As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner and Positive Family Values Essay Example
On an outward level, As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner revolves around the adventurous trip of Bundren family to bury the body of their wife and mother in the native town but at a deeper level it explores family dynamics and values of American South through the depiction Bundrens’. The heroic journey to bury the mother, Addie reflects some positive values of the American family as Brunden’s takes pains to fulfill the wishes of her family members. This idea is further reinforced by Faulkner by the hardships experienced on this journey.
The heavy rain, destroyed bridge and inundations in the streams across the route to Yoknawpatapha all display the pathos and miseries of the Brundens’ during the journey but they never give up. There are more than a few insubstantial links that make the basic structure of a family i. e. love, loya
...lty, emotional attachment etc. In As I Lay Dying, the Bundren Family is deficient in several of these essential bonds. So lack of such characteristics makes the survival of a functional family virtually unfeasible. And through this juxtaposition, William Faulkner, show the importance of positive family values.
Some negative individual acts and decisions do not harm the ideal family pattern but rather it capacitates the reader to become aware of the ingredients of a model family and its values. For example the disclosure Addie's act of adultery with a minister results in the decline of passion and reverence that Brundens’ have for their mother and wife. Faulkner wanted to manifest here that some negative individual propensities harm the very spirit and nature of family otherwise family values and its various manifestations are the cause
of human happiness.
The further decay in family is a response to fact that the lack of love on Addie's lacks a loving attitude toward her family. Addie's idea of happiness is not related o her domestic, matriarchal and matrimonial life but she looks for it somewhere else: "In the afternoon when school was out and the last one had left with his little dirty snuffling nose, instead of going home I would go down the hill to the spring where I could be quiet and hate them . I would look forward to the times when they faulted, so I could whip them. " (Faulkner, 1990)
Faulkner juxtaposes this inadequacy on part of Addie with the positive attitude of other mothers and depicts that Brundens’ irritated, unpleasant, pathological is not due to some inherent flaw in their family pattern but it is the result of individual and collective. This realizes the reader about the impact of positive values on the emotional and psychological development of family. Faulkner further depicts through the Brundens’ journey from town to Jefferson that community's modernization requires transformation in family patterns but this does not change the family values.
In a post publication comments, Faulkner narrated the basic concept in As I lay Dying about family values, "Bundren family pretty well coped with theirs [their fate]" (Meriwether, James B. 1968. p. 254). So novel clearly describes the positive values as the first pre-requisite of a family ad Faulkner has illustrated this theme through different means and employment of various methodologies i. e. he characterizations, depiction of negative values to realize the importance of positive values and motifs.
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