Leg Case Study Essay Example
Leg Case Study Essay Example

Leg Case Study Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (656 words)
  • Published: April 10, 2018
  • Type: Article
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Leg has utilized their unique design to enhance future capabilities, creating cycles of capability enhancement that attract partnerships with popular franchises such as Star Wars, Batman, and The Hobbit. Due to their patented design, Leg faces little to no competition in the plastic construction market, allowing them to establish a sustainable competitive advantage and product recognition as they expand into diverse markets. In 2004, Leg had resources spread out globally, but the new CEO implemented changes that reduced unused stock and improved operations, resources, product quality, and logistics. Leg's brand name and logo have allowed them to adapt to new markets and commit to partnerships with notable franchises like Harry Potter and Star Wars. Appendix 1.1 shows the strength of Leg's resource base and how they have utilized their brand recognition.In recent years, Lego has i


ncreased its presence in markets such as video gaming and plastic construction (Men, 2011). This expansion has been achieved through the expansion of their product offering and leveraging resources, as seen in Appendix 1.3. The plastic construction industry remains attractive to Lego due to their patented building bricks. However, when expanding into other markets such as video games and movies, Lego had to ensure these industries were attractive before entering. While these markets offer potential earning ability, the threat of substitutes is high due to the relatively low cost with high sales prices (Appendix 2.5, 2.2). New entrants are likely to appear, but with recognized brands such as Lego, Warner Bros., and Nintendo already competing, it is challenging for new companies to make an impact. Lego has produced over 30 games on multiple platforms since 2004 and adapted to changing

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market needs. The new CEO has played a significant role in this operation (Men, 2011). Appendix 2.3 provides details on Lego's product offerings.As market segmentation changes, Leg has built a loyal customer base over time, but emerging trends in video gaming are becoming popular across all age groups (Ashcroft 2014). While competitors such as Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony pose a threat in the major video game market, Hasher and Matter are seen as major competitors in toys. Nonetheless, due to the popularity of its recent movie, Leg has become the largest toy seller worldwide (Petrol 2014). Key strategic issues include maintaining growth through product selection, adapting to continued modernization of kids' entertainment, further brand recognition and expansion into new markets like India and Southern Europe. Leg must continue improving their product line to avoid dire financial circumstances and align their growth with business and strategic goals to remain innovative and adjacent to current market trends. Ensuring that Leg's product range remains current is vital to ensure customer loyalty over competitors. Continuous innovation with targeted market segments is vital to sustain a competitive advantage.Adapting to what our competitors are doing well and utilizing the resources of Leg is important. Recent market trends suggest the need for expanding growth in the video game market across multiple platforms. Conducting further research in this area ensures Logos products remain relatable to children. Option 2 involves expanding into markets where Leg does not currently have a presence, such as India, Southern Europe, and South America, which could lead to financial gain and brand recognition. However, success in these markets depends on selecting the right type of business to resell Leg

products and conducting extensive research to fulfill their needs. Ultimately, Option 1 is the best choice as companies must align with current trends in children's entertainment and leverage competitive advantage off existing resources.According to Backchat ;Men (2011), evidence suggests that Logo's increased presence in the video game market can lead to growth, profitability, product recognition, and competitive advantage. It is also important for Logo to conduct dedicated research and development in attractive industries to continue growing. To achieve success, Logo's BSM should align with its strategies, utilize its resources effectively, ensure customer satisfaction through its value chain, and offer products that meet the needs of current, changing, and emerging markets.

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