Elizabeth Hill

City: Bohemia, New York
University: North Country Community College

Posts by Elizabeth Hill:

MKTG 409 – Chapter 4: Social Responsibility and Ethics in Marketing – Flashcards
18 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Social Responisibility answer An organization’s obligation to maximize its positive impact and minimize its negative impact on society. Being a good corporate citizen can result in greater consumer trust and loyalty. Positive publicity Indirect long-term benefits question Mattel Recall answer After recalling unsafe products and losing millions in profits in 2007, Mattel rebounded. Improved […]

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Ch 20 US History II – Flashcards
14 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Herbert Spencer’s disciple who popularized social Darwinism in America was answer William Graham Sumner. question The American Protective Association was an organization that answer promoted governmental restrictions on immigration. question In the 1890s, Dr. James Naismith answer Invented basketball question In the 1880s, the source of foreign immigration to the United States shifted from […]

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Introduction to Georgaphy – Flashcards
11 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Which of the following industries is LEAST likely to locate near the market for its finished products? answer plywood mill question Which one of the following characteristics is most unique to intensive subsistence agriculture? answer large input of labor on small plots of land question Which religion was spread largely through dispersions and persecutions? […]

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Soc 3600 – Flashcards
11 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Criminology uses the scientific method to study the _______ of criminal behavior answer Nature, extent, cause, and control question Criminologists who study the correction and control of criminals? answer Penology question Individuals interacting with people, organizations, institutes, and social norms as they develop and mature. answer Socialization question A deviant act becomes a crime […]

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CHAPTER 5 | Externalities, Environmental Policy, and Public Goods – Flashcards
10 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question An externality answer is a benefit or cost to parties who are not involved in a transaction, can be positive or negative, arises when property rights don’t exist or can’t be enforced. question A negative externality causes the social cost of production to be answer greater than the private cost question Fill in the […]

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Marketing – Ch. 5 vocab – Flashcards
10 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Consumer behavior answer the actions a person takes in purchasing and using products and services, including the mental and social processes that come before and after these actions question Purchase decision process answer the stages a buyer passes through in making choices about which products and services to buy (5 stages) question problem recognition […]

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APUSH Short Answer 3/1/16 – Flashcards
09 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question 1) The Lost Generation: a. Briefly explain ONE social development in the 1920’s that supports the Fitzgerald quote. answer The stock market boom of the early 1920’s caused many investors to become extremely wealthy. question 1) The Lost Generation: b. Briefly explain ONE economic development of the 1920’s that supports the Leuchtenburg argument. answer […]

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Chapters 5, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 – Flashcards
07 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question The Inuit subsist mostly on __________ because __________ do not exist in large numbers at their northerly latitude. answer meat/plants question When people grow foods using simple tools in the absence of permanently cultivated fields, we call this __________. answer horticulture question Of the following, which is not a consequence of horticulture? answer strict […]

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Sociology Final Part 6 – Flashcards
06 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Collective Behavior answer activity involving a large number of people that is unplanned, often controversial, and sometimes dangerous question Primary Characteristics of Collective Behavior answer Diverse(involves wide range of human action), Variable(some rumors may catch on, some dont), and Transitory(disasters, rumors, and fads come and go quickly) question Collectivity answer large number of people […]

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Psychology 240 – Flashcards
04 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question How do childrens bodies change between ages 3 and 6? answer Physical growth increases during the years from 3 to 6, but more slowly than during infancy and toddlerhood. Boys are on average slightly taller, heavier, and more muscular than girls. Internal body systems are maturing, and all primary teeth are present. Preschool children […]

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Unit 5 Test Music Appreciation – Flashcards
31 May 2020 Flashcards

question The nineteenth century saw the rise of a new social order shaped by: answer The technological advances of the Industrial Revolution question The French Revolution signaled: answer The transfer of power from aristocracy to the middle class question Brass instruments became more flexible due to the invention of: answer Valves question In the romantic […]

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MGMT 300 Chapter 4 – Flashcards
30 May 2020 Flashcards

question Ethics is the code of moral principles and values that governs the behaviors of individuals or groups. answer True question Free choice lies between the domains of codified law and ethics. answer False question If something is ethical, it must not be illegal. answer False question The moral agent is an individual who must […]

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Personality Ch16 online quiz
27 May 2020 Flashcards

question The cluster of odd personality disorders consists of which personality disorders? answer paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal question ___________, a pattern of negative attitudes and resistance to the demands of others, was dropped from DSM-IV-TR, but may be included once again in future editions of the DSM. answer passive-aggressive personality disorder question Which is not an […]

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Reinforcement Terminology
27 May 2020 Flashcards

question variable ratio (VR) answer A schedule of reinforcement requiring a varying NUMBER of responses for reinforcement question variable interval (VI) answer A schedule of reinforcement that provides reinforcement for the first correct response following the elapse of variable durations of TIME occurring in a RANDOM or UNPREDICTABLE intervals. question unconditioned reinforcer answer A stimulus […]

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Chapter 25 History Terms and People
25 May 2020 Flashcards

question Herbet Hoover answer Republican president who was the president during the Great Depression. question Stock Market of 1929 answer plunge in stock makets prices that marked the beginning of the Great Depression. question Great Depression answer the serious and worldwide economic decline of the 1930s. question speculation answer buying and selling risky items in […]

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Flashcards on MIS ch 6
24 May 2020 Flashcards

question real time systems answer provide real-time information in response to requests. Many organizations use real-time systems to uncover key corporate transactional information. The growing demand for real-time information stems from organizations’ need to make faster and more effective decisions, keep smaller inventories, operate more efficiently, and track performance more carefully. question information integrity issues […]

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B.Stats, Chapter 1, Practice Problems
21 May 2020 Flashcards

question A survey to collect data on the entire population is a ___. answer Census question In a questionnaire, respondents are asked to mark their gender as male or female. The scale of measurement for Gender is the ___ scale. answer nominal question The scale of measurement that is used to rank the order of […]

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Sociology 120
21 May 2020 Flashcards

question Anomie refers to a answer loss of direction that is felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective. question A social scientist would be likely to study the answer reasons for the decreasing divorce rate in the U.S. question According to the functionalist perspective, an aspect of social life […]

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Chapter 6: Conformity and Obedience
20 May 2020 Flashcards

question Milgram’s experiment seems to have made use of which technique? answer foot-in-door question Asch’s studies of conformity show that answer many people tend to conform even to temporary groups. question According to the text, personality predicts behavior when social influences are answer weak question A concern for _______ produces normative influence, while a concern […]

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Test: Chapters 1-4; ACP US History
16 May 2020 Flashcards

question What was true of the colonial elite? answer they controlled colonial government question Bacon’s Rebellion was a response to: answer worsening economic conditions in Virginia question In the economic exchanges between the English colonists and eastern Native Americans answer Native Americans initially welcomed the colonists’ goods question What was true of warfare between colonists […]

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Sem. 1 Soc Final
16 May 2020 Flashcards

question versthen answer empathetic understanding of the meanings other attach to their actions question function answer positive consequence an element of society has for the maintenance of the social system question theory answer systematic explanation of the relationship among phenomena question symbol answer anything that has something attached to it question culture answer shared products […]

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HIST_1306 Chapter 18
15 May 2020 Flashcards

question Most settlement houses were staffed by answer middle-class women. question Her researched study of Standard Oil alerted the public to the corporation’s vast power, and explained the ruthless methods used by John D. Rockefeller in his rise to wealth answer Ida Tarbell question The American Federation of Labor answer primarily represented skilled workers question […]

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