?
Non-Verbal Communication. When it comes to communication in the workplace, it is important to understand the significance of non-verbal communication four types communication.
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