In many countries, All Saints Day is a solemn holiday set aside to remember the dead, in the Philippines the holiday is a day of festivities. November 1 marks the beginning of the Filipino "Araw ng mga Patay," the celebration of the Day of the Dead. The celebration continues through the next day, All Souls Day. The two days are traditional Catholic holidays set aside to commemorate all the saints and the souls of the dead.
While the holiday remains an important religious day for the Catholic Church, some of the more secular aspects are celebrated by the non-Catholic community. Though the people in the Philippines celebrate and honor the dead joyously, All Saints Day is still a respectful day for
...commemorating ancestors. During the Araw ng mga Patay Filipinos remember their dead, clean the graves, and decorate them with flowers. While the purpose is somber, the effect is a picnic, full of merrymaking and laughter.
Everyone goes to the cemetery, and some even stay overnight. When the first day of November comes me and my family went in the cemetery at 8 in the morning to visit the tomb of my grandmother, grandfather & my aunt. We stayed there until the day ends. We are very happy because we shared happy moments together with our Lolo, Lola and Tita even though they are passed away. And now even if not the day of the dead we are still praying and remembering them until the day comes we are all together in heaven.
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