Darryl Wooten

City: Boca Raton, Florida
University: Hi-Tech School of Cosmetology

Posts by Darryl Wooten:

Inorganic Chemistry Exam 3 – Flashcards
11 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question tetrahedral void answer 0.225r question octahedral void answer 0.414r question cubic void answer 0.732r question Polymorphism answer The ability to adopt different crystal forms under different conditions of pressure and temperature question Alloy answer Blend of metallic elements prepared by mixing molten components and then cooling to produce a solid question Interstitial solid solutions […]

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Social Psychology Chapters 1-4 Test Questions – Flashcards
11 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question the scientific study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another answer Social Psychology question how we perceive ourselves and others, what we believe, judgments we make, and our attitudes answer Social Thinking question culture, pressures to conform, persuasion, and groups of people answer Social Influence question prejudice, aggression, attraction and […]

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drugs neurochemistry – Flashcards
07 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question ligand answer substance that binds to receptor molecules or that binds postsynaptic receptors question agonist answer activates receptor mimics transmitter question receptor agonist answer binds and activates receptors question antagonist answer blocks receptor reduces action of transmitter question receptor blockers answer bind to receptors and do not activate them but block them question binding […]

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PSY 3400 – EXAM 3 – Flashcards
06 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question READING #2 QUIZ QUESTIONS answer – question Which of the following best describes ABA? answer Applied behavior analysis; The direct application of behaviorism to the improvement of human behavior question In what situations can ABA be used? answer Improving workplace conditions for employers and employees Providing therapy for individuals with autism Improving educational strategies […]

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ACS Physical Chemistry Thermochemistry Study Guide – Flashcards
04 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question The entropy of a perfect crystal is zero. answer What is the third law of thermodynamics? question As a whole, the universe always tends towards increasing entropy. answer What is the second law of thermodynamics? question More microstates = higher entropy answer What is the relationship between number of microstates and entropy? question Temperature […]

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Nuclear Chemistry Cards – Flashcards
31 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Atomic number is the same as answer protons question Mass Number answer protons+ neutrons not found on periodic table question Iosotopes answer atoms of the same element have different numbers of neutrons Different mass numbers question Isotope name includes answer mass number question Nuclear Chmistry answer study of changes and energy associated with the […]

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Public Speaking Review – Flashcards
31 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question How is public speaking similiar to everyday conversation? (4 ways) answer 1) Organizing your thoughts logically. 2) Tailoring you message to your audience. 3) Telling a story for maximum impact. 4) Adapting to listener feedback. question How is public speaking different from everyday conversation? (3 ways) answer 1) Public speaking is more highly structured. […]

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Developmental Ch 7&8 lots of Piaget – Flashcards
31 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question A strong hand preference reflects the greater capacity of one side of the brain, or the _______ to carry out skilled motor action. answer dominant cerebral hemisphere question t/f For right-handed people, language is housed with hand control in the left hemisphere of the brain answer t question For left-handers, language is typically shared […]

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Customer Service, Skills for Success Ch. 1-3 – Flashcards
31 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Customer Service answer Taking responsibility to provide a desired product or service with a positive outcome. question Service Industry answer A term used to describe businesses and organizations that are engaged primarily in service delivery. question Product answer Something produced or an output by an individual or organization. In the servcie environment, products are […]

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Enlightenment and Revolution – Flashcards
30 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Galileo Galilei answer Italian scientist who made astronomical observations that supported the theories of Copernicus question Isaac Newton answer English scientist who discovered law of gravity question Enlightenment answer intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought and power of individuals to solve problems question Catherine the Great answer Russian empress who was considered the […]

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Speech 106 – Flashcards
30 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question In dyadic communication, we are interacting answer one to a few others. question Which of these is a message answer A. a letter B. a facial expression C. shaking hands D. turning away from another person E. all of these question Which of the following is not an essential element of human communication? answer […]

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Public Speaking (Quiz 2) Speak Up Text – Flashcards
30 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question One sentence that captures the overall message of the speech answer Thesis Statement question Intended Effect on the Audience answer Rhetorical Purpose question concise phrase that envelopes the speech’s objective answer Specific Purpose question Capturing attention is more difficult with stationary audiences than with mobile ones. answer False. question Because the United States is […]

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Mosaic 1 READING – Flashcards
30 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Brevity /?brev?ti/ answer (noun) 1. The quality of using few words when speaking or writing 2. The fact of lasting a short time question heritage /?her?t?d?/ answer (noun) 1. The history, traditions, and qualities that a country or society has had for many years and that are considered an important part of its character […]

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Inorganic Chemistry Vocabulary – Flashcards
29 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Periodic Table answer a table of the chemical elements arranged in order of atomic number, usually in rows, so that elements with similar atomic structure (and hence similar chemical properties) appear in vertical columns. question Atom answer the basic unit of a chemical element question Molecule answer a group of atoms bonded together, representing […]

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Quiz 1 notes – Flashcards
29 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question The vast majority of neurons in the body’s information system are Answer A. Stem cells. B. Interneurons. C. Motor neurons. D. Sensory neurons. answer B. Interneurons. question Natural, opiatelike neurotransmitters linked to pain control are called Answer A. ACh agonists. D. Dendrites. C. Morphene antagonists. D. Endorphins. answer D. Endorphins. question Drugs that block […]

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Biochemistry Chapter 5 (Exam 3) – Flashcards
28 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Why are catalysts necessary for reactions in living systems to proceed at a useful rate? answer Speeds up the rate of reaction by lowering the activation energy. question What affects the reaction equilibrium between substrate and product? which aspect of a reaction can an enzyme alter? answer -The free energy of the ground state […]

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English Literature Test 8 (unit 5 Pages 183-235) Test Questions – Flashcards
22 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question William Blake answer The lamb, The Tyger, The Clod and the Pebble, London, Auguries of Innocence, question James Boswell answer The life of Samuel Johnson question Robert Burns answer Afton water, A Red Red Rose, John Anderson My Jo, A Man’s a Man for a’ Chat, Bruce’s Address to His Army at Bannockburn, Auld […]

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AP English Literature Flashcards
22 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Abstract answer A severe abridgement that summarizes the principle ideas or arguments advanced in a much longer work question Ad Hominem Fallacy answer An argument based on the failings of an adversary rather than on the merits of the case question Aesthetic answer The study or philosophy of the beautiful in nature and art. […]

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Mindfulness-based therapy – Flashcards
22 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Three waves of CBT answer 1. behavior therapy to change associations (= systematic desensitizaion, aversive conditioning, reinformecemn) 2. addition of cognitive therapy to change internal mediators (i.e. congition) through though records 3. not chaning the content but the relation to the content (= mindfulness, cognitive defusion) question psychopathology as dyscontrol/psychological inflexibility answer mental disorders […]

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Counseling: Common Factors – Flashcards
22 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Evidence-Based Practice answer Evidence-based practice is the integration of the best research evidence with clinical expertise and client values. ‘best research’ = ‘outcomes research’ or clinically relevant research into the accuracy,precision, and efficacy of diagnostic tests and treatments question Clinical Expertise answer ‘clinical expertise’ = the ability to use our best clinical skills and […]

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Gehart Chapter 5: Structural Family Therapy – Flashcards
21 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question Structural therapy is primarily associated with the work of who? answer Salvador Minuchin question What is the general approach of structural therapists in helping their clients? answer They map family structure—boundaries, hierarchies, and subsystems—, then they restructure the family, realigning boundaries and hierarchies to promote growth and resolve problems. question Structural family therapists hold […]

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American Literature Flashcard
21 Oct 2018 Flashcards

question the educator who compiled America’s first dictionary answer Noah Webster question the first American writer to become famous throughout the world answer Washington Irving question the author of “poor Richard’s Almanac” answer Benjamin Franklin question the author of “Mrs. McWilliams and the Lightning” answer Mark Twain question what essay was written as a defense […]

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