Sam Arent

City: Goodrich, Texas
University: Huston-Tillotson University

Posts by Sam Arent:

marketing 3501- chapter 7 – Flashcards
13 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question what is the overall purpose of differentiation? answer to create superior customer value question Fitbit makes health and fitness tracking devices. Some buyers want very basic fitness tracking such as steps taken and calories consumed. Others are focused on high performance and want heart rate and sleep​ monitoring, text​ notification, and wireless sync to […]

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MK 201 Marketing Strategy: Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning – Flashcards
12 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Situation (4Cs) Analysis answer Company Customers Competitors Climate question 4Ps Planning answer Products Price Promotion Place question Marketing Strategy Formulation S-T-P answer Segmentation Targeting Positioning question What is market segmentation? answer Divide market into homogeneous subsets of customers E.g.) needs, buying power, price sensitivity question Segment Base answer 1) Geographic 2) Demographic 3) Psychographics […]

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CH 15 (1-25) CH 18 (26-54) – Flashcards
12 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question What type of distribution channel does Mary Kay use in India? answer A) direct sellers B) retail stores C) home-country middlemen D) trading companies E) complementary marketers (Answer: A) question A major part of Mary Kay’s marketing strategy in India relies on the relationship between answer A) China and India. B) large retailers and […]

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Patho Practice questions exam 1 – Flashcards
12 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question A reduction in circulating HCO3- due to kidney dysfunction would result in (compensation) answer respiratory compensation question A decrease in pCO2 is a manifestation of answer respiratory alkalosis question What is the most abundant cation in the extracellular fluid? answer sodium question Which force is caused by proteins or other molecules that can pull […]

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Exam 1: Social Psychology – Flashcards
11 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Define Social Psychology answer the scientific study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by other people question Is social psychology science? answer Yes question What makes something a science? answer -needs to be observable -needs to be objective & reliable -needs to be predictable -needs to have a theory question What […]

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General Psychology Final: Chapter 11,12,13,14 Fickle Study guide. – Flashcards
11 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Example on the test is a guy who changes his view based on the speakers being negative so he changes his view to the negative view what is this known as? answer Conformity question Conformity answer changing one’s own behavior to match that of other people’s. -usually due to pressure to do so. question […]

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Egan’s Chapter 35- Humidity and Bland Aerosol Therapy – Flashcards
11 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question What is the primary role of the upper airway? answer Heat & moisture exchange (Specifically the nose) question What is the process of humidity therapy? answer The nose heats and humidifies gas on inspiration, while cooling and reclaiming H2O from the gas that is exhaled question What is humidity deficit? answer Normal humidity range […]

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Social Psychology (chapter 14) – Flashcards
10 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question the study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one and other answer Social Psychology question the theory that people try to explain behavior through either the situation or the persons disposition answer Attribution Theory question when observers underestimate the impact of a situation, and overestimate the persons disposition answer Fundamental Attribution […]

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Educational Psychology – Chapter 1, Woolfolk, 11th Edition – Flashcards
09 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question The No Child Left Behind Act was passed on January 8, 2002. The NCLB was a reauthorization of the ESEA p.5 answer NCLB question The Elementary and Secondary Education Act was passed in 1965. p.5 answer ESEA question James taught Hall who taught Dewy. p.10 answer What do William James, G Stanley Hall and […]

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Psychology Ch. 13 – Flashcards
09 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Action Therapy answer Main goal is to change disordered or inappropriate behavior directly question Dr. Phillipe Pinel is known for answer personally unchaining the inmates at an asylum in Paris question The first organized effort to do something with mentally ill persons began in answer London question In behavior therapy, the reduction of the […]

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Flashcard Answers on Social Psychology
08 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Social Psych answer Empirically studies the individual within the context of a group, including cultural influences. Social psychology studies the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of an individual within a group. This discipline focuses on how other people affect the individual. question Anthropology answer Studies humankind, past and present, focusing on multiple dimensions of culture […]

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Physical Therapy Vocabulary – Flashcards
06 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question aquathermia pads answer temperature controlled unit that circulates warm liquid through a pad to provide dry heat. question cane answer a stick that people can lean on to help them walk question compresses answer soft, cloth pads held in place by a bandage and use to provide pressure or to supply moisture, cold, heat, […]

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deca marketing role play vocab – Flashcards
04 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question advertising answer form of paid companies promote an idea, good or service through a variety of media question channel management answer involves selecting and evaluating channel members to monitor the movement of a product from producer or manufacturer to end user question closing the sale answer salesperson gains an agreement to purchase from a […]

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CMU Psy 100 Test 4 – Flashcards
04 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Ted is friendly, loves to tells jokes at parties, and is perceived by others as warm and considerate. On which two of the Big Five traits would you expect Ted to obtain high scores? a. agreeableness and extraversion b. extraversion and conscientiousness c. neuroticism and openness to experience d. openness to experience and conscientiousness […]

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Flashcards and Answers – Group Dynamics Analysis
03 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Know the difference between group therapy and group counseling. answer a. A major difference between group therapy and group counseling lies in the goals of the process. i. Counseling groups focus on growth, development, enhancement, prevention, self-awareness, some remediation. ii. Therapy groups focus on specific issues needing remediation (correcting an issue), treatment, and personality […]

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PSY3030 Abnormal Psychology 1 – Conceptual Issues – Flashcards
03 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question LO1 – Elements of Abnormality answer *Statistical Rarity* – deviate from the average by a large extent. Includes positive deviations, therefore can not be used alone. *Deviance or Norm Violation* – behaviour is negatively evaluated by society. Supports statistical rarity by not including positive deviations, however can be dangerous as it can oppress non-conformist […]

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MRKT #11 – Flashcard
07 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question The ______________ approach to social responsibility in business believes that a company is has obligations to the environment as well as the general public? Select one: a. Equal opportunity responsibility b. Profit responsibility c. Total responsibility d. Stakeholder responsibility e. Societal responsibility answer Societal responsibility question _____________ is a strategy that involves tying the […]

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MKT 335 – Flashcard
06 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question The Role of Market Research answer Marketing research gathers information on consumer needs to facilitate better production decisions. question Marketing Research Criteria answer Criteria for effective marketing research question SYSTEMATIC answer data gathering and analysis must be designed and organized in advance question OBJECTIVE answer unbiased and impartial question INFORMATIONAL answer collects data relevant […]

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Metric Prefixes Answers – Flashcards
05 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question tera answer x 1,000,000,000,000 ( 10 12 ) question giga answer x 1,000,000,000 ( 10 9 ) question mega answer x 1,000,000 ( 10 6 ) question kilo answer x 1,000 ( 10 3 ) question hecto answer x 100 ( 10 2 ) question deca answer x 10 ( 10 1 ) question […]

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Cambridge Latin Course: Unit 1: Stage 12 Vocabulary – Flashcards
05 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question āmittit: āmīsit answer loses question cinis: cinerem answer ash question complet: complēvit answer fills question custōdit: custōdīvit answer guards question dēnsus answer thick question duo answer two question epistula answer letter question flamma answer flame question fortiter answer bravely question frūstrā answer in vain question fugit: fūgit answer runs away, flees question fundus answer […]

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Chapter 30-32 Passive Voice Verb Tenses & Grammar Review – Flashcards
05 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question Parāri answer “to be prepared “; infinitive 1st Conjugation, Passive Voice question Habēri answer “to be had”; infinitive 2nd Conjugation, Passive Voice question Mitteri answer “to be sent”; infinitive 3rd Conjugation, Passive Voice question Iaci answer “to be thrown”; infinitive 3rd Conjugation (iō stem), Passive Voice question Audīri answer “to be heard”; infinitive 4th […]

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Chapter 2 — MKTG – Flashcards
04 Sep 2018 Flashcards

question When managers at logistics pro are developing their strategic plan, they use a market orientation as a guide to ensure that __________ is an integral part of the process answer customer satisfaction question Managers at the little field corporation are engaged in a complex process of revising their organizations mission and goals and developing […]

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