Challenges to Developing a Positive Cohesive Culture Essay Example
Organization culture is one of the key factor of a organization success. If have a positive, well aligned culture can be conducive to the organization operate. If not, a negative culture will be push the organization to failure. There are several challenges of developing a positive cohesive culture which between organizations and cultural diversity, and the organization needs to find some ways to building a positive cohesive culture. This paper will explains the challenges of positive cohesive culture which are included developing an ethical culture by modelling the clearly ethical norm, developing a global organizational culture and developing a culture of empowerment and quality.
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background of Challenges
The first challenge is developing an ethical culture. Present ethical behavior can as good business. Managers must do ethical behaviours which
...can encourage ethical behavior from their employees. Robbins and Judge (2009) list four theories of developing the ethical culture which the managers should to do(Organizational behavior,2009 ). The managers should be establish the ethical model of behaviours and organizational code, so that their employees can follow the model.
All people in the organization can behave in ethical. If the top managers can not do model ethical behaviour, the organizational code will loss its worth. The managers can offer some ethics trainings. The trainings can strengthen the ethical standards of behaviours. The managers should give the employees some visibly reward if they do the ethical standard behaviours. If not, the managers can punish the employees who do not follow the ethical standard.
The second challenge is developing a global organizational culture which needs drive the values follow the global view
There are three theories which come from the textbook (Debra L. Nelson, ORGB, 2012, p 277).
Managers can create a clear mission statement and share it with all individuals. In that the employees can know clearly about what they need to do in the process of work. Ensure the flow of information is effective. The employers can enlarge their minds to allow them to think important things globally. Global career paths ensure that a broad range of employees experience various cultures. Use for the strengths of various cultures can improve the products and services by use for reference other countries advantages and learn a lesson which can prevent do the same mistakes. Do worldwide management education and team- development programs to help establish a shared identity among organizational members.
The third challenge is developing a culture of empowerment and quality. The empowerment which needs the relationship between managers and supervisors, and the relationship between supervisors and employees. In the textbook, it says " we have seen that successful organizations promote a culture that empowers employees and excels in product and service quality." (Debra L. Nelson, ORGB, 2012, p 278). The employers can give the powers to employees which the employees can make a decision, in this way, employees can fell their thoughts and ideas are paid attention by the companies, so they will have more positive motivation to finish the task.
Ⅲ. Examples
There are several cases and examples to understand these challenges of positive cohesive culture theories. The first case of developing ethical culture is the CXO company which in India. There is no things that can reward for honest
and ethical. "The business heads realization that both the supply and demand side parties are responsible for corruption and unethical behavior can down-rail economic growth of the country is a positive sign for business ethics managers in India." (para 3). They focus on three areas to improving the ethics program. Firstly is build business processes and strategy with ethical culture, they considered that the ethical behavior is insignificant in evaluating managers' performance. Secondly is change employees' mindsets.
CXO organization needs to change the employees' thinking and perceptions by given ethics trainings. Finally is make some conduct relevant codes. When CXO employees have some confuse of the ethical behviors, that is a good time to review the code of ethical. (Building an Ethical Work Culture in Indian Organizations, July, 2011). The second case is about developing a global organizational culture. Yum! Brands include KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut which are located in 117 countries. All brands have to be focused on the consumer and the employers need to built global culture around the importance of drive performance. The employees need build the culture which in the today globally.
The employees feel good can make customers feel good more easier (Robert Reiss, March 5, 2012). The other case of developing global culture. According to Orky, Sully and Nakiye (June 26, 2010). "MNCs have been encouraged to create a strong global corporate culture through shared core core values and practices." (para 1).The establishment of a global culture is known as a robust and flexible method to deal with complexity, and these companies are facing rapid change. In fact, a recent survey of global executives are
sure to be able to maintain a common corporate culture as their biggest challenge and the primary concern (On the Rocky Road to Strong Global Culture, June 26, 2010).
The final case is about developing empowerment culture. DCS Group was established the ideal which the employees should be empowered as leaders. This principle forces driven by the DCS corporate governance structure and strategy for more than 30 years. Their customers have advantages of a quick reaction and the task completion concentrate cause DCS employees have been authorized to take action by their employers.( Culture of Empowerment, n.d).
Ⅳ. Conclusion
Above of all, this paper is mainly discuss about three challenges of positive cohesive culture which are developing an ethical culture by modelling the clearly ethical norm, developing a global organizational culture and developing a culture of empowerment and quality. The employers should be honesty, forward-looking and inspirational. They need to model the way, inspire a shared vision, enable others to act and encourage the employees heart to developing positive and cohesive culture.
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