Development and Managing Resources in Teaching Essay Example
The importance of navigating boundaries in the field of lifelong learning cannot be underestimated. With change and uncertainty becoming integral to the practices in this field, it is crucial to develop strategies for understanding and assessing the significance of these changes. Practitioners must constantly negotiate different borders when working with diverse adults in various settings.
In the borderlands, we can experience both uplifting and challenging situations. As Petty (2009) expresses, we may either be bound for glory or bound and gagged. In my teaching practice, I work with students who come from diverse cultural backgrounds, with a current majority of Somali students. Specifically, I teach GCSE Science to students ranging in age from 15 to 17 years. These students face various challenges, such as failing previous GCSE exams, not being admitted to mainstream schools, recently relocating fr
...om other countries, or being expelled due to behavioral issues.
The main study issues with my students are that most of them need to improve their English language, have less exposure to basic scientific facts, face challenges with the educational system, and lack concentration.
Types of Resources and their Purpose: While verbal communication is commonly used in teaching, visual information is more effective in certain circumstances such as when considering the student's abilities and other purposes. The main advantage of visual aids is that they capture attention, which is essential for explaining concepts to our students.
Also, visual aids enhance conceptualization, making it easier for students to remember information. Additionally, providing prepared resources shows students that their learning is being taken seriously (Petty, 2009). There are various types of visual aids available, such a
handouts. These can be customized to fit the students' learning approach or include articles and information sourced online, from newspapers, books, etc. Handouts can be used for classroom discussion or assigned for individual or group work. They also allow for the inclusion of questions and spaces for students to write their answers.
Handouts are a valuable resource that can offer additional information and support to students, saving both you and them time. The White Board is a useful tool for displaying key concepts and summarizing lessons before class. It is also commonly used by math and science teachers to demonstrate problem-solving methods and provide instructions for experiments. However, excessive use of the White Board may divert students' attention from listening and understanding to simply copying what is written on the board.
Microsoft PowerPoint® and interactive whiteboards, such as Apple Keynote™, allow for the display of slides on a computer or interactive whiteboard. These slides can include various elements such as text, images, graphics, sound, and video clips. They can be saved on the institution's intranet for easy access by students. The main issues in computer presentations are cramming too much text onto one slide and using excessive gimmicks. The objective of these presentations should be to explain rather than to impress or distract.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, how many are needed for a model? And what about the real thing? Models can be commercially produced or made by the teacher. Different subject teachers can utilize various types of models or real objects to explain concepts more effectively in class. Encouraging students to design and create their own models
can have a lasting impact on their memory and understanding. Charts and posters play a crucial role in education, and their design is of utmost importance. They can be displayed in the classroom for students to read at their own pace, but using them as a teaching aid is even more beneficial.
Posters are a helpful resource for foreign language teachers. Before showing a video, it is important to preview it and determine what you want your students to learn from it. You can use the video to address specific questions at the end, guiding their attention towards the intended learning objectives. In addition to videos, other teaching aids such as games, slide projectors, computers, audio tapes, and graphic organizers that compare can enhance your teaching innovation.
According to Petty (2009), information is received by the brain through various senses. Specifically, 87 percent is obtained through the eyes, 9 percent through the ears, and 4 percent through other senses. Different teaching methods and resources lead to the development of different skills in learners. For example, worksheets aid in the development of reading skills and attention to detail. Design works foster creative flair while teacher talks enhance attentive listening skills. Group work promotes discussion and persuasion skills, as well as collaboration with others. Independent learning cultivates the skill of self-directed learning and so on (Petty, 2009).
When summarizing a topic for students, it is beneficial to use mind maps and other graphic organizers. This approach helps create a visual representation of the topic being taught, allowing students to make connections and aid in memorization. Encourage students to create their own mind maps individually
or in groups to reinforce what they have learned and facilitate discussion. Utilizing a variety of visual aids such as images, pictures, photographs, posters, diagrams, shapes, patterns, cartoons, overhead projector transparencies, graphs, charts, symbols, icons, logos, and leaflets can greatly enhance learners' cognitive understanding and level of interest.
To create visual representations, it is necessary to have a thorough comprehension of the subject being taught. The recommended approach is known as 'constructivist'. For various student levels, customized handouts can be designed, such as fill-in-the-blank handouts, photocopying transparencies as handouts, or creating transparencies from handouts. Additionally, word-processed handouts with self-drawn diagrams can be utilized. It is important to avoid overcrowding handouts, as unappealing ones tend to be disregarded.
Graphic organizers in PowerPoint slides are a concise and powerful way to summarize and explain topics. Additionally, utilizing reveal and overlay techniques can enhance understanding by gradually unveiling information instead of presenting it all at once. These techniques are particularly useful in teaching science, as they allow for the visualization of concepts such as the passage of time or the progression of growth in plants.
You have the option to use hyperlinks in your slides, which can connect to websites, videos, or other related slides. Additionally, you can interrupt your presentation for activities by pressing the 'B' key to turn the screen black or the 'W' key to turn it white. Pressing the key again will return you to the same slide. Therefore, utilizing a variety of resources can be beneficial as long as they align with the course requirements and cater to the students' learning styles.
Utilizing resources at the appropriate time and
in the correct order is crucial for fostering constructive outcomes. Resources should not merely serve to showcase an impressive lesson, but should also exhibit inclusivity. In my teaching experience, many of my students struggle with language barriers, which significantly slows down their writing process when I am explaining concepts. They often feel anxious about spelling and constructing sentences, among other concerns.
I am attempting to give them PowerPoint slide handouts that assist them in focusing on the lesson instead of worrying about writing correctly. Additionally, it is convenient for them to review later and they can add any additional knowledge. Within the slides, I include extra information from various online resources to broaden their understanding of the topic. I always strive to incorporate pictures of different relevant subjects that aid in proper recollection and create associations in their minds. Furthermore, they can visually perceive how something looks, which sometimes they are already familiar with but don't know the English name for.
Most of the time, I aim to demonstrate the concepts through videos, providing a practical understanding of how they are applied in the real world. I also incorporate online resource links into the slides for future reference. To make the beginning and end activities more captivating, I utilize engaging and attention-grabbing techniques, tailored to the specific lesson topic. Towards the end, my objective is to summarize the entire lesson, employing methods such as a short quiz, test, or encouraging pair discussions and presentations on what they have learned.
To keep my students engaged and ensure inclusivity, I utilize various resources and activities both in group settings and individually. I incorporate real-life
examples to help them understand how things function in the real world and encourage them to make connections. Effective resource management is crucial, as it involves assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each resource and determining how to incorporate these ideas into teaching.
According to Blooms taxonomy, there are six levels of thinking: Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. These levels can be considered as the cognitive goals of education (Jarvis, 2005). The hierarchy is ascending, with knowledge being the most basic and evaluation being the highest. Therefore, when approaching actual learning in your class, it is important to consider the level of your students. The level of students in the class could be determined by their prior knowledge and understanding. Based on this, the learning approach and effective resources can be utilized.
Managing resources effectively involves considering students' level of understanding and learning styles. After using a resource, it is important to analyze and evaluate its effectiveness. This will help determine if the resource can be used again with modifications or if a different approach is needed. The behavior of the class also impacts resource utilization. For more distracting classes, it is necessary to use more powerful, visually appealing, and engaging resources to maintain interest.
According to "A guide to legal liabilities" (2006), teachers have a duty of care for their students, as they are in loco parentis (in place of the parent). This duty of care requires teachers to care for their students in a similar way to a reasonable and caring parent. Therefore, teachers must take reasonable measures to ensure the safety of their students and avoid any
careless or reckless behavior that could put them in danger. It is important for teachers to prioritize safety when using any resources.
In order to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met in a mainstream education setting, teachers should consider risk assessment to evaluate potential hazards. This assessment should take into account the specific needs, characteristics, and capabilities of the students, as well as the school environment. The Education Act 1996 mandates schools to meet the needs of all students to the extent that it is feasible within the context of mainstream education.
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