Keisha White

City: Reston, Virginia
University: Eastern Mennonite University

Posts by Keisha White:

Psy 237 – Flashcard
16 May 2018 Flashcards

question which of the following is the best way to ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake answer eat well balanced meals with a variety of foods. question by the age of 6, the rigidity characteristic of the just right stage of developement tends to fade. t/f answer true question which of the following substances has […]

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Sociology Test 1 – Flashcards
16 May 2018 Flashcards

question The ____ perspective emphasizes the social contexts in which people live answer sociological question a group of people who share a culture and a territory is known as a… answer society question The corners in life that people occupy because of their place in society… answer social location question Auguste comte is credited as […]

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General Psychology: Chapter 5 – Flashcards
16 May 2018 Flashcards

question _____ is a systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience. answer Learning question _____ is a theory of learning that focuses solely on observable behaviors, discounting the importance of such mental activity as thinking, wishing, and hoping. answer Behaviorism question Learning that occurs when an organism makes a connection between two […]

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Human growth chapter 1-4 – Flashcards
15 May 2018 Flashcards

question In its study of growth, change and stability, lifespan development takes an __ approach. answer B. scientific question In __ , development is __, with achievements at one level building on those of previous levels. answer B. continuous change;gradual question Developments that occurs in distinct steps or stages with each stage bringing about behavior […]

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Developmental psychology unit 1 – Flashcards
15 May 2018 Flashcards

question Which of the following questions would an information-processing theorist ask? answer 1. Are declines in memory during old age evident on all types of tasks or only some? question In a historic experiment with 11-month-old Albert, John Watson demonstrated that answer children can be conditioned to fear a formerly neutral stimulus. Score: 1/1 question […]

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nursing 224 chapters 5, 6,& 7 – Flashcards
15 May 2018 Flashcards

question By what age will infants imitate a behavior that they watched a day before? answer 9 months question The fact that 3-month-olds do not spontaneously remember a kicking strategy that they learned two weeks earlier suggests that _____. answer infant memory is fragile question The usual order of the development of spoken language in […]

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Small business management chapter 3 – Flashcards
15 May 2018 Flashcards

question Opportunity recognition answer Identification of potential new products or services that may lead to promising businesses question Entrepreneurial alertness answer Readiness to act on existing but unnoticed business opportunities question Start ups answer New business ventures created from scratch question Newmarket ideas answer Start of ideas centered around providing customers with an existing product […]

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Leadership and Change Management – Flashcards
15 May 2018 Flashcards

question The Nature of Change answer – Future Shock (transience, novelty, diversity, adaptive breakdown) – Incremental / Discontinuous Change – Time Pressure – Impacts on Organizations / Individuals question Organizational Effectiveness answer Criteria to be considered when assessing the effectiveness of an organization or unit within an organization (purpose, stakeholder perspective, level of assessment, alignment, […]

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Arthrex Notes – Flashcards
15 May 2018 Flashcards

question How many patents are pending? answer 1,100 question As of AATC there have been how many product innovations? answer 10,826 question Arthrex does all orthopedics except for? answer Spine question The first instruments made by reinhold were: answer The biter, Grasper, legholder, aiming guide, and cannulas question FY17—-> answer 2.27B question how many studies […]

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BYU GEO120 Exam 1 – Flashcards
14 May 2018 Flashcards

question bubble economy answer A highly inflated economy that cannot be sustained. Bubble economies usually reesult from rapid influx of international capital into a developing country. question centrifugal forces answer Cultural and political forces – such as liinguistic minorities, separatists, and fringe groups – that pull away from and weaken an existing nation-state. question centripetal […]

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Chapter 8: Early Childhood: Biosocial Development – Flashcards
14 May 2018 Flashcards

question Adoption answer A legal proceeding in which an adult or couple unrelated to a child is granted the joys and obligations of being that child’s parent(s). question Myelination answer The process by which axons become coated with myelin, a fatty substance that speeds the transmission of nerve impulses from neuron to neuron. question Amygdala […]

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Sociology Ch 3 – Flashcards
14 May 2018 Flashcards

question How much human action is determined by nature (genetics) or nurture (how you were raised)-> sociologists focus on Nurture answer Nature Vs. Nurture question Nurture and the context in which we have contact with others answer Social Environment question Wild, with no domestication, the most damaging of all, misses language so does not have […]

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Ch 1 Financial Management – Flashcards
14 May 2018 Flashcards

question capital structure theory answer the study of the relative importance of debt and equity question inflation answer increase of prices question disinflation answer a slowing down of price increases question credit default swaps answer securities that were created by financial institutions as insurance against borrowers defaulting on their loans question Dodd-Frank Act answer AKA […]

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AP Human Geo (Wiley) Unit One – Flashcards
12 May 2018 Flashcards

question Human Geography answer how people make places, howw we organize space and society, how we interact with each other in places and across space, and how we make sense of others and ourselves in our locality, region, and world question Globalization answer set of processes that are increasing interactions, deepening relationships, and heightening interdependence […]

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PSYCH 105 Ch. 6 Part 1 (Classical Conditioning) – Flashcards
11 May 2018 Flashcards

question _____ is credited with laying the foundation for the study of classical conditioning in psychology. answer Pavlov question In Pavlov’s study, the UCS was _____; the neutral stimulus was _____; and, finally, the CS was _____. answer meat; the bell; the bell question Which pair below CORRECTLY identifies a stimulus or response in Watson […]

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Newborn Dermatology – Flashcards
11 May 2018 Flashcards

question the following findings on a neonatal dermatologic exam are considered to be …: Vernix Lanugo Mottling answer normal question … is a scary finding on a neonatal dermatologic exam because they can be an indicator of sepsis answer petechiae question …. is a protective barrier that protects baby from fluid filled environment in utero […]

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Dermatology Dictionary (Forefront) – Flashcards
11 May 2018 Flashcards

question Macule/Macular answer a flat lesion less than 1cm in size question Papule/Papular answer a raised lesion less than 1 cm in size question Patch answer a flat lesion greater than 1 cm in size question Plaque answer raised lesions greater than 1 cm in size (big papule) question Nodule answer a deeper growth within […]

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NU 231 Chapter 44- Pain Management – Flashcards
11 May 2018 Flashcards

question Pain answer Most common cause why people seek health care; yet often unrecognized, misunderstood and inadequately treated. “an unpleasant, SUBJECTIVE sensory and emotional experience associate with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.” question Mcaffery’s classic definition of pain answer “Pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, […]

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Frank T. Rothaermel — Strategic Management 3e — Chapter 3 – Flashcards
11 May 2018 Flashcards

question PESTEL model answer A framework that categorizes and analyzes an important set of external factors (political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal) that might impinge upon a firm. These factors can create both opportunities and threats for the firm. question industry answer A group of incumbent companies that face more or less the same […]

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Chapter 5 Toddlerhood – Flashcards
10 May 2018 Flashcards

question __________ is a condition specific to toddlerhood in which protein deficiencies lead to varied symptoms such as swolled bellies and feet, hair loss, and lack of energy answer Kwashiorkor question What most distinguishes early brain development in toddlerhood is _____________. answer the steep increase in the density of synaptic connections among neurons question Which […]

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PSYC 1101 Review for Chapter 4 – Flashcards
08 May 2018 Flashcards

question Changes controlled by a genetic blueprint, such as an increase in height or the size of the brain, are examples of ___________________. A) maturation B) growth cycles C) habituation D) learning answer A. Maturation question Which of the following is true of research on insight? A) Researchers have found support for the existence of […]

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Questions- the importance of being earnest – Flashcards
08 May 2018 Flashcards

question Epigram answer Read the line from act 2 of the importwnce or being earnest : Cecily: it is always painful to part The literary device used in this line is a ??? question The short, witty statement “divorces are made in heaven” offers a surprising take on divorces answer Read the excerpt from act […]

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