Social Psychology Norm Essay Example
Social Psychology Norm Essay Example

Social Psychology Norm Essay Example

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During a recent visit to the bowling alley, my husband and I conducted an experiment to observe the reactions of others by breaking social norms. Specifically, I continuously burped loudly while consuming a Diet Pepsi.

Similarly, I would spend time in the men’s league area with my husband and his friends. Additionally, I would fart and burp simultaneously while on a smoking break with six other female bowlers who I am acquainted with. When participating in the first norm, I encountered various reactions from both familiar and unfamiliar individuals. As anticipated, a friend of ours inquired about my well-being due to the loud and continuous nature of my burps. Moreover, someone asked if I was experiencing any stomach discomfort.

Unexpectedly, there was someone from the other groups who viewed my actions


as a violation of our shared code of discipline. Despite being aware of this, I did not anticipate him halting his shot to glare at me and silently utter "excuse you." After belching, I proceeded to accompany my husband in the men's league area. Though he appeared to caution me against being there, he still allowed me to join him. The other men in the group stared at me, seemingly questioning why I was present. Several men also seemed uncomfortable with a female entering their territory. Eventually, one person suggested that I join my friends in the female area, implying that I should shift to the female league section.

Upon moving to the female league area, I decided to take a break with six of my friends. We gathered in the smoking area and that's when I began releasing farts and burps. One of them inquired about

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my lunch, jokingly suggesting that I should steer clear of it. As soon as I emitted the initial fart, a majority of them held their noses and stared at me with repulsion. Given that such conduct was unexpected from me, they adopted a formal tone and asked about my well-being.

Afterwards, I reminisced about the sequence of events with my husband, remembering the surprised expressions on people's faces and how some bravely informed me about it. However, I would never risk going against a societal convention again, especially in a crowded setting.

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