Posts by Ashlynn Thompson:
question What are the three characteristics of viruses? answer structure, taxonomy, and replication question What makes up virus structure? answer viral genome (nucleic acid), capsid (protein coat which surrounds the genome), virion (entire virus = nucleic acid, capsid, envelope, glycoprotein spikes), envelopes (lipid containing, larger viruses, surrounds the capsid) and morphology (helical = irregular shaped […]
Read morequestion Vidal de la Blache regarded food supply as answer less subject to modification than the clothing and weapons. question The frequent repetition of an act, to the extent that it becomes characteristic of a group of people is a answer custom. question A repetitive act performed by an individual is a answer habit. question […]
Read morequestion Which layer of the Sun is the coolest? answer The photosphere is the coolest. question Which of these groups of particles has the greatest mass? answer Four individual protons have the most mass. question Scientists estimate the central temperature of the Sun using… answer …mathematical models of the Sun. question At the center of […]
Read morequestion The type of stress experienced when positive events require the body to adapt is called: answer eustress question In a survey on the sources of hassles, children aged 3-5 rated _____ as the biggest daily hassle. answer getting tested question When people feel that they must work harder, faster, or do more, they are […]
Read morequestion Which of the following statements best describes a person’s accomplishments following the résumé writing guidelines? answer Coordinated school’s student-body elections and reduced final ballot processing time by 30% question Writing an effective résumé requires the author to select their wording very carefully. answer True question Employers search résumés for keywords manually and electronically. answer […]
Read morequestion Open source software has code that ban be updated by anyone interested in modifying it answer True question User-created content on the Web included which of the following answer Either — phishing, sponsored links, blogs, or wiki websites and blogs question AOL began losing customers in the early 2000s because answer Its dial […]
Read morequestion insurance answer a contract whereby one undertakes to indemnify against loss, damage or liability from a contingent unknown event question pure risk answer two possible outcomes loss or no loss but no chance for gain or profit question STARR answer Share- insurance companies share the risk “reinsurance” Transfer- when risk is shifted to another […]
Read morequestion Pathogenic answer Disease-causing microbes question Microbes in our lives answer Decompose organic wasteAre producers in the ecosystem by photosynthesisProduce industrial chemicals such as ethanol and acetoneProduce fermented foods such as vinegar, cheese, and breadProduce products used in manufacturing(cellulase) and disease treatment(insulin) question Knowledge of microorganisms allow humans to… answer Prevent food spoilagePrevent disease occurrenceLed […]
Read morequestion Vocabulary Cunning: answer Sneaky question Vocabulary Vile: answer Unpleasant question Vocabulary Predominant: answer The strongest or most important question Vocabulary Unwieldy: answer Doesn’t function properly question Literary Terms Analogy: answer Comparison of 2 things question Literary Terms Imagery: answer Use of vivid expression question Literary Terms Irony: answer Expression that means opposite of what […]
Read morequestion The etiology (study of causation, or origination) of dental caries involves ___________ (4 things) answer 1. A susceptible tooth 2. Specific Plaque microflora 3. A specific diet (frequent consumption of sucrose or other fermentable carbohydrates) 4. Combination of these 3 elements for a sufficient period of time. question True or False Caries takes place right after […]
Read morequestion A. Define spatial distribution answer Spatial distribution refers to how resources, activities, and human demographic features of landscapes are arranged across the earth question B. What are the three key elements of spatial distribution answer Pattern, density, concentration question B1. Pattern answer the geometric or regular arrangement of something in a sturdy area question […]
Read morequestion Before we can look too far into the study of pharmacology, we must consider what a drug is. A drug is a substance that is used to treat, diagnose, cure, or relieve symptoms of a disease or abnormal condition. In America, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates all drugs to ensure that they […]
Read morequestion define conciousness answer awareness of yourself and your environment, including internal and external stimuli (more than 1 type of awareness) question what are the 5 levels of consciousness? answer -conscious mind -preconscious mind -subconscious mind -non conscious mind -unconscious mind question define sensory awareness answer conscious or aware of things outside yourself question define […]
Read morequestion What is light? answer Light is a wave question What is a wave? answer A way in which energy is transferred from place to place without the physical movement of material from one location to another. question A waves velocity = answer frequency x wavelength question The number of waves passing the observer per […]
Read moreMolecular Formula C5H11BrO Average mass 167.044 Da Density 1.3±0.1 g/cm3 Boiling Point 148.7±13.0 °C at 760 mmHg Flash Point 54.3±26.4 °C Molar Refractivity 34.6±0.3 cm3 Polarizability 13.7±0.5 10-24cm3 Surface Tension 27.6±3.0 dyne/cm Molar Volume 131.0±3.0 cm3 Predicted – ACD/Labs Predicted – EPISuite Predicted – ChemAxon Predicted data is generated using the ACD/Labs Percepta Platform – […]
Read morequestion __________ currents move thru the troposphere answer convection question What is the function of a propeller? answer The propeller blades create thrust to pull or push an airplane through the air. question How are some wooden propeller blades protected from wear and damage? answer By metal tipping fastened to the leading edge and tip. […]
Read morequestion Pakistan answer Islamabad question Relented answer Agreed to do soemthing once refused question Faze answer To bother or confuse someone question Impassible answer Impossible to travel on question Disheartened answer Disappointed or less hopeful question Eccentric answer Odd question Crusaded answer To work hard to make a change question Infuriated answer Extremely mad question […]
Read morequestion Helps to breakdown food both mechanically and in the chemical digestion of starch (minor function: chemical digestion of lipids) answer Function of saliva question Breaking large food particles into smaller ones answer Mechanical digestion question Breaking the chemical bonds of polymers to make smaller molecules (monomers or dimmers) answer Chemical digestion question Movement of […]
Read morequestion study of spatial arrangements of atoms in molecules and the effects of those arrangements on the chemical and physical properties of substances minor differences in 3D structure can result in vastly different properties. Starch vs Cellulose in image. answer stereochemistry question chemical and physical properties are very different, the differences stem from a seemingly […]
Read morequestion Jared Diamond answer Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997); Geographic luck (Environmental determinism) question Carl Sauer answer Discussed Cultural geography; fierce critic of environmental determinism; his ideas supported cultural ecology question Julian Steward answer Suggested while the environment influences the character of human adaptation, it does not determine it. question Wilbur Zelinsky answer A student […]
Read morequestion Who first established the term “learning disabilities” in 1963? answer Kirk question The inclusionary standard for determining a learning disability means which of the following? answer Identifies what conditions of learning disability are included question Procedural problems, semantic memory problems, and visual-spatial problems are indications of which of the following? answer math difficulty question […]
Read morequestion Khmer Rouge answer literally ” Red (or communist) Cambodians” this left-wing insurgent group led by French=educated Marxist rebelled against the royal Cambodian government in the early 1960’s and again in a peasants’ revolt in 1967. question lingua France answer an agreed-upon common language to facilitate communication on specific topics such as international business, politics, […]
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