Compare and Contrast Order Maintenance Responsibilities Essay Example
In this written assignment similarities and differences between order of maintenance in the United States, New Zealand and Japan will be discussed. Order maintenance is an essential function of the police. To maintain order police must be able to control the behavior of most individuals in society and keep them within agreement with the law. Unless the authorities can secure compliance from most members of society, most of the time, it is difficult to effectively maintain social order (Tyler, 1990).
Effective order maintenance rests on obedience and cooperation on the part of the society. Order maintenance is considered to be the primary role of our police officers from ancient times to now. Order maintenance in neighborhoods that have foot patrols have been known to make residents feel safer than those that don’t have them.
...The Broken Windows article stated that foot patrol officers presence didn’t reduce crime in the areas they patrolled, but made the residents feel safer and they looked up to the officers more than those that lived in areas without foot patrol officers.
The majority of police officers hired are assigned to the patrol section because it is responsible for maintaining order. Patrol officers functions are to respond to service calls and patrol areas of assignment. All patrol officers are the first to implement order maintenance when they respond to a service call. Here in the United States police officers are also given the job of implementing order maintenance in traffic safety. Officers overseeing traffic safety are responsible for the safeguard of roadways, vehicles and pedestrians. Police officers at local levels have been dealing with terrorism since th
In the United States we can use the three sociological perspectives to aid in the understanding of the jobs of our police officers. A functionalist would say that the job of a police officer is to make the community feel safe. Police perform take required actions to control traffic accidents which no other agencies are equipped to handle. Functionalist also see police performing duties as chaperones and possibly teachers for certain classes they feel that these functions are needed in society at this time and police officers are the perfect candidates to perform the needed duties.
A conflict theorist would say that the police officers in schools are not there to protect the children and keep order but to gather intelligence information on illegal activities being performed by the students. Their theory actually sees the police as a representative for the parents and others who are within the community needing to know if and when something wrongful may happen. The interactionist would examine how different terminology is used by both the younger recruits and the veterans within different police departments.
In large cities police officers off duty formally are not to respond to accidents but are required to call in emergency assistance. On an informal note if they are off duty they are authorized to respond. The actions of the big city officers may be different from that of officers in smaller towns or rural county offices. In Japan the National Police Agency determines general standards and policies and is the central coordinating body for the police system. The composition of their law enforcement agencies is very different from that of
the United States although they provide similar duties of order maintenance.
In a national emergency or major disaster, the National Police Agency is authorized to take command of police forces to control order maintenance. The National Police Agency is composed of over 1,100 national civil servants, authorized to collect information and incorporate execute national policies. The agency is actually composed of a commissioner general (Chief). The central office is composed of the Secretariat which has divisions for planning, general operations, information, finance, management, and procurement and distribution of police equipment, and at least five bureaus. The Administration Bureau focuses on police personnel, heir education, welfare and training.
Their Criminal Investigation Bureau is focused on research statistics and the investigations of nationally and international important cases. The bureau's Safety Department focuses on crime prevention, juvenile delinquency, and pollution control. The Criminal Investigation Bureau also recommends regulations on firearms, explosives, food, drugs, and narcotics. In Japan their local police system is called the Koban system and it provides local residents with order maintenance on safety and peace through police officers making daily contact with residents in the area they patrol.
The success of order maintenance in Japan depends on the relationship between the police officers and the people of the community. The Koban policing system rests on police boxes and residential police boxes which are located throughout the country side. Their centralized police system has the responsibilities of daily life functions to include fire prevention and negotiation of labor disagreements. The Peace Preservation Law of 1925 gave police the authority to arrest people. . Japans order maintenance law was created during the Pacific War
(1941-45), the government in order to control thought and religion.
With that being stated their policing is centralized and order maintenance mostly deals with thought control and religion not so much to control crime commission. New Zealand is a country with a national police force that has support of their people and their police officers are said to be custodians of order maintenance. Politicians in this country are in favor of the police officers and their carrying out of order maintenance functions. Because the police have the trust and support of their communities it is easier for them to maintain order.
The mission of New Zealand police is to be considered world class police, police working in partnership with the communities to try and prevent crime, accidents of any kind, ensure public safety. Conclusion Order maintenance is known as an important part of policing no matter if it is democratic ran, bureaucracy ran or nationally ran. It is important to maintain respect from the police to residents in areas that police patrol so to try and keep down crime prevention because people who don’t feel threatened by police react better to law enforcement than those that don’t get respect from police.
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