EMT- Airway and Breathing Multiple Choice Questions – Flashcards

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It can only be used temporarily and must be replaced by an airway adjunct
Which of the following statements regarding the head tilt-chin lift maneuver is MOST correct? A. It can only be used in conjunction with an oropharyngeal airway B. It can only be used temporarily and must be replaced by an airway adjunct C. It should be used on all unresponsive patients that you encounter. D. It is the technique of choice for patients with potential spinal injury.
When the mechanism of injury is unclear.
In which of the following situations should the jaw-thrust maneuver be used? A. In any patient who is in cardiac arrest. B. In a patient with apnea with no signs of trauma. C. In a patient who is in need of frequent suctioning. D. When the mechanism of injury is unclear.
When the mechanism of injury is unclear.
An elderly man is found lying unresponsive next to his bed. The patients's wife did not witness the event that caused the unconsciousness. You should first A. assess the patient's respirations. B. apply 100% supplemental oxygen. C. tilt the head back and lift up the chin. D. When the mechanism of injury is unclear.
Alternate suctioning for 15 seconds and ventilations for 2 minutes.
A patient has severe facial injuries, inadequate breathing, and copious secretions coming from the mouth. How should this situation be managed? A. Alternate suctioning for 15 seconds and ventilations for 2 minutes. B. Provide artificial ventilations and suction for 30 seconds as needed. C. Turn the patient to the side and provide oral suctioning continuously. D. Insert an oropharyngeal airway and suction until the secretions clear.
an airway adjunct has been inserted.
When ventilating an apneic adult patient with a bag-valve mask device, you must make sure that A. an airway adjunct has been inserted. B. you are positioned alongside the patient. C. ventilations occur at a rate of 20 breaths/min. D. the pop-off valve on the BVM device remains open.
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The intercostal muscles and diaphragm both contract.
Which of the following processes occurs during inhalation? A. The intercostal muscles and diaphragm both contract. B. The intercostal muscles relax and the diaphragm descends. C. The diaphragm contracts and the intercostal muscles relax. D. The diaphragm descends and the intercostal muscles relax.
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The capillaries give up oxygen to the cells.
Which of the following processes occurs during cellular/capillary gas exchange? A. The cells give up oxygen to the capillaries. B. The cells receive carbon dioxide from the capillaries. C. The capillaries give up oxygen to the cells. D. The capillaries give up carbon dioxide to the cells.
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Mouth-to mask technique with supplemental oxygen
What is the preferred method for initially providing artificial ventilations to a patient with apnea? A. Flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device B. Mouth-to mask technique with supplemental oxygen C. One-person bag-valve-mask technique with 100% oxygen D. Two-person bag-valve-mask technique with 100% oxygen.
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unequal chest expansion.
A reduced tidal volume would most likely occur from A. flaring of the nostrils. B. accessory muscle use. C. unequal chest expansion. D. increased minute volume.
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A 41-year-old woman with shallow respirations of 20 breaths/min.
Which of the following patients is exhibiting signs of inadequate breathing? A. A 41-year-old woman with shallow respirations of 20 breaths/min. B. A 60-year-old woman with bilaterally equal breath sounds. C. A 30-year old man with respirations of 18 breaths/min and equal breath sounds. D. A 50-year-old man with respirations of 12 breaths/min and pink, dry skin.
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upper airway obstruction by the tongue.
Snoring respirations in an unresponsive patient most likely are the result of A. foreign body airway obstruction. B. upper airway obstruction by the tongue. C. collapse of the trachea during breathing. D. swelling of the larynx and surrounding structures.
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An airway adjunct and oxygen via non-rebreathing mask
In an unresponsive patient who has not sustained trauma, how are respirations of 16 breaths/min with good chest expansion most appropriately managed? A. Suctioning as needed and artificial ventilations. B. The jaw-thrust maneuver and frequent suctioning. C. An airway adjunct and oxygen via non-rebreathing mask. D. An airway adjunct and ventilations with a BVM device.
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performing a jaw-thrust
Initial management of an unconscious adult patient who fell 15' from a tree includes A. performing a jaw-thrust. B. performing a head tilt-chin lift maneuver. C. providing oxygen or artificial ventilations. D. assessing the rate and quality of breathing.
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Assess the regularity and quality of breathing
What should your first action be when treating a 40-year old man with rapid respirations? A. Apply 100% supplemental oxygen. B. insert an airway adjunct as needed. C. Assess the regularity and quality of breathing. D. Initiate artificial ventilations with a pocket mask.
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In what position would you expect a patient with severe dyspnea to be in? A. Prone B. Supine C. Fowler's D. Lateral recumbent
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Pocket mask, two-person BVM, flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device, one-person BVM
Which of the following listings of techniques and devices represents the correct order of preference for providing artificial ventilation? A. Pocket mask, one-person BVM, two-person BVM, flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device. B. Pocket mask, two-person BVM, flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device, one-person BVM C. One-person BVM, pocket mask, two=person BVM, flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device D. Two-person BVM, one-person BVM, flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device, pocket mask
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volume of air inhaled in a single breath
Tidal volume is best defined as the A. volume of air inhaled in a single breath. B. volume of air that remains in the upper airway. C. total volume of air that the lungs are capable of holding. D. volume of air moved in and out of the lungs each minute.
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A patient who is in the midst of complete respiratory failure
You would most likely encounter agonal respirations in which of the following patients? A. A hypoxic patient who is in the early phase of compensation B. A severely hypoxic patient who is in the later stages of compensation. C. A patient who is in the midst of complete respiratory failure. D. A semiconscious patient whose tongue in occluding the airway.
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remove the oropharyngeal airway and be prepared to suction the mouth
A young woman who has overdosed on a strong narcotic dry is unconscious with slow, shallow breathing. As you attempt to insert an oropharyngeal airway, the patient begins to gag. You should next A. remove the oropharyngeal airway and be prepared to suction the mouth. B. remove the oropharyngeal airway and insert a nasopharyngeal airway. C. suction the patient's oropharynx as you insert a nasopharyngeal airway. D. make sure you are using the most appropriate size of oropharyngeal airway.
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evaluate the mask-to-face seal and the position of the patient's head
As you are ventilating an apneic patient patient using the one-person bag-valve-mask technique, you note minimal rise of the chest each time you squeeze the bag. You should A. ensure that the reservoir is attached to the bag-valve-mask device. B. squeeze the bag harder to ensure delivery of adequate tidal volume. C. suction the patient's mouth for 15 seconds and reattempt ventilations. D. evaluate the mask-to-face seal and the position of the patient's head.
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deliver each breath over 1 second at a rate of 8 to 10 breaths/min
After an adult cardiac arrest patient has been intubated by a paramedic, you are providing ventilations as your partner performs chest compressions. When ventilating the patient, you should A. deliver 2 breaths during a brief pause in chest compressions. B. deliver each breath over 1 second at a rate of 8 to 10 breaths/min C. hyperventilate the patient to maximize carbon dioxide elimination. D. deliver each breath over 2 seconds at a rate of 12 to 15 breaths/min.
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1 second
When ventilating a patient with apnea with a pocket mask device, each breath should be delivered over A. 1 second B. 2 seconds C. 3 seconds D. 4 seconds
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Supplemental oxygen with a non-rebreathing mask
A 60-year old woman presents with acute respiratory distress. She is alert and oriented, but restless. Her respiratory rate is 26 breaths/min with adequate chest expansion and clear breath sounds. What is the most appropriate method of airway management for this patient? A. Supplemental oxygen with a non-rebreathing mask B. A nasopharyngeal airway and assisted ventilations C. A nasopharyngeal airway and supplemental oxygen D. A nasal cannula with the flowmeter set at 4 to 6 L/min
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suctioning the oropharynx
A semiconscious young man has shallow, gurgling respirations at a rate of 10 breaths/min. Initial management should include A. suctioning the oropharynx B. inserting a nasopharyngeal airway C. initiating positive pressure ventilations. D. applying 100% oxygen with a nonrebreathing mask.
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Which of the following airway sounds would most likely indicate a lower airway obstruction? A. Stridor B. Crowing C. Gurgling D. Wheezing
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