Chapter5 – Essay Writing – Flashcards

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Rob uses various note-taking systems to varying degrees depending on the class he is taking and what stage of mastery he feels he has with the material. He meets with study groups and finds this to be very helpful in filling in the information gaps. He does an excellent job of reviewing the information he has learned and performs well on tests. Rob has been interning for a large firm over the summer, and his boss has been somewhat disappointed in his performance on an independent project he has been assigned. The project requires speaking to many different parties to gather client needs, expectations, and timelines. When his boss allowed people to act on this information they found inaccuracies and discrepancies that could have caused problems with clients. Based on what you have read in the chapter, which strategy should Rob use to improve his job performance?
Paraphrase information he is receiving to be sure he understands it accurately.
Phoebe has been assigned to a group project that is due in a few weeks. Her group members have been arguing over how to best approach their topic and no one seems to be listening to or respecting any one else's ideas. Phoebe took on a leadership role by asking people to quiet down and to write a paragraph with their ideas to share with the group. As each person read their paragraphs, others began to notice that they agreed with a lot of the ideas they heard. The group was able to reach a consensus on how to approach the topic within the hour. Phoebe showed the group that to stay attentive, one cannot get caught up in the drama.
Fabian want to improve his listening skills. He is embracing the strategy of practicing with awareness, which means:
stop habits that hinder attentive listening.
Kelly decided to keep a week's worth of data on how much she speaks versus how much she listens. Her purpose was most likely to:
assess her attentive listening skills.
Todd has a class after football practice. He is exhausted and has difficulty focusing on the lecture. One strategy to remain attentive would be to:
show that he is listening.
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When Adam takes notes he jots down the main ideas with dashes for subtopics and details in a linear and sequential fashion. This would be an example of:
an informal outline.
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Chad is left-brain dominant and prefers order, yet he has never liked the rigidity of creating formal outlines. He just started his first semester of college and has been introduced to different note-taking systems in his class. He is intrigued by the Cornell system because it allows him the flexibility to use the system to integrate his lecture and text notes. The drawback in using this system, however, is that it is not designed for left-brain dominant people who prefer to take notes in a linear or sequential order.
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Muriel wants to create a mind map. This is a note taking system that involves:
recording the main idea and connected subtopics.
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A left-brain dominant person will most likely prefer to use a mind map note taking system.
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Calvin is a visual learner and likes to map or draw key points and connections as he is processing new information learned. His roommate thinks he is wasting time when in actuality he is:
integrating his learning style using his notes.
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Marybeth has an instructor with a heavy accent she has trouble understanding at times. When she asks for clarification she feels like the other students get impatient. She should remain persistent in seeking clarification.
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Veronica's instructor often wanders from the points he is trying to make in his lectures, which leaves her confused and panicked. Upon talking with classmates in a study group session, she realizes she is not alone. The group's best option would be to:
work together to ask questions that provide clarity.
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Dustin needs to take some math courses in order to graduate with a liberal arts degree. He has had anxiety about this because math is not a strength for him. In his first math class of the year, he has gotten an instructor who interrupts his teaching with a lot of personal comments and stories. Although he is funny and the class enjoys his anecdotes, Dustin cannot relax and listen because he is panicked over the time being wasted on things not pertinent to what they are learning in the text. His best course of action would be to:
pay attention to verbal and nonverbal clues and ask questions.
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Caleb needs to memorize and know when to use 20 formulas in his Finance class this semester. He is a right-brain dominant thinker and kinesthetic learner. A useful note-taking strategy will be:
using note cards.
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Terry is a right-brain dominant thinker. He is in a study group with people who prefer to use the Cornell system of note-taking. He finds this note-taking system challenging and has adapted his note-taking system toward his more visual learning style. He uses a combination of informal outlining key topics and supporting points with a mind map to link and summarize the material. When he gets together with his study group, they tend to go through the Cornell system step by step to compare notes. He has difficulty in following along with this style of note-taking and feels he is not gaining much from attending the group sessions. Based on this chapter, what advice would you give to Terry to help him optimize his learning?
Terry should write a summary of key points and main ideas to share with the group.
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Carol has missed some classes due to illness. She has been able to catch up by meeting with her study groups to fill in gaps in her notes but she still feels like she has not mastered the material. She should create sample tests to assess her recall of the information.
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For a student with a learning disability it is particularly helpful to:
create a note taking template.
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Andy fears he will forget most of what he just learned in class lectures and in his text reading before he is actually tested on the material. He will have a better chance of retaining the material if he keeps his schedule clear right after the class and takes time to review his notes.
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One way to retain information is by clustering ideas together.
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Taking good notes in an essential job skill.
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Marion decided to keep a week's worth of data on how much she speaks versus how much she listens. Her purpose was most likely to:
assess her attentive listening skills.
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Parker has an evening class after wrestling practice. He tries to stay alert in class, but his instructor tends to speak in a monotone voice, which makes it difficult to focus on. One strategy to remain attentive would be to:
NOT show that he is listening. NOT stay focused.
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In the Cornell System of Note Taking, one should divide their paper into three sections labeled:
Cues, Notes, Summary
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Merle is a left-brain dominant thinker and visual learner. He learned the Cornell system of taking notes, but he felt the steps were taking too long so he switched to creating informal outlines of the material. He felt constricted by the linearity of the outline so he tried mind maps, but he had trouble making sense of his connections without seeing the information in a more linear fashion. Which strategy should Merle use to take effective notes?
NOT He should incorporate his learning style. NOT He should set up a note-taking template first to save time in writing notes.
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Evan is an artist and likes to sketch out his notes in cartoon form as he is reviewing them. His roommate thinks he is wasting time when in actuality he is:
integrating his learning style using his notes.
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Georgia is frustrated because her Marketing instructor's PowerPoint slides and discussion rarely cover the text chapters assigned, which are difficult for her to understand. She should:
ask her instructor if her questions will be addressed in or out of class.
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Carley is beginning the first course in her major field of study. For optimal preparation she should:
preview the material and make connections to previous knowledge.
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Ryanne is left-brain dominant thinker and a visual learner. A mind map will likely be an effective note taking system for her in capturing lecture material.
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Shawna needs to study for a test. The week before the test it will probably be a good idea to:
compare notes with study group members to be sure she has all the key points.
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Andrew fears he will forget most of what he just learned in class lectures and in his text reading before he is actually tested on the material. He will have a better chance of retaining the material if he:
keeps his schedule clear right after the class and takes time to review his notes.
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Amy has trouble in recalling information she has learned in class. To improve her chances of recalling the information she should edit and revise her notes within an hour after class, and she should review those notes within 24 hours from when she learned the material.
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Serena's instructor likes to sit in front of the class and talk with students in a more informal fashion. She rarely uses the board or overhead projector to illustrate the important points of the lecture. Serena is a visual learner and has a learning disability in receptive listening; thus auditory learning is a challenge for her. Serena could tell in the first lecture that she was going to have difficulty in note taking. One way for Serena to optimize learning and note taking will be to:
NOT be assertive and ask for clarification during class. NOT watch for non-verbal cues such as hand gestures to hone in on important points.
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When meeting with his study group, Robert tries to listen but he gets so excited about the topic he ends up talking too much. He senses his study group is becoming impatient with this. Which strategy will help him correct his behavior?
He should apply the Adult Learning Cycle to Becoming an Attentive Listener.
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Manny talks a lot and dominates conversations. He has noticed this affects his ability to feel accepted by his study group. He tries to listen, but he gets so excited about the topic he ends up talking too much. Which strategy will best serve Manny in gaining more acceptance within his study group?
Manny should apply the Adult Learning Cycle to Becoming an Attentive Listener
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To practice with awareness means:
stop habits that hinder attentive listening.
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Jason finds it hard to respect an instructor whose appearance lacks professional polish. He takes notes but tends to sit in the back of the room and does not ask questions. He has been known to whisper comments to peers poking fun at certain instructors, especially when he does not agree with their viewpoint. In one such class, Jason got a D on his first test. A lot of the material covered was not in the text. What should be his best course of action to improve his performance?
Jason should postpone judgment of his instructors.
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When Bill looks back at his notes to review, he has trouble seeing sequential order and how topics are connected. What is probably his main obstacle in the note taking process?
He has not yet determined an optimal note-taking combination.
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The Cornell system is primarily used for text notes.
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A mind map is a useful note taking system for class lectures.
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Mason has tried several different note-taking systems and feels he has found the right combination of strategies for each of his classes. The best way to assess the effectiveness of his strategies will be by:
NOT his ability to summarize the text with ease. NOT his understanding and comfort level with the material prior to a test.
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Melanie's instructor uses PowerPoint presentations during lectures. Each slide has a lot of information, and she feels it is redundant for her to be taking notes of the slides while her instructor is expanding upon the information. It would be appropriate for Melanie to ask her instructor if the slides are available online so students can print out the slides and take these to class for note-taking.
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Claudia was never a good listener but has developed her listening skills since she started school. She previews materials, attends all of her classes, and sits in the front row. She has learned to stay focused by taking a lot of notes and by asking questions in class for clarity. Through experimentation, she has combined the Cornell and informal outline note-taking systems to accommodate her learning style and to optimize learning. She is also working with a study group to compare notes after class to be sure she is not missing any key points. She has even considered Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve and is sure to review and summarize her notes after class, and she reviews her notes frequently. Despite all of these efforts, Claudia is struggling in one of her math classes and finds herself surprised by material that appears on tests. Claudia must pass this class for her major. What advice would benefit Claudia the most?
Claudia should reassess her note taking system in math.
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According to Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve one is likely to retain:
36 percent of the material learned after 9 hours and after a month that figure drops to 21 percent.
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Clarence has a learning disability in the verbal/linguistic domain. When taking notes, it would helpful for him to:
create a note taking template.
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Philip is creating a flow chart of the central nervous system as he is reviewing his notes. This is an example of:
using visual cues.
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When Greg looks back at his notes to review, he has trouble seeing sequential order and how topics are connected. What is probably his main obstacle in the note taking process?
He has not yet determined an optimal note-taking combination.
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When Jerry is taking notes during a lecture he tends to jot down the main ideas with dashes for subtopics and details in a linear and sequential fashion. This would be an example of:
an informal outline.
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When summarizing information you have learned it is important to read your summary aloud to others.
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Victor has a test next week. He wants to be sure he understands the material and that he has not missed key points. He should:
compare notes with study group members to be sure he has all the key points.
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It is best to experiment with several note taking systems or combinations of systems.
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Isa is a sophomore in college and on the swim team. He spends a lot of his time either at practice or socializing. He goes to all of his classes and takes a fair amount of notes. He meets with study groups to review notes before tests and studies on his own the night before a test. He usually does well on tests, but it is not uncommon to face problems he had no recollection of learning in lectures, in the text, or in his study group. Isa has a mediocre G.P.A. Based on the chapter, what is likely happening to Isa?
NOT Isa is not listening attentively. NOT Isa's note-taking system is not working for him.
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Lily uses a free-form informal outline for note-taking during lectures. This may not be a helpful system for creating mind maps later on.
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Jim is preparing for a test. He took most of his notes using informal outlines. Although he reviewed his notes after each class and summarized the information in class and in the text, he feels like he is missing the 'big picture'. A useful note-taking strategy in this case would be to create a mind map.
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Thad is creating a flow chart of the operating system he is reviewing in his notes. This is an example of:
using visual cues.
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Although having a laptop in to take notes during a lecture can be useful, there are also many drawbacks such as:
not being able to record illustrations and graphs.
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A mind map is a note taking system that involves:
recording the main idea and connected subtopics.
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According to Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve one is likely to retain only 63% of the material learned after 9 hours and after a month that figure drops to 21%.
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