E Commerce Conclusion Essay Example
E Commerce Conclusion Essay Example

E Commerce Conclusion Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (944 words)
  • Published: December 20, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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While the E-Business E-commerce with respect to the broader definition is not Just the buying and selling of goods and services but also customer service, collaboration among business partners, e-learning provision and procurement of electronic transactions between an organization. 3. 7 seven unique features of E-commerce Technology a. Ubiquity: Internet technology is everywhere: at work, home and also through mobile phones. B. Global Reach: broad technology without boundaries around the world. C. Universal Standards: the Internet as a set of technology standards. D.

Richness: video, audio, integrated text messaging. E. Interactivity: the technology works through interaction with users. F. Information Density: information technology can reduce costs to improve Quality. G. Personalization / Customization: technology enables private message conveyed to Individuals or groups 4. Type of E-commerce a. Busine


ss to Business (EBB) EBB can be defined as a system of communication between businesses online business. The form of EBB transaction can be Inter-organizational System (ISO), such as extranet transactions and electronic funds transfer. . The Business to Consumer (BBC) C is the retail transactions with individual shoppers. In addition It can also mean ICC online store mechanism (electronic shopping mall) Is the e-merchant transactions with e-customers. C. Consumer to Consumer (ICC) ICC is a transaction in which consumers sell directly to other consumers. Can be defined as when an individual who advertise goods or services, knowledge, and expertise on the web. D. Peer to Peer (POP) Internet users share files and bias resource computer. E.

Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) Digital devices are used to conduct transactions on the Web, and linked by a personal digital assistant (PDA). M-Commerce Is widely used in Japan and Europe. 5

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E- Commerce Business Models The business model is a set of planned activities (sometimes referred to as business 1 OFF growing businesses (Gosh, 1998): a. Value proposition In many cases, companies develop their value proposition is based on current market conditions or trends. The value proposition is the core of a company's business model.

A value proposition defines how a company's product or service to meet customer needs (Cambial, Ginsberg, and Bloch, 1998). B. Revenue Model While there are many e-commerce revenue models that have been developed, most impasses rely on one, or some combination, the following major revenue models: advertising model, subscription model, transaction cost model, sales model and the affiliate model. In Advertising revenue model, a website that offers its users content, services and / or products also provide a forum for advertisements and receives fees from advertisers.

In the subscription revenue model, a website that offers content or service users change the subscription fees for access to some or all bids. In revenue transaction cost model, firms receive a fee for enabling or executing a transaction. For example, creating an auction marketplace eBay. Com online and receive a small transaction fee from the seller when the seller successfully sell an item. In the sales revenue model, companies earn income by selling goods, information or services to customers. In affiliate revenue model, sites that drive the business to an "affiliate" receive a fee or percentage of income reference of each sale generated. . Market opportunity Market opportunities refer marketplace companies (e areas of actual or potential commercial value) and overall potential financial opportunities available to the many in the marketplace. D. Competitive environment

It also refers to the presence substitute products, potential new entrants to the market, as well as the power of customers and suppliers for your business. E. Competitive advantage Companies achieve a competitive advantage when they can produce a superior product and / or bringing products to market at a lower price than most, or all, of their competitors (Porter, 1985). . Market strategy Market strategy is a plan to put together the details of how you intend to enter new markets and attract new customers g. Organizational Development The company has grown and expanded to have a plan for organizational development that describes how the company will do the work to be completed. The work is divided into a few departments. H. Management team Management is responsible for making the model work team. A strong management team gives credibility model quickly to outside investors, implementing the business plan. 6.

The Internet Is an interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers (host computer or sometimes Just called hosts) that connects businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, and individuals. Website or the website can be defined as a collection of pages that are used to display information, images, motion, sound, and or a combination of these that both static and dynamic form of a series of interconnected buildings which are respectively connected to the link- link. The evolution of the Internet 1961 - 2003 1. Phase Innovation (1961-1974) in hardware and software actually. . Institutional Phase (1975 - 1995) Provided funding and legitimacy for the internet 3. Centralization Phase (1995 - Present) riveter companies to take over and develop a backbone and Internet service.

In 1995, The Federal Networking Council (FAN) says there are three basic concepts that must be understood from the internet, namely: 1. Packet switching method of sending digital messages into packets, sending the packets along different communication paths as they become available, and then reassembling the packets once they arrive at their destination.

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Using a router: special-purpose computers interconnected computer networks that make up the Internet and route packets to their final destination. 2. TCP / IP communication protocol Protocol: set of rules for formatting, ordering, compressing and error checking messages. TCP: Setting connection between sending and receiving Web computers, handles packet assembly at the point of transmission, and their reassembly at the receiving end 'P: Providing Internet addressing scheme TCP / IP is divided into 4 separate layers: Network Interface Layer, the Internet Layer, Transport Layer, Application Layer 3. Client / server computing.

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