Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Cognitive Psychology.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Cognitive Psychology. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Cognitive Psychology on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Cognitive Psychology, and much more. Keep on reading!

Intelligence Conclusion Essay Example
613 words 3 pages

Is intelligence determined primary by heredity or by the environment? This issue has aroused intense debates because many believe it has a little bit of both, but to what extent? The ones that believe that believe that every person is born with a fixed amount of intelligence argue that there is little one can do […]

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Human Development Intelligence Intelligence Quotient
Why is intelligence testing a questionable practice? Essay Example
1117 words 5 pages

There has been significant criticism of intelligence testing as a crucial tool for psychological screening and profiling. Standardized IQ tests, which fall under the category of intelligence testing, have been deemed inadequate because they have limitations. To address these limitations, psychologists like Daniel Goleman have introduced the concept of “emotional quotient” (EQ) or “emotional intelligence” […]

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Education Intelligence Intelligence Quotient
Airline pilots should not be armed Essay Example
45 words 1 page

After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, there was a consensus on the advantages of arming airline pilots. It was widely believed that if the pilots on the plane involved in the tragic incident had been armed, it could have potentially prevented this catastrophic event.

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Aircraft Airlines Armed Forces Business Operations Education Intelligence Security Sep-11 Society Special Education War
Outline for a Persuasive Speech about Benefits of Playing Video Games Essay Example
1194 words 5 pages

I’ve already written about the 5 reasons I’m buying my kids a Wii U this holiday season. In a way, this post offers 4 more reasons, emphasizing some of the positive impact that comes from gaming. As you’ll read below, I have some reservations about the paper, but I also think there’s a lot of […]

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Creativity Intelligence Problem Solving
Is Daniel Tammet Intelligent Essay Example
347 words 2 pages

Daniel Tammet is considered as the boy with “incredible brain. ” On the first part of Daniel’s documentary on youtube, it showed how he could do huge calculations mentally. In addition, he stated that he could learn a new language for seven days. The very highlight of the documentary is when Daniel recited the pie […]

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APA Disease Education Educational Psychology Epilepsy Intelligence Learning Parenting Teens Special Education Youtube
Growing Intelligence Summary Essay Example
364 words 2 pages

The article “You can grow your Intelligence” by Larry Ferlazzo helps the reader to understand the facts about intelligence and how it can be attained by practice. There is a misconception that leads people to believe that intelligence is inherent. Scientists have discovered that the brain can be improved by certain methods. The brain is […]

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Brain Experiment Intelligence
Finding the Emotional Intelligence to be a Real Leader Essay Example
283 words 2 pages

1. In my opinion, during her assignment in Southeast Asia Kathy lacked emotional intelligence. She is a great project manager, therefore she is motivated to do a good job and receive credit for a job well done. Unfortunately for her, being over motivated has caused her many troubles with the group of her subordinates. Kathy […]

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Empathy Intelligence Social Psychology
Did Desert Storm Represent a Revolution or Evolution in Air Power Essay Example
3168 words 12 pages

On the morning of 16 Jan 1991 images of precision strikes targeting Saddam Hussein’s Baathist regime , brought the employment of airpower to the forefront of global consciousness . Concurrent with images of the attacks, the world’s media were broadcasting press briefings lauding the ‘revolutionary’ achievements of ‘surgical strikes’ conducted by F-117A Fighters; a capability […]

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Desert Intelligence Military Power Revolution Security
Bliss Paper Essay Example
800 words 3 pages

For some it takes till they’re forty years old to find their bliss and for others it comes naturally. For me, I think I was placed in the middle. I wasn’t exactly sure where I was going, but I knew I wanted to get somewhere. Not so exactly as “confused” and “lost”. More of just […]

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APA Intelligence Personal Self Esteem Social Psychology
Competitive Intelligence Predicament Essay Example
1055 words 4 pages

Problem Statement Miguel Vasquez, a new product manager for a biotechnology company, was handed with some competitive intelligence from another competing firm. The said information, handed to him by his boss, contained proprietary and confidential information that can give a competitive advantage to the firm. This information was obviously obtained using an illegal tap into […]

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Ethics Information Intelligence
Business Intelligence Software at Sysco Essay Example
941 words 4 pages

What is Business Intelligence (BI)? BI is the way that using modern data warehouse technology, online analytical processing, and data mining to analysis the data then achieve business value. As a tool, BI is used to deal with the existing data in the enterprise, and convert it into knowledge, analysis and conclusions, and then help […]

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Business Intelligence Information Technology Intelligence
Intelligence Example Essay Example
808 words 3 pages

Effective communication is crucial to the triumph of any organization. Even with top-notch or ground-breaking products or services, without robust internal and external communication channels, potential concerns about demand could arise. Emphasizing the advantages your products or services will provide to your customers is key in communicating their value. The American Association of Advertising Agencies […]

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Intelligence Sales Promotion
What is Spiritual Intelligence Essay Example
2371 words 9 pages

What might we learn from Heinrich’s story to help us become more spiritually intelligent?Being spiritually intelligent, is achieving happiness and being comfortable with the way your life is, without the greed. It is knowing what you find happiness in doing and not doing something whilst inflicted with greed, and appreciating life, your surroundings and becoming […]

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Greed Hero Hero'S Journey Intelligence Ritual
Emotional Intelligence Ch. 3,7,11,13 Psychology Summaries Essay Example
867 words 4 pages

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman Chapter 3: When Smart is Dumb Throughout this chapter Goleman argues that a person’s IQ has little to do with their success in life. For example, someone with extremely high SAT scores who parties his way through college could take ten years to finally get a degree whereas a person […]

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Empathy Intelligence Psychological Trauma Psychology
Academic Measures Of A Person’s Intelligence Essay Example
323 words 2 pages

Academic achievement at school or university is only true measure of a person’s intelligence. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Today when more and more and people are investing their financial resources and efforts to accumulate higher educational qualifications, a debate simultaneously rages across as to what can be taken as a true […]

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Education Intelligence Learning
Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership Essay Example
3035 words 12 pages

The Effects of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership Eric Rowen Chicago School of Professional Psychology Abstract This paper will encompass a discussion about emotional intelligence (E. I. ), its varied definitions, applications to leadership, and potential areas of concern. It begins by outlining the ability-based model of E. I. set forth by Mayer, Caruso, and Salovey […]

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Emotions Intelligence Leadership
Do Opposites Attract? Essay Example
1057 words 4 pages

Do opposites attract? Am I more likely to be interested in someone with the same similarities or someone different than myself? In order to answer these questions, or at least address them, we will look at a study published in 2007 titled “Multiple Mediators of the Attitude Similarity-Attraction Relationship: Dominance of Inferred Attraction and Subtlety […]

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Education Experiment Intelligence Law Politics Stanford Prison Experiment
Intelligence Definition and Measurement Essay Example
1616 words 6 pages

The issue of defining and measuring intelligence has been a topic of debate since the introduction of the first intelligence test. There are various tests available to assess intelligence and achievement, with the selection depending on personal preference and the specific area being evaluated. This paper aims to explore different definitions of intelligence and identify […]

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Data collection Educational Psychology Intelligence
Howard Gardner Research Paper Essay Example
341 words 2 pages

Child Development Howard Gardner Howard Gardner was born on July, 1943. He’s 68 years old and lives in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He went to Harvard University. Gardner sees himself as an independent scholar and a public intellectual. An interesting fact about him is that his theory of multiple intelligences has not been readily accepted within academic […]

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Educational Psychology Intelligence Philosophy Research
Study Habits Analysis Essay Example
2390 words 9 pages

The purpose of this study is to examine the study habits of third year students at Holy Family High School – Bacolod during the 2011-2012 academic year. The authors of this proposed study are Alindao, Claudette; Caguco, Regina; Dulaca, Jenny Rose; Elisan, Kimberly; Fernandez, Kristine Joy; Grande, Carmela; Lopez, Jessa May; and Tortal, Rosevie. Chapter […]

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Intelligence Linguistics Reason Study
Steve Schwarzman Case Study Essay Example
1349 words 5 pages

How would you describe Stephen Schwarzman’s personality? There are many traits that make up Stephen Schwarzman’s personality. He certainly has a proactive personality because he is goal oriented and takes initiative. He showed this when he was in high school racing track and continued to display this in his adult life from staying up all […]

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Intelligence Learning Social Psychology Study
Cognitive Intelligence vs Emotional Intelligtence in Modern Organizations Essay Example
1267 words 5 pages

According to Ackerman, Beier, and Boyle (2005), general intelligence refers to the overall effectiveness of intellectual processes. It is widely accepted that individuals with higher intelligence are preferred in contemporary organizations due to their tendency for better task performance. This belief has been upheld for more than 90 years (Viswesvaran and Ones, 2002). Furthermore, general […]

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Emotions Intelligence Motivation

Popular Questions About Cognitive Psychology

What does it take to become a cognitive psychologist?
Typically, the first step to becoming a cognitive psychologist is to earn a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college or university. While the bachelor degree can be obtained in any discipline, most graduate programs prefer candidates with a bachelor's degree in psychology, or a related field fo study.
What does the word cognitive mean in psychology?
Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology is the study of mental processes. The American Psychological Association defines cognitive psychology as "The study of higher mental processes such as attention, language use, memory, perception, problem solving, and thinking.".
What are the theories of cognitive psychology?
Cognitive theory is a learning approach in psychology that attempts to explain the behavior of humans by studying thoughts and reasoning process. The cognitive theory is founded on many other factors like cognitive reasoning and social cognitive theory.
What are the key issues in the study of cognitive psychology?
Key Issues in the study of Cognitive PsychologyNature versus Nurture -. ...Rationalism versus Empiricism. ...Structures versus Processes. ...Domain generality versus Domain specificity -. ...Validity of causal inferences versus Ecological validity. ...Applied versus Basic research. ...Biological versus Behavioral methods. ...
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