consumer final 16 – Flashcards

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Innovations are a. created only out of a sense of public service. b. critical to sales and future growth. c. only important for services. d. only important for products. e. important primarily when the economy is expanding.
b. critical to sales and future growth.
Something that is perceived as new by consumers within a market segment and that has an effect on existing consumption patterns is known as a(n) a. innovation. b. offering. c. good. d. autonomic emblem. e. syncratic emblem.
a. innovation
Movies downloaded from the Internet can be considered an innovation of a(n) a. idea. b. service. c. good. d. packaging. e. function.
b. service
Social marketers have been active in persuading consumers to adopt energy conservation, smoke-free workplaces, and abstinence from drugs. These are best thought of as ___________ innovations. a. product b. ethnic emblem c. service d. idea e. product attribute
d. idea
Something that is old can also be considered an innovation if it a. is especially appealing for nostalgia. b. is especially appealing because it is a sacred object. c. becomes a gift. d. serves as a product that fulfills basic needs. e. is introduced to a new market segment.
e. is introduced to a new market segment.
All of the following could make a product or service an innovation except if it a. involves only new marketing communications pitches. b. is new to the marketplace. c. is perceived as new by consumers. d. is defined as new by a certain segment. e. involves changes in consumption patterns.
a. involved only new marketing communications pitches.
A calculator with a special chip that allows faster calculations is an innovation a. only if it processes a certain degree faster than the previous generation of chip. b. only if it is perceived so by consumers. c. regardless of the impressions of others. d. only if it has a brand image. e. for those who have bought the product but not for others.
b. only if it is perceived so by consumers.
Products like TVs and VCRs may be seen as new to consumers in Third World countries even though we regard them as established products. These products are innovations in Third World countries now because they a. involve new marketing communications pitches. b. are entirely new products. c. are radical innovations. d. are defined as new by those markets. e. involve new brand names.
d. are defined as new by those markets.
Marketers classify innovations in three main ways: (1) the degree of novelty, (2) the type of benefits offered, and (3) the a. styles available. b. features affected. c. breadth of innovation. d. length of time to adoption. e. size of potential market.
c. breadth of innovation.
Services such as home shopping and direct mail are innovations primarily because they involve a. new marketing communications pitches. b. new brand names. c. radical innovation. d. new technology. e. changes in consumption patterns.
e. changes in consumption patterns.
Most new products are ___________ innovations. a. continuous b. dynamically continuous c. discontinuous d. dynamic e. dynamically discontinuous
a. continuous
A continuous innovation is one that has a. new affective tags attached in consumers' minds. b. a limited effect on existing consumption patterns. c. a pronounced effect on our consumption practices. d. the potential to start a new product category. e. old associations but a new name.
b. a limited effect on existing consumption patterns.
3M has introduced a new sponge that has an antimicrobial polymer designed to kill bacteria and germs and reduce the odors associated with wet sponges. This is best thought of as an example of a a. cannibalization product. b. continuous innovation. c. dynamically continuous innovation. d. discontinuous innovation. e. hedonically schematic innovation.
b. continuous innovation
A dynamically continuous innovation has a. new affective tags attached in consumers' minds. b. a limited effect on existing consumption patterns. c. a pronounced effect on our existing consumption practices. d. the potential to start a new product category. e. old associations but a new name.
c. a pronounced effect on our existing consumption practices.
E-mail is a ___________ because it changes the way we sent documents to other people, which is a pronounced effect on consumption practices that were previously used. a. cannibalization product b. continuous innovation c. dynamically continuous innovation d. discontinuous innovation e. hedonically schematic innovation
c. dynamically continuous innovation
A discontinuous innovation is defined as a product that a. cannibalizes other products. b. disrupts consumers' lives. c. disrupts a firm's marketing operations. d. is so new that we have never known anything like it before. e. is a hedonically schematic innovation.
d. is so new that we have never known anything like it before.
When they were invented, airplanes fundamentally affected how, when, and where consumers traveled. At the time they were invented, they were regarded as a a. cannibalization product. b. continuous innovation. c. dynamically continuous innovation. d. discontinuous innovation. e. hedonically schematic innovation.
d. discontinuous innovation.
Sales of personal computers have led to the creation and sales of other products such as floppy disks, modems, and DVD drives. This is an example of how __________ often spawn(s) peripheral products and associated innovations. a. new types of public relations and advertising b. an increase in hedonic consumption c. an increase in continuous innovations d. a decrease in spending e. discontinuous and dynamically continuous innovations
e. discontinuous and dynamically continuous innovations
__________ innovations are those that offer benefits in product performance over existing alternatives. a. Functional b. Feature c. Symbolic d. Hedonic e. Egoistic
a. Functional
The notebook computer offers the benefit of portability that desktop computers do not. This is best classified as a(n) ___________ innovation. a. functional b. aesthetic c. symbolic d. attribute-based e. serial
a. functional
Hybrid vehicles are more fuel-efficient and better for the environment than traditional gasoline-powered cars. Hybrid vehicles are an example of a(n) _____________ innovation. a. functional b. hedonic c. symbolic d. aesthetic e. Hybrid vehicles are not considered an innovation as vehicles already existed before their introduction.
a. functional
Hedonic innovations are new products, services, or ideas that a. offer benefits in product performance over existing alternatives. b. appeal to our pleasure-seeking and/or sensory needs. c. have new social meaning. d. are only incremental improvements. e. usually spawn other innovations and product forms.
b. appeal to our pleasure-seeking and/or sensory needs.
New forms of dance, new types of music, new clothing styles, and new types of food would all qualify as ___________ innovations. a. functional b. aesthetic c. discontinuous d. attribute-based e. serial
b. aesthetic
Symbolic innovations are products, services, attributes, or ideas that a. offer benefits in product performance over existing alternatives. b. appeal to our pleasure-seeking and/or sensory needs. c. have new social meaning. d. are only incremental improvements. e. usually spawn other innovations and product forms.
c. have new social meaning.
New styles of clothing that convey membership in a particular ethnic, age, or gender group may be regarded as ___________ innovations. a. functional b. radical c. symbolic d. attribute-based e. serial
c. symbolic
Horned- and wire-rimmed glasses were perceived as old-fashioned until they became associated with intellectualism in the 1980s. This does not show that the product is new, but rather the ___________ is (are) new. a. design b. features c. brand name d. meaning associated with the product e. technology associated with the product
d. meaning associated with the product
Breadth of an innovation refers to a. the number of different ideas that went into the invention of the new product. b. the rate of continuity. c. the rate of discontinuity. d. the innovativeness scale invented by IBS in the early 1920s. e. the new and different uses of a new product.
e. the new and different uses of a new product.
Because the success of new offerings is so important to companies, marketers are often interested in understanding how consumers choose to buy an innovation. This process is known as a. adoption. b. referencing. c. innovating. d. creating. e. designating.
a. adoption.
All of the following issues regarding a particular innovation might be of great interest to marketers except a. whether consumers will adopt the innovation. b. consumer information processing speed. c. whether consumers will resist the innovation. d. how consumers will adopt the product. e. when, in relation to others, a consumer buys the innovation.
b. consumer information processing speed.
A new trend for sorority girls on some U.S. college campuses is to tattoo their ankles. Previously tattoos were considered to be a sign of masculinity. Therefore this practice could be considered a _________________ innovation. a. functional b. hedonic c. discontinuous d. symbolic e. expressive
d. symbolic
Mark just refused to buy a personal computer. He continued to refuse even when his boss pressured him to buy a computer on which to work from home. This is best thought of as a. hedging. b. arbitraging. c. resistance. d. scheming. e. referencing.
c. resistance.
Resistance refers to a. the degree of consumer anger over dangerous products. b. the degree of consumer anger over pornographic materials. c. the slowness of marketing communications to build up a brand image. d. consumers' desires not to buy an innovation. e. the refusal of consumers to remember the brand name of products bought on sale.
d. consumers' desires not to buy an innovation.
Resistance is a. a part of adoption. b. closely related to adoption. c. the last stage of adoption. d. the second stage of adoption. e. a concept separate from adoption.
e. a concept separate from adoption.
Upon finding out about the new type of toddler toy, Ying looked up a review in a magazine, asked several friends, and thought carefully about it before making up her mind. This is an example of a. high-effort hierarchy of effects. b. low-effort hierarchy of effects. c. peripheral processing. d. heuristic processing. e. schema probing.
a. high-effort hierarchy of effects.
Low-effort hierarchy of effects occurs when the new product a. is high priced but less interesting to the consumer. b. involves less risk, and fewer people are involved. c. involves central route processing. d. takes a long time to be adopted but is suddenly rapidly adopted by everyone. e. takes a short time to be adopted but is only adopted by half the consumers.
b. involves less risk, and fewer people are involved.
With low-effort hierarchy of effects, attitudes are based on a. careful thought. b. advertising. c. trial experience. d. a lot of information. e. attribute-based processing.
c. trial experience.
If the adoption process is a low-effort one, it is best for marketers to a. use an information-intensive approach. b. give consumers written information. c. give consumers oral information. d. encourage trial. e. reduce risk.
d. encourage trial.
All of the following are adopter groups except a. early refusers. b. innovators. c. laggards. d. early adopters. e. the late majority.
a. early refusers.
Innovators are a. early refusers. b. the smallest group of innovation adopters. c. laggards. d. skeptical. e. the late majority.
b. the smallest group of innovation adopters.
____________ of innovations have been characterized as respectable. a. Early refusers b. Innovators c. Early adopters d. The late majority e. The early majority
c. Early adopters
_________ of innovations have been characterized as skeptical. a. Early refusers b. Innovators c. Early adopters d. The late majority e. The early majority
d. The late majority
_________in adopting innovations have been characterized as deliberate. a. Early refusers b. Innovators c. Early adopters d. The late majority e. The early majority
e. The early majority
If an innovation is to spread through the market, it a. must appeal to each of the adopter groups. b. only needs to appeal to innovators. c. only needs to appeal to early majority consumers. d. must first appeal to the lower classes. e. must only appeal to the middle classes.
a. must appeal to each of the adopter groups.
Some have criticized the five-category scheme of adopter groups because it assumes that a. people are rational individuals. b. there are the same five categories for every innovation. c. people can recall a lot of information. d. people are cognitive misers. e. the number of consumers who adopt an innovation form an S-shaped curve.
b. there are the same five categories for every innovation.
Some researchers claim that innovators are those who a. are low in need for cognition. b. adopt innovations according to the low-effort hierarchy of effects. c. make a decision to buy a product independent of the decision of others. d. adopt innovations on the opinions of others. e. are cognitive misers.
c. make a decision to buy a product independent of the decision of others.
Because innovators adopt innovations independent of the opinions of other people, they a. will be easily influenced by their reference group. b. will be easily influenced by their peer group. c. may process information about innovations through peripheral route processing. d. are more receptive to information about new products. e. are less receptive to information about new products.
d. are more receptive to information about new products
By virtue of their experience with the innovation, innovators may a. have a greater degree of resistance to the innovation. b. be slower to adopt the innovation. c. be more easily influenced by a reference group. d. be less receptive to information about new products. e. communicate information to others.
e. communicate information to others.
Innovators a. have little social influence. b. tend to be opinion leaders. c. tend to be followers. d. have a need for the instruction of others. e. tend to be dependent.
b. tend to be opinion leaders.
Innovators have been found to differ from others in how they make decisions. They a. carefully plan. b. deliberate for a long time. c. do less planning and deliberation. d. engage in attribute-based decision making. e. utilize whole evaluations in their decision making.
c. do less planning and deliberation.
While some studies have shown innovators to be less dogmatic than others, most research on the relationship between______________ reveals that they are not strongly related. a. interest in the product category and innovativeness b. interest in the product category and being a laggard c. resistance and being a laggard d. personality traits and innovativeness e. resistance and innovativeness
d. personality traits and innovativeness
Innovators tend to have all of the following characteristics except they a. have a great deal of social influence beyond their immediate groups. b. are high in need for stimulation. c. are heavily involved in media. d. are heavy users within the product category. e. are low in need for cognition.
e. are low in need for cognition.
Diffusion a. reflects the behavior of groups of consumers within the market. b. assesses the attitudes of individual consumers within the market. c. is almost always inward. d. assesses the behavior of individual consumers within the market. e. is adoption by heavy users of a new product.
a. reflects the behavior of groups of consumers within the market.
With an S-shaped diffusion curve, products a. spread through the market relatively rapidly at first but then slow down. b. first spread through the market relatively slowly. c. decline and then rise before finally declining. d. exhibit only satisfactory performance. e. spread at a much more rapid pace than they do with M-shaped curves.
b. first spread through the market relatively slowly.
The diffusion of microwave ovens was very slow. Then, diffusion increased dramatically as consumers became more aware and knowledgeable of microwave technology and as more products compatible with microwave technology came onto the market. The diffusion pattern for this product is a. inverted-U shaped. b. S-shaped. c. exponential. d. U-shaped. e. M-shaped.
b. S-shaped.
The diffusion curves reflect the a. time period under analysis. b. total sales in dollars. c. total sales volume. d. percentage of the population who have adopted the product. e. total number adopting the innovation.
d. percentage of the population who have adopted the product.
The ___________ diffusion curve starts out more quickly, with a large percentage of the market purchasing as soon as possible. a. inverted-U-shaped b. S-shaped c. exponential d. U-shaped e. M-shaped
c. exponential
A successful innovation that has a moderately long and potentially cyclical product life cycle is known as a a. fashion. b. fad. c. prototype. d. protocycle. e. moderate innovation.
a. fashion.
The ___________ proposes that products initially go through a period of introduction, followed by relatively rapid growth as more competitors enter the market and consumer acceptance of the product increases. As competition increases, weaker competitors drop out of the market and product sales tend to stabilize. Later, sales decline. a. sales model b. growth model c. competition law d. market survival law e. product life cycle
e. product life cycle
The product life cycle measures a. sales of the product over time. b. time. c. percentage of sales volume. d. rate of adoption. e. the total number adopting the innovation.
a. sales of the product over time.
Some products like film projectors and black-and-white televisions are in the ___________ stage of the product life cycle. a. growth b. decline c. introduction d. birth e. maturity
b. decline
A ___________ is an innovation with a very short product life cycle. a. blip b. flash c. fad d. fashion e. classic
c. fad
In the 1970s, everybody owned a novelty called a Pet Rock. The sales of this product rapidly grew and just as rapidly fell. In terms of the Product Life Cycle, the Pet Rock was a a. classic. b. fashion. c. fad. d. innovator. e. laggard.
c. fad.
A ___________ is a successful innovation with a lengthy product life cycle. a. blip b. flash c. spat d. fashion e. classic
e. classic
All of the following are characteristics of the innovation that will affect adoption and diffusion except a. attributes that affect performance but are not perceived by consumers. b. the perceived value of the innovation. c. the uncertainty associated with the innovation. d. the extent to which consumers must learn new patterns of use. e. the innovation's social relevance.
a. attributes that affect performance but are not perceived by consumers.
Warmth of food is associated with freshness in Chinese culture. In this culture, a marketer of cold pizza would face difficulties because of problems due to the lack of a. adoption speed of the innovation. b. compatibility with existing consumer values, norms, and behavior. c. simplicity of the innovation so that consumers can easily make a first trial. d. fungibility of the innovation. e. socioeconomic status associated with this type of product or service.
b. compatibility with existing consumer values, norms, and behavior.
___________ has (have) two dimensions: observability and social value. a. Social relevance b. Fungability c. Periodicity d. Hierarchical effects e. Sociality
a. Social relevance
Among factors that influence resistance, adoption, and diffusion, ___________ refers to the extent to which the innovation follows established guidelines for what seems appropriate in the category. a. conjunctive fungability b. adaptability c. legitimacy d. fungability e. guidability
c. legitimacy
Which of the following characteristics of a social system could result in the slowing of an innovation's diffusion? a. a high degree of modernity b. a high degree of homophily c. a high degree of physical distance between members d. the existence of opinion leaders e. a low degree of physical distance between members
c. a high degree of physical distance between members
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