We do not engage in criminal activity solely out of a desire to behave criminally.
Growing up in N___, we were taught to avoid certain activities due to our impoverished community. To protect ourselves from danger and lack of assistance, I wear gloves and a mask. It should be emphasized that we don't engage in criminal behavior for the sake of it; selling drugs is a result of financial struggles. Sadly, one-third of our community members are currently imprisoned.
Jay-Z once said, the pressure of financial struggles can greatly affect a person's mental state. He emphasized the importance of money and the obligation to fulfill debts. Moreover, he hinted at the historical injustices that black people have faced by referencing the phrase "40 acres and a mule" and how it was never fulfilled. These words highlight the personal struggles that individuals face in disadvanta
...ged communities. Rather than waking up to a full meal or even a cheap hamburger, black high school students wake up hungry due to poverty. Furthermore, instead of peaceful sounds, they are subjected to the sound of gunfire every night. These circumstances may seem like those of a warzone or third-world country, but they are unfortunately a reality for many African Americans today.
Although unusual, using rap lyrics to express the frustration and indignation of young black males towards white people who have profited from the exploitation of their enslaved ancestors is essential. The African-American community perceives the prosperity of white individuals as unjust while they endure hardship in impoverished American neighborhoods. Even with organizations like the NAACP advocating for unbiased treatment, it appears that those in authority have disregarded their appeals.
The overrepresentation of African American males in the prison system for drug offenses is a significant concern. Despite representing only 13.5% of the population, black Americans make up 62% of drug offenders in jail, based on data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Annually, one out of every 115 black men are incarcerated for drug-related felonies compared to one out of every 1,150 white men. Additionally, according to a report by the Building Blocks for Youth Initiative, white youths are admitted to state correctional facilities for drug offenses at a rate that is 48 times less than their black peers. In order to break this problematic cycle and reduce incarceration rates among African American youth, programming must be adjusted appropriately (CITATION).
In the past, humans lived simple lives focused on basic necessities and reproduction. It has been suggested that at one time, humans lacked logical reasoning abilities, as the phrase "So easy a caveman can do it" implies. However, as we began to use logic and explore our world, we evolved into a more purposeful species. Today, certain phrases or concepts no longer make sense in our society, such as the idea of a "boat without a paddle". Whether it is walking a dog or fighting for freedom, motivation is the driving force behind our actions. For instance, soldiers would not willingly risk their lives in Iraq if their freedom and liberties were not in jeopardy.
The U.S. Army emphasizes the importance of motivation in achieving a mission. It is crucial to understand that having the determination to transform oneself is more significant than simply desiring change. In conclusion, motivation - whether positive or negative -
is essential for imbuing even the simplest task with meaning.
According to psychology, there are four techniques for learning or habitual change: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction, and punishment. Positive reinforcement entails adding something to boost a response, such as praise or rewards (citation).
(CITATION) "Negative reinforcement" refers to removing something negative to increase a response. A typical example of this is a child doing the chores to stop the mother's nagging. After doing what was asked of him, the constant nagging stops and the child is reinforced to perform his chores in the future. In contrast, "extinction" involves removing something to decrease a particular behavior, with restriction being the most easily recognizable form of extinction.
Punishment, defined as "adding something aversive in order to decrease a behavior" (citation), is a common experience for both givers and receivers. Corporal punishment is a type of punishment in which spanking is applied to decrease a certain behavior.
It is believed that black families tend to overuse corporal punishment, however, it is not an effective solution since by the age of 13 it becomes ineffective. Furthermore, punishment can trigger negative reactions including anger and resentment. Therefore, relying on only one approach to learning is not the solution for this issue. (CITATION)
To decrease criminal activity, a more comprehensive approach can be taken that includes positive reinforcement along with punishment or imprisonment. The goal is to break the cycle of African-American males being overrepresented in prisons. The idea of reparations has been debated for over a century, particularly in terms of the struggles faced by Native Americans during Manifest Destiny and Japanese-Americans who were interned during World War II. However, some Americans believe
that providing additional handouts alongside welfare would only further lower standards among African-Americans. Ethnocentrism plays a significant role in understanding the mentality of impoverished African-American males and overcoming this obstacle is crucial to achieving this objective.
At the core of this problem is discrimination. To fully understand the challenges faced by impoverished African-American males, we must consider their difficult surroundings. Growing up in a ghetto presents unique hardships that suburban-raised young men do not experience. Inner city life exposes black males to multiple liquor stores and pawnshops scattered throughout their neighborhood.
Abandoned corner stores in the neighborhood become hubs for drug use, which is unfortunately common in the inner city. Witnessing murder of someone they know is a frequent occurrence for young people in these areas, where behavior rules differ from other places. The lucrative drug trade attracts many young black men because dealers often have large sums of money.
The police are hindering him from obtaining his funds, leading to them being perceived as foes. He is left with two options: work for minimum wage or earn approximately ten times that amount as a street lookout. Opportunities in the urban area differ significantly from those found elsewhere. Industrial enterprises like Toyota or Home Depot do not exist, instead the landscape is peppered with crime, narcotics, and ultimately incarceration or fatality.
The solution to repairing racial relations must achieve a balance that does not further reduce the quality of life for African Americans. Merely providing handouts will not address ignorance; education is crucial. However, being black can limit opportunities like access to higher education. Ideally, a good student who completes high school should have an opportunity to attend
college without financial difficulties or living circumstances beyond their control hindering them. Interestingly, as per the 2001 Federal Bureau of Justice State Prison Expenditures report, $38.2 billion was spent by the government on maintaining state correctional facilities.
The combined cost for daily operations, encompassing everyday expenditures as well as upgrades, amounted to $29.5 billion. The expenditure incurred per prisoner on a daily basis is of specific interest.
As stated by CITATION, inmates were spending $62.05 per day in 2001 amounting to $22,650 for each person that year. In order to address the root cause of this issue, the government should offer education as a form of reparations to all African Americans who are currently facing unequal opportunities. The Conyers Bill proposed by Rep. Conyers sought acknowledgement and compensation for the injustices suffered by enslaved individuals in the United States and its colonies between 1619 and 1865, with repayment only being requested for lost wages.
Unfortunately, the bill failed to receive enough support for implementation. Despite progress in equality standards, there has been no decrease in the number of angry young African-American males held in state correctional facilities, indicating a lack of improvement. Giving only financial assistance is not recommended; instead, providing free education with the condition of maintaining a passing GPA would be a better solution. This approach would require students to strive for academic excellence while receiving financial aid.
Although their circumstances hinder them, young African American males should be provided with cost-free education for themselves and their families, as it is an obvious solution to address the societal issue that they face. It is important to acknowledge and address the daily struggles that our fellow Americans go
While we have fulfilled our obligations to those we have wronged, it is both unacceptable and alarming that our rapport with marginalized groups, specifically the proud black community, remains unchanged. Their focus is not on receiving charitable assistance but rather attaining dignity. It is essential to acknowledge their strength and competence and accord them the respect they deserve.
Booker T. Washington believed that the measure of success should be based on the obstacles one has conquered, rather than their social status. Given the history of African Americans overcoming challenges, it makes sense to address their primary obstacle: limited opportunities.
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