Posts by Patricia Harrah:
Answer: False People in arranged marriages are usually unhappy with their relationship
Read moreAnswer: restricts the normal operation of the free market Recource Marketing 1110 Exam 1
Read morequestion Rheumatoid Arthritis is what type of Hypersensitivity Reaction? answer Type III Immune-Complex Reaction question Rheumatoid Factor (RF or RhF) answer An Autoantibody against the Fc portion of IgG They bind together to form immune complexes which contribute to the disease process Not everyone has detectable RF question Pannus answer The inflamed, proliferating synovium characteristic […]
Read morequestion What is one cause of the decline of the Roman Empire? answer lead poisoning question What happens if there is a low cobalt level in inmates? answer violent behavior question What helps control manic depression? answer lithium salts question What are “mating chemicals”? answer pheromones question How can atoms be viewed? answer by using […]
Read morequestion NUCLEUS answer The centre of the atom that contains most of the mass of the atom. The nucleus is positively charged. Negative electrons orbit the nucleus question NUCLIDE answer A general word for the nucleus of any element question RADIOACTIVITY answer The spontaneous and random release of energy and particles from unstable nuclei such […]
Read morequestion Sun answer 99% of the mass of the solar system made mostly of H/He gas (plasma) converts 4 million tons question Mercury answer Made out of metal and rock, large iron core cratered, desolate, long, tall, steep cliffs question Venus answer Earth’s twin because size surface hidden by clouds 1 day Venus 243 days […]
Read morequestion the study of compounds that contain the element carbon. answer organic chemistry question natural organic compounds answer cotton, wool, or silk question synthetic organic compounds answer nylon and polyester question what do all organic compounds contain? answer carbon and hydrogen atoms question carbon always forms how many covalent bonds? answer 4 question what type […]
Read morequestion Fluoride (Flu or InDecent Exposure: Would you rather?) answer F- (No Flu: F-) (No = –, F=Flue question Hydride (Hyd Ride: Hyde your Ride before your mom sees the dent) answer H- (No Hope if your mom sees your ride: Hope = H, No = – ) question Chloride (Cholo‘s Ride Low) answer Cl- […]
Read morequestion What is the normal range of glucose levels? answer 70-100mg/dL question Describe the source of glucagon and insulin and what causes the release of each hormone answer •Alpha cells produce glucagon in response to low glucose •Beta cells produce insulin in response to high glucose question 1. Most tissues go through glycolysis in order […]
Read morequestion physical answer Chemical formula H2O question chemical answer Forms green carbonate when exposed to moist air question chemical answer Remains unchanged when in the presence of nitrogen question physical answer Colorless question physical answer Solid at normal temperatures and pressures question chemical answer Ability to combine with another substance question physical answer Melting point […]
Read morequestion paradox answer figure of speech appears contradictory question lyrical poem answer short musical poem that expresses 1 or 2 emotions question ….. answer reference to a famous person question blank verse answer unrhymed iambic pentameter question conceit answer outlandish or elaborate metaphor question simile answer comparison between two like things using like or as […]
Read morequestion Ethnography of Communication answer Dell Hymes (1962): How is it that culture and language are intertwined -If we look very closely at the way people talk, we will understand something about the way they live. ex: Gerry Philipsen “Teamsterville” question Definition of Speech Code answer a historically transmitted, socially constructed system of terms and […]
Read morequestion Which part of the brain is the largest? answer The largest part of the brain is the cerebrum. question What are the three layers of the cranial meninges, from superficial to deep? answer From superficial to deep, the three cranial meninges are the dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater. question Which brain region is […]
Read morequestion Molecular structure of cyclohexane answer just a simple cyclo-6 carbon. C6H12 question Molecular structure of Toluene answer a benzene with a CH3 attached on the top Carbon. C7H8 question What is the purpose of distilling something? answer separating compounds based on differences in their boiling points. question What kind of mixture is used for […]
Read morequestion Which of the following organizational pattern is a TV news reporter most likely to use in a report of an event? answer chronological question Telling what happened before, during, and after an event is an example of the chronological pattern? answer True question For a speech explaining how to bake bread, which organizational pattern […]
Read morequestion Who is Microsoft’s founder? -Steve Wozniak -Bill Gates -Steve Jobs -Larry Ellison answer Bill Gates question Which of the following is NOT a strategy that supports green computing? -using energy efficient hardware -regulating manufacturing processes -creating web apps instead of desktop apps -recycling answer creating web apps instead of desktop apps question Which of […]
Read morequestion public speaking answer powerful form of communication that includes a speaker who has a reason for speaking, an audience that gives the speaker attention, and a message that is meant to accomplish a purpose. question audience analysis answer highly systematic process of getting to know your listeners relative to the topic and the speech […]
Read morequestion Which of the following is not a liberty protected by the Bill of rights? answer equal protection of the laws question The substantive constraints found in the Bill of Rights… answer puts limits on what government shall and shall not have the power to do question What is the main reason that Alexander Hamilton […]
Read morequestion T/F: The biggest risk factor for the development of skin cancer is excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight. answer True The single most important risk factor for skin cancer is overexposure to the UV radiation in sunlight. UV radiation damages DNA bases and appears to disable tumor suppressor genes, leading to the formation […]
Read morequestion The first type of Anglo-Saxon literature was _____. answer poetry question five striking characteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature answer love of freedom, responsiveness to nature, strong religious convictions, reverence for womanhood, and devotion to glory question term for an Anglo-Saxon poet answer scop question term for an Anglo-Saxon performer– often a chanter, harper, jester, or […]
Read morequestion The 2015 Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics (Code) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) is designed to reflect the dynamic nature of the ___, the evolving ___ ____ environment, and emerging ____ that can present potential ethical concerns in __ , __, and ___ answer profession; health care; technologies; research; education; practice question […]
Read morequestion What are some behavior warning signs of developmental delay? answer Unfocused Eye-Contact Frustration Aggressive Violent Does not seek love Stares into space, rocks body, or talks to self question What are some gross motor warning signs of developmental delay? answer Stiff extremities Floppy/Limp Body Uses one side of body more than another Clumsy Manner […]
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