Continuous Improvement program & Organizational Culture Essay Example
The continuous improvement program or continuous improvement process is an effort to facilitate coordination of district planning and to streamline communication between state and local education agencies. This process provides an avenue for districts to engage in an inclusive and comprehensive planning as opposed to multiple disconnected processes. Continuous improvement is the prime competitive strategy for industries that reached the market and technological maturity.
Low rates of market expansion or only replacement demand encourages these firms to restrict innovation to incremental improvements in the same core technology. Continuous improvement is also the main source of growth for organizations that cannot pursue more aggressive venture strategies as they have to follow some restricting bureaucratic rules and regulations. W. Edwards Deming says,’ putting out fires is not improvement. Finding a point out of cont
...rol, finding the special cause and removing it is only putting the process back to where it was in the first place.
It is not improvement of the process. [Deming attributed this conclusion to Joseph M. Juran, many years ago. ] You are in a hotel. You hear someone yell fire. He runs for the fire extinguisher and pulls the alarm to cal the fire department. We all get out. Extinguishing the fire does not improve the hotel. ’ that is not improvement of quality. That is putting out fire. (W. Edwards Deming 1986). Continuous improvement program (CIP) allows all staff to make improvement suggestions to achieve excellent performance.Continuous Improvement Programmes are often used within large companies and organisations to share ideas and experience.
The Continuous Improvement Program is sponsored initiative committed to stimulating, promoting and sustaining a culture of improvement throughout all levels of the department
It provides an environment to stimulate healthy competition and promote opportunities to learn new techniques and methods that will improve the department's products and services. Some of the main reasons to use this program are followed.
- Annual CPI Conference
- Better Public Image
- Improve Quality of Service
- Improve Productivity
- Increase Morale
- Improve Teamwork
- Improve Communications
- Problems Solved at Lower Level
- Satisfy Customers & Stakeholders
CIP contribution & Management ‘I do agree’ Continuous improvement program (CIP) contribute a lot either in profitable organization or non-profitable organization. The CIP is new established business where many management firm working closed with companies to implement CIP by training, courses, consulting, reports and other services.
We have seen many results of continuous improvement program and most business agree and implementing this concept and improving. Total Quality management which is the part of continuous improvement program, TQM is a management philosophy, a continuous improvement approach to doing business through a new management model. The TQM philosophy evolved from the continuous improvement philosophy with a focus on quality as the main dimension of business. Under TQM, emphasizing the quality of the product or service predominates.In last 25 year Continuous improvement program (CIP) play really important role in profitability of business. The continuous improvement program is simply a system that maintains the level of business and productivity performance, as a result.
It just not a plan, it's a method, which surly effect the business. The continuous improvement program impacts all individual responsibilities of the business, and also creates higher alternatives that can develop within the organization. It's a fact that individuals must be willing to contemplate the issues that create problems and work on them for proper
solution.It could be anything from a standard evaluation of the overall organization in which management is the key important that links directly to the problem to specific actions that can be taken to improve the business immediately from the problem. Management role in continuous improvement program is necessary leadership and that role in continuous improvement program by doing the following :( David L. Goetsch , 1997)
Establishing an organization wide quality council and serving on it. Working with the quality council to establish specific uality improvement goals with timetables and target dates. The continuous improvement program is more than just analyzing, as well as, organizing and planning; the continuous improvement plan is the future. Every business is different and therefore; will use a variety of different continuous improvement plans, as a result. If you are a businessman whether partnership or corporation, chances are you will never settle for less than excellence.
With the continuous improvement plan, you are destined to be on the road to excellence of the business with good support of management skills.Some firm like ISO9000 business improvement experts will help you achieve your business goals through coaching and training. Learn to identify opportunities for improvement, create an implementation plan, and achieve higher levels of performance and profitability and set the standard. The picture of a company reaping big rewards through quality improvement ia incomplete unless it include some realities that have been unwelcome to most upper managers.
Chief among these realities is the fact that the upper mangers must participate personally an extensively in the effort.It is not enough to establish polices, create awareness, and then leave all else to subordinates. That has been tried,
over and over again, with disappointing results. If the business is doing well with respect to market, you have to maintain that level of performance and overall productivity.
However, anything that is good, it doesn't mean it cannot be better. If the business is doing well, does it mean that your business is well? On the basis of continuous improvement program it’s not true. Any Business has to be taken in broader prospects, whether sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation.Like anything that exists today, there is always room for improvement to create something better, as a result. If the business is doing bad or poorly, you will want to improve the level of performance, as a result. This is where you put the continuous improvement program to radical use and develop a keen likeness to the method.
he Deming Theory The Deming Theory of Management is a management philosophy based on four principles:
- An appreciation for systems,
- A knowledge of variation,
- A theory of knowledge,
- Psychology.
Although the principles for continuous improvement are clearly profitable for companies to implement, why has it been difficult to transform the culture of western management to focus on quality? Deming compiled a list of seven deadly diseases that have inhibited change in style of management.
CIP in Business Whether the business is profitable or non-profitable, continuous improvement program philosophy work very well with it. Competing in the global market place is like competing in the Olympics. Last year’s records are sure to be broken this year.Athletes who don’t improve continuously are not likely to remain long in the winner’s circle. The same is true of companies that must compete globally.
Customer needs are not static.
They change continuously. A special product feature that is considered innovative today will be considered just routine tomorrow. A product cost that is considered a bargain today will be too high to compete tomorrow. A good case in point in this regard is the ever-falling price for each new feature introduced in the personal computer.
The only way a company can hope to compete in the modern marketplace is to improve continually. (David L.Goetsch 1997). Collective effort is focused to better understand meet internal and external customer needs and to continuously increase customer satisfaction. Employing continuous improvement program in an organization can substantially improve the quality of its services or products, increase productivity and reduce costs across a broad spectrum of systems, products, and services. Some of the top companies in the world have involvement in continuous improvement program-related management technologies are Phillips, Ford, Xerox, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Toyota, Honda, Boeing, Chrysler, and Texas Instruments etc. Mansir, Brian E. 1989).
Al most all the top organizations that are committed to a continuous improvement philosophy report substantial improvements in quality, productivity, throughput, and employee morale, with significant reductions in cost, errors, lead-times, waste, and customer complaints. The consensus among continuous improvement program-oriented companies is that, these technologies are the key to their long-term competitiveness and survival.
Keywords: Quality, Management, Improvement, TQM, Continuous improvement, Process improvement elements involved in it.Toyota is the biggest auto Mobil Company in the world and is the best example of the continuous improvement program. The Japanese philosophy of KAIZEN (which means improvement or good improvement) involved in all aspects of life, same as Toyota follow this concept. Under management prospects two important roles carried out.
The management
first establish policies, rules, directives and standard operating procedures and then work towards ensuring that everybody follows .The latter is achieved through a combination of discipline and human resource development measures. After that improvement function, management works continuously towards revising the current standards, once they have been mastered, and establishing higher ones. Improvement can be broken down between innovation and Kaizen.
Innovation involves a drastic improvement in the existing process and requires large investments. Kaizen signifies small improvements as a result of coordinated continuous efforts by all employees. (unisa cip workshop, KAZIEN Japanese strategy of CIP).
The continuous improvement program is long-term program which have no end and its continuous, that’s why some of big brand has long-term prospects because of their profitability, quality and strength. e. g. Sony , Microsoft, Honda , Toyota etc. The Continuous improvement program can applies on every aspect of life whether its profitable or non-profitable business, school, college, councils, hospital, society etc. The modern philosophy of continuous improvement program works with every sector.
Its just not work with profitability, other than that is the way of improving in quality or performance.Human nature needs change, so change is the first step toward improving because change give us better opportunities, which most of the business changing their product time by time for increase sale and in return we get a good product and new as well but customer also needs good bargain on new product. This kind of healthy competition come out and other business also compete with them and we can get better and better product with a lot of choices and that’s the way to get more profitability in business.
That is the
improvement program and it should be continuous.By Joseph M. Juran : To maintain and increase sales income , companies must continually evolve new product features and new process to produce those features. Customer needs a moving target. to keep costs competitive, companies must continually reduce the level of product and process deficiencies, competitive costs are also a moving target. (Joseph M. Juran , 1989). Non-profitable organizations improved so much in last few years while working on there continuous improvement program, for example schools ,councils etc.
Schools are give new and effected services for children where they have more close to them and teacher have new ideas to make the school better place and also close relation with parents, new training and courses and mainly working on the weak points of the school system . By now there is big different in schools while compare to the 10 years ago but Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service. ‘Improvement is not a one time effort. Management is obligated to continuously look for way to reduce waste and improve quality’. (W. Edwards 1986). There are four basic step involve in the continuous improvement program.
- Target and opportunity for improvement
- Investigate (Analyze) the area targeted for improvement
- Develop and implement programs
- Evaluate improvements
Critical analysis shows that some of the targets areas of improvement are:
- Establish baseline measurements
- Analyze processes
- Identify potential causes
- Determine root cause(s)
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