Posts by Kenneth Wheeler:
question Marketing Expertise is gained: answer by involvement in making marketing-related decisions every day question In terms of Marketing, which of the following statements about small business is most accurate? answer small businesses are the source of the majority of new U.S. jobs question The American Marketing Association definition shows that marketing is far more […]
Read morequestion The 4 D’s answer Deviance, Distress, Dysfunction, and Dangerousness. question Deviance answer Different, extreme, unusual, bizarre- norms (socially/culturally). Ex. Guys wearing make up. question Distress answer Unpleasant/upset: disrupts emotionally, behaviorally and physically. Can be positive. Ex. Stress. question Dysfunction answer Inability to function daily tasks. Social, academic and occupational interferences. Ex. OCD spend more […]
Read morequestion Abnormal Psychology answer abnormal psychology the study of people who suffer from psychological disorders question Abnormality answer abnormality maladaptive to individual, disturbing to others, unusual, irrational; does not make sense to the average person question Insane answer insane term used by people to describe psychological disorders–>NOT a medical term, but a legal term…those legally […]
Read morequestion Define Conformity answer A change in a person’s behaviour or opinions as a result of real or imagined pressure from a person or group of people’ (Elliot Aronson 2011). question Define Internalisation answer A deep type of conformity where we take on the majority view because we accept it as correct. It leads to […]
Read morequestion Marketing mix answer term used to describe all the activities to advertise a product question 4 Ps of marketing mix answer product price place promotion question Types of product answer 1. consumer goods 2. consumer service 3. producer goods 4. producer service question the product need to answer 1. satisfy customer wants and needs […]
Read morequestion What is social psychology? answer The scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another question What are some re-occurring themes in social psychology? answer The need to belong, power of the situation, role of construal, and dual mind (system 1 vs. system 2) question What is the hindsight bias […]
Read morequestion social psychology answer the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another question social neuroscience answer an interdisciplinary field that explores the neural bases of social and emotional processes and behaviors, and how these processes and behaviors affect our brain and biology question culture answer the enduring behaviors, ideas, […]
Read morequestion Double-Digit Inflation answer An increase in prices at a rate of between 10% and 99%; appeared during Carter’s presidency question Edward (Ted) Kennedy answer Senator of Massachusetts and the last of the Kennedy brothers; Challenged Carter for candidacy in the 1980 election, but backed out when a fatal car crash from 1969 was brought […]
Read morequestion what are the 7 Right’s of logistics answer right product right customer right time right condition right quantity right place right cost question what is logistics management according to CSCMP (council for supply chain management) answer part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls, the efficient, effective forward, and reverses flow and […]
Read morequestion Which nursing approach is best when caring for a client diagnosed with a conversion reaction paralysis? answer Minimize the sick role and secondary gains. question the nurse cares for the client diagnosed with conversion reaction. the nurse identifies that this client utilizes which defense mechanisms? answer repression and symbolism question fluphenizene is ordered for […]
Read morequestion Development of coronary heart disease is related to: answer fibrous plaques in coronary vessels. question In the process of atherosclerosis answer plaque is deposited on the interior surface of the blood vessels question The layer of the artery in which atherosclerotic plaque forms is the: answer intima. question Plaque usually contains mainly of: answer […]
Read morequestion Creating value from customers and managing profitable customer relationships to capture value from them in return answer Marketing question The mistake of focusing on products offered rather than the benefits and experiences produced by them and for the consumer. examples: -Drill (Consumer wants a hole, not the drill itself) -Taxi vs Uber … Taxi […]
Read morequestion can be hindered by stress answer Neurogenisis question Leigh works as a tax accountant and has to complete complex worksheets for each of her clients. Adriana works in a factory where she performs a fairly simple visual inspection of the finished product. Assuming both Leigh and Adriana experienced a high level of arousal after […]
Read morequestion making goods or performing services answer Production question the extent to which a firm fulfills a customer’s needs, desires, and expectations answer Customer Satisfaction question the development and spread of new ideas, goods, and services answer Innovation question the performance of activities that seek to accomplish an organization’s objectives by anticipating customer or client […]
Read morequestion problem definition answer broad statement of the general problem and identification of the specific components of the marketing research problem question problem definition process answer process of specifying the management decision problem and the marketing research problem question problem audit answer comprehensive examination of a marketing problem to understand its origin and nature question […]
Read morequestion (A), (a) answer assist question A: or A answer assessment question AAROM answer Active Assistive Range of Motion question Ab answer antibody question abd answer abduction question ABG(s) answer arterial blood gases question ABN answer advanced beneficiary notice question ac answer before meals question ACE answer angiotensin-converting enzyme question Ach answer Acetylcholine question ACO […]
Read morequestion The passing on of traits from parent to offspring answer Heredity question The study of heredity answer Genetics question Different forms of a trait that a gene may have answer Alleles question Describes a trait that covers over another from of that trait answer Dominant question Describes a trait that is covered over by […]
Read morequestion What is e-marketing? answer strategic process of creating distributing, promoting, and pricing goods and services to a target market over the internet or through digital tools question What is interactive marketing? answer buyer-seller communications in which the customer controls the amount and type of information received from a marketer through such channels as the […]
Read morequestion ___ in the supply chain is one of the primary features of an operational excellence strategy answer efficiency question to build a sustainable competitive advantage, companies should focus on __ strategies answer multiple question a broad description of a firm’s objectives and the scope of activities it plans to undertake answer mission statement question […]
Read morequestion New Left answer Coalition of younger members of the Democratic party and radical student groups. Believed in participatory democracy, free speech, civil rights and racial brotherhood, and opposed the war in Vietnam. question Students for a Democratic Society answer a campus-based political organization founded in 1961 by Tom Hayden that became an iconic representation […]
Read morequestion By paying close attention to customer needs and continuously monitoring the business environment in which it operates, a good marketer can identify potential opportunities. answer True question When analyzing the immediate environment and the macroenvironment, marketers must be careful to keep the firm at the center of all analyses. answer False question The marketing […]
Read morequestion A company’s competitive strategy deals with A. Management’s game plan for competing successfully—the specific efforts to please customers, offensive and defensive moves to counter the maneuvers of rivals, the reactions and responses to whatever market conditions prevail at the moment and the initiatives undertaken to improve the company’s market position B. What its strategy […]
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