Sam Arent

City: Goodrich, Texas
University: Huston-Tillotson University

Posts by Sam Arent:

dev. pysch 2 – Flashcards
05 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Observations: behaviors • Naturalistic (Laurent getting hand into mouth) • Experimental (Laurent’s reaction when hand is removed from mou answer Novel ways to study children question 2. Concentric clinical method: thinking • Flexible and structured interview method • Future questions are based on past answers (conservation of liquid) answer Novel ways to study children […]

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Sociology vocab – Flashcards
04 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Primary Sex Characteristics answer genitals, organs of reproduction question Secondary Sex Characteristics answer body development, aside from genitals, that differentiates biologically mature females and males question Intersexuality answer persons born with sexual anatomy, reproductive organs, and/or chromosome patterns that do no fit the typical definition of male and female question Transexual (Transgender) answer appearing […]

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MIS chapter 6 Final – Flashcards
29 May 2020 Flashcards

question web content mining answer is extracting textual information from Web documents question dss answer is a special-purpose information system designed to support organizational decision making primarily at the managerial level of an organization question digital dashboard answer is a user interface visually representing summary information about a business’ health, often from multiple sources question […]

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Psych/Soc/Neuro MCAT #6 (social reproduction-
27 May 2020 Flashcards

question social reproduction answer the structures and activities in place in a society that serve to transmit and reinforce social inequality from one generation to the next. Cultural capital and social capital are two mechanisms by which social reproduction occurs question social roles answer expectations for people of a given social status question social stratification […]

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Organizational Behavior- Chapter 3
26 May 2020 Flashcards

question According to the proponents of interactional psychology, all of the following are correct except answer behavior is a function of heredity and physical stature question The basis for understanding individual differences stems from answer Lewins contention that behavior is a function of the person and the environment question The way in which factors such […]

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Strong connection to rain and its effects on their lives.
25 May 2020 Flashcards

question To say that reality is “socially constructed” means that: answer members of society discover and alter version of facts question What we know to be true and real is most often a product of: answer product of the culture and historical period which we exist in. question If a particular society has over 50 […]

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SW Policy Ch 9
15 May 2020 Flashcards

question Today, social insurance programs include:​ answer Unemployment Insurance question Social Security is the main source of income for two-thirds of all elderly people. answer True question Social Security historically has included fairness in resource distribution by race and gender.​ answer False question The Social Security trust funds are projected to run out by 2019 […]

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Social Facts & Social Currents
14 May 2020 Flashcards

question Emile Durkheim answer – French man – Considered the 1st sociologist – Beliefs: 1. There is a such thing as society 2. What makes an individual is a reflection of social process in society question Social facts answer – A kind of action that is not individual but \”social\” and regular – The main […]

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11 May 2020 Flashcards

question APC answer ambulatory payment classification; a payment methodology in which services paid under the prospective payment system are classified into groups that are similar clincially and in terms of the resources they require; a payment rate is est. for each APC question APR answer annual percentage rate; one of the elements of disclosure required […]

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Experimental Research (Test 2)" and 1 other
11 May 2020 Flashcards

question Scientific Method answer The approach through which psychologists systematically acquire knowledge and understanding about behavior and other phenomena of interest question Theories answer Broad explanations and predictions concerning phenomena of interest question Hypothesis answer A prediction, stemming from a theory, stated in a way that allows it to be tested question Operational definition answer […]

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Asch Experiment
06 May 2020 Flashcards

question Why did Asch do the study? answer To see what would happen if participamts were exposed to normal social influence question What is a confederate? answer Participants who know all about the study and are colleagues of the investigator question Who were the participants in the Asch study? answer 123 male US undergraduates question […]

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Student Loan Vocabulary
02 May 2020 Flashcards

question Acceleration answer Demand for immediate repayment of your entire federal student loan question Accrue answer To accumulate interest on a loan question annual loan limit answer The maximum federal student loan eligibility per academic year question Award Letter answer A letter from your school that details your federal, state, institutional and private student financial […]

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The Movie Quote Challenge
24 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question “Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” answer *The Wizard of Oz* question “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” answer *Jaws* question “I’ll be back.” answer *Terminator* question “It’s alive! It’s alive!” answer *Frankenstein* question “My precious.” answer *Lord of the Rings* question “I feel the need—the need for speed!” answer […]

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GMAT practice probs
21 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question if q, r and s are consecutive even integers and q < r < s, which of the following CANNOT be the value of s^2 – r^2 – q^2? answer since they are consec even integers, we know r = s – 2 and q = s 04. the expression can be written out […]

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APUSH Unit 3
19 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Jay-Gardoqui Treaty answer A treaty between Spain and the United States. It guaranteed Spain’s exclusive right to navigate Mississippi River for 30 years. It also opened Spain’s European and West Indian seaports to American shipping. question Land Ordinance of 1785 answer It set up how the new land gained after the revolution would be […]

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Chapter 9 James Monroe
18 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Who was the fifth president of the U.S answer James Monroe question When was Monroe born? answer 1758 question When did Monroe die? answer 1831 question What did he author? answer Monroe Doctrine question Where did he go for college? answer William and Mary question Who was his wife? answer Elizabeth Kortright question What […]

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Of Mice and Men Characters/ John Steinbeck
17 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question In what town was Steinbeck born? answer Salinas question Stanford answer What college did Steinbeck attend? question 1925 answer In what year did Steinbeck graduate college? question 3 times answer How many times was Steinbeck married? question Carol Henning, Gwen Conger, and Elaine Scott answer Name Steinbeck’s wives. (In order) question Ed Ricketts answer […]

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Judy Moody Goes to College
13 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Uber answer way cool question Rad answer radical question NCP answer nincompoop question the bomb answer the best question busted answer did well question for serious answer for real question crucial answer Excellent! Awesome! question geck answer annoying person question for your 411 answer for your information question hit me up later answer call […]

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Calculus Exam
09 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question If f(x) = -2x⁻³, then f ‘(x) = A. 6x² B. 6x⁻² C. 6x⁻⁴ D. -6x⁻² E. -6x⁻⁴ answer C question If the first and the second derivative of a function are both negative at a given value of x; that means the function is: A. increasing and concave down B. decreasing and concave […]

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Unit 1: Constitution/Federalism
09 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question What was the Great Compromise answer An agreement by states in favor of a bicameral legislature. question What are checks and balances answer Counterbalance influences by which an organization/system is regulated typically those ensuring that political power is not concentrated in the hands of individuals/groups question What are the different checks and balances of […]

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Chapter 5 Chemistry (Openstax College)
08 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question bomb calorimeter answer device designed to measure the energy change for processes occurring under conditions of constant volume; commonly used for reactions involving solid and gaseous reactants or products question calorie (cal) answer unit of heat or other energy; the amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius; […]

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MUL 2010 Exam 1
07 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Melody answer line or tune in music question Chromatic answer includes all 12 notes of an octave question Conjunct answer melody that moves in small, connected intervals question Disjunct answer melody that leaps in larger, disconnected intervals question Phrase answer units that make up a melody question Cadence answer phrases end in resting places […]

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