Comparing Two Philosophers Essay Example
Comparing Two Philosophers Essay Example

Comparing Two Philosophers Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1075 words)
  • Published: October 5, 2021
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The study of philosophy delves into essential and timeless matters concerning knowledge, values, language, mind, existence, and purpose. As a result, philosophers are individuals who actively engage in the process of reasoning to confront existential inquiries about the human condition. Moreover, philosophers can choose to specialize in either scientific or humanistic disciplines like history, economics, arts, linguistics, literature, politics, and sociology (Barker 107).

The exposition discusses the two renowned philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. Born in 428-429 B.C., Plato was a disciple of Socrates and later became Aristotle's teacher. Although heavily influenced by Socrates, evident through the frequent appearance of Socrates as a central figure in his works, Plato also drew inspiration from Pythagoreans, Heraclitus, and Parmenides. He adopted the name Plato for his participation as a wrestler in the Isthmian games due to his notably broad shoulders. Through his numerous dialogue


s, he synthesized transcendentalism, ethics, and political philosophy into an interconnected and unified philosophical system (Ross 120).

Plato, the founder of the prestigious Academy in Athens, established the main institution for higher learning in the Western world. His complete works are still accessible today. In his speeches, he explored a range of subjects including metaphysics, ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, art theory, and the philosophy of mathematics. His philosophy had significant implications for politics and society, particularly concerning governance. Plato rejected Athenian democracy's principle that only a few are capable of ruling and instead advocated for wisdom and rational thinking to govern (Santas 150). He also argued that being ruled by a benevolent dictator is preferable to a corrupt democracy.

Plato and Aristotle, both influential philosophers in ancient Greece, had differing perspectives on politics.

According to Plato, the

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key starting point for discussing the ideal political system is acknowledging conflicting interests and social differences that can potentially lead to civil strife. Plato's vision of a political community involves various social classes or factions - such as the rich, poor, and honorable - each representing distinct claims to rule, interests, and values. In Plato's view, the best political system is one that fosters social harmony through friendship and active participation among these diverse social groups (Barker 118).

Aristotle followed in Plato's footsteps but had his own unique ideas. Born between 384-322 B.C., Aristotle believed that recognizing the unique nature of a thing was essential in understanding its virtue or goodness. In terms of politics specifically, Aristotle argued that individuals naturally form associations with one another.

He portrays the appearance of the state and asserts that all states are typical and all natives are capable of participating in politics. He examines the fundamental human connections in their simplest form. Aristotle's idealistic belief revolves around the concept of substance, which is a combination of matter. Plato and Aristotle are two of the prominent philosophers in history.

Both Rousseau and Kant based their theories on widely accepted beliefs of their time (Ross 126). They were philosophers who primarily focused on matters of politics, science, and morality. Despite being considered less theoretically valuable in modern times, their works still hold great historical significance. Both philosophers contemplated the existence of humanity and the importance of that existence (Barker 123). They sought to comprehend consciousness of one's existence and how that relates to the existence of others.

Both Plato and Aristotle aimed to establish a framework or theory of ethical values and principles governing

moral obligation, duty, and the concepts of good and evil. They also applied these principles of behavior in the management of individuals or groups. Their main concern was adherence to the standard of what is right, which they deemed as goodness. They considered one particular virtue to possess exceptional moral excellence. Plato believed in the existence of ideal forms, which are separate from specific things and serve as models. Aristotle, on the other hand, maintained that universals only exist where they are instantiated. While Plato identified ultimate reality in external forms or ideas known through reasoning, Aristotle perceived ultimate reality in physical objects that can be understood through experience.

In his work, Ross (130) suggests that talking about something without knowledge of genuine living is useless. Plato believed that the logical technique involves moving from knowledge of ideas to studying specific impersonations. Meanwhile, Aristotle believed that the insightful strategy entails moving from studying specific phenomena to understanding substances. Plato's main concern was creating a perfect society, while Aristotle focused on deducing methods that could improve the existing one. Plato describes human existence as individuals being good creatures who have "fallen" from the "sky" and are now trapped in the world we live in, which is the lowest and most flawed level of the universe (Ross 140).

Plato's belief was that when humans reason or learn, they are actually recollecting knowledge that they already possess due to their celestial nature. This implies that they have an attraction towards specific things in the world. In his work "The Republic," Plato proposed a plan for an ideal society where all children would be raised by the state, taught to consider

it as their own parent, and evaluated as they matured. Conversely, Aristotle authored several books on scientific observations within fields such as science, chemistry, and medicine to complement his philosophical writings. He builds upon Plato's perspectives on humanity by asserting that individuals must strive to become the best version of themselves in order to perfect their humanity.

According to Santas (186), in order for a man to be his best, he must develop reasonable expectations and appropriate demeanor and put those goals into genuine idealistic action. Aristotle believed that knowledge is accumulated memories, obtained through a long series of observations and connected by the mind into a singular experience. Plato taught that every human soul has a desire to reach for a purer, higher spiritual truth that will transform the world and enlighten our souls. This made him the main representative for all religious believers seeking ultimate reality and for artists. In contrast, Aristotle claimed that the light of truth is found in the physical world and it is our job to understand and find our place within it (Santas 190).

Aristotle's contribution to western science earned him the title of father of this field. Presently, Aristotle is regarded as the guiding force behind web-based businesses, web development, and entrepreneurial startups. In his writings, he emphasized that the purpose of society is to promote mutual empowerment for attaining a superior and improved life through the exchange of diverse services.

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