Ashlynn Thompson

City: Albany, NY
University: University at Albany

Posts by Ashlynn Thompson:

College Bowl Game Payouts Per Team – Flashcards
11 Sep 2017 Flashcards

question BCS National Championship Game answer $18 million question Fiesta Bowl answer $17 million question Sugar Bowl answer $17 million question Orange Bowl answer $17 million question Rose Bowl answer $17 million question Capital One Bowl answer $4.5 million question Chick-fil-A Bowl answer $3.9 million (SEC) $2.9 million (ACC) question Cotton Bowl answer $3.6 million […]

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Lifespan Development Ch. 16 – Flashcards
08 Sep 2017 Flashcards

question Explain the seventh stage of Erikson’s psycho social theory. Give examples of adults on each side of the conflict. answer -Erikson’s Stage of Generativity Versus Stagnation –Generativity: desire to leave a legacy for future generations (biological, parental, work, and cultural) —example: an adult who has children (biological), parents them to succeed (parental), develops skills […]

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AP Gov. Chapter 10 – Flashcards
07 Sep 2017 Flashcards

question California’s famous Proposition 13, in which voters frustrated by a lack of action by their legislature forced an issue on the ballot and voted to limit the rise in property taxes, was an example of a. an initiative. b. a referendum. c. a direct primary. d. a voter override. e. an indirect primary. answer […]

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True Regarding Gay and Lesbian Couples
04 Sep 2017 Flashcards

question Being constantly reminded by parents, textbooks, advertising, and media that women should be submissive, nurturing beings is an example of answer socialization. question Which of the following statements is true regarding gay and lesbian couples? answer They seek friendship, communication, and companionship in their relationships. question Amniocentesis answer can identify genetic abnormalities about the […]

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Test Answers on World History Chapter 21 – Flashcards
31 Aug 2017 Flashcards

question Japan lacked many basic resources, yet it industrialized rapidly after 1868 because of what? answer Japanese political leaders placed a high priority on modernization question Russia did not industrialize as soon as other countries because it lacked what? answer political stability question a production method in which workers repeatedly perform one task in the […]

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Modules 1,2,3,4 (quiz) – Flashcards
29 Aug 2017 Flashcards

question There are not sufficient resources to produce all the goods and services wanted. answer Scarcity in economics means: question Human capital. answer A high-school graduate who gets a college degree is adding to the economy’s stock of: question Exists because there are not enough resources to provide all all of the goods and services […]

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midterm essay review – Flashcards
09 Aug 2017 Flashcards

question Analyze and describe the decline and fall of ONE of the following empires. In your answer, be sure to describe the social, economic, and political changes that occurred over the course of the empire’s history. Roman Empire Han Dynasty answer ROMAN EMPIRE a) political instability manifested in assassinations and civil wars due to unorderly […]

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history essay martin luther – Flashcards
03 Aug 2017 Flashcards

question The action of Martin Luther posting the 95 Theses was an important event in history. Martin Luther was monk who had new ideas about God. The 95 Thesis established new theologies and challenged the Catholic Church’s teachings. Martin Luther posted hid theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church on 31st of October, […]

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World History- 6 – Flashcards
28 Jul 2017 Flashcards

question absolute monarch answer a ruler with unlimited authority, having no checks on his or her power by law or constitution question armada answer a large fleet of warships question boyar answer a powerful Russian noble and landowner question divine right answer the belief that God had created a monarchy and had chosen the king […]

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Chapter 22 Practice Test – Flashcards
25 Jul 2017 Flashcards

question Darwin originally defined evolution as _____. answer descent with modification question Which of the following is a key observation that must be explained in a unifying theory about life? answer Many basic characteristics are shared by all living things. question Which of the following is an example of the process of evolution? answer herbivory […]

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Health – Flashcard Answers
16 May 2017 Flashcards

Writing a contract for a behavior change involves all except the following… Identifying consequences of failure to reach the established goal An example of taking action to modify the environment and support health behaviors Encouraging legislators to increase the number of non-smoking areas, serving nonalcoholic drinks at parties, and voting for measures that reduce air […]

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English Midterm; Chapters 1-23 The Writers World – Flashcards
07 May 2017 Flashcards

question What you are writing about answer Topic (subject) question Intended reader (classmates, boss, coworkers, and so on) answer Audience question Writing for a limited period of time without stopping answer Free writing question Is like free writing except that you create a list of ideas, and you can take the time to stop and […]

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Western Civilization: Chapter 12 – Flashcards
27 Apr 2017 Flashcards

question The italian renaissance was primarily answer a recovery of antiquity and Greco-roman culture question Wealth of the northern italian cities that funded the renaissance was gained mostly from answer trade question Jacob Burkhardt said the Renaissance in Italy represented answer a distinct break from the middle ages and the true rebirth of the modern […]

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edsp 451 – Flashcard
16 Apr 2017 Flashcards

question which of the following does not describe an appropiate co- teaching a. two or more professionals b. joint delivery of instructions c. two professionals teaching separately on alternate days d. diverse group of students to teach answer c. two professionals teaching separately on alternate days question In co-taught classes, each professional performs all of […]

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Algebra 2 – Polynomial Functions – Flashcards
04 Apr 2017 Flashcards

question monomial answer a real number, variable or product of a real number and one or more variables with whole-number exponents ex. 4x⁴yz² question binomial answer two monomials connected with addition or subtraction ex. 3x²+5xy⁴ or 5x⁴-3x³ question trinomial answer three monomials connected with addition or subtraction ex. x⁴y⁶+x³y⁵+x²z question polynomial answer a monomial or […]

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(3) Derrida: Writing and Difference–Violence and Metaphysics – Flashcards
25 Mar 2017 Flashcards

question Community of the Question answer “A community of the question…A community of decision, of initiative, of absolute initially, but also a threatened community, in which the question has not yet found the language it has decided to seek, is not yet sure of its own possibility within the community. A community of the question […]

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IOC Poems – Flashcard
14 Mar 2017 Flashcards

question Digging answer Collection: Death of a Naturalist 1966 Context: Describes speaker sitting at his desk remembering his father and grandfather working Background: His father owned and worked in a small farm of some fifty acres in County Derry in Northern Ireland Important Allusions: Toner’s bog is an old Gaelic name that references Heaney’s Irish […]

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Systems Analysis 3 & 4 – Flashcards
05 Mar 2017 Flashcards

question An interview report is prepared in which step of the interview process? Conducting the interview Designing interview questions Post interview following-up Preparing for the interview Selecting an interviewee answer Post interview following-up question Generally beginning analysts should avoid unstructured interviews and likewise should avoid “winging it”. True False answer True question According to the […]

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Business Communications ch 7-10 – Flashcards
25 Feb 2017 Flashcards

question An e-mail message would appropriate for all of the following situations except ________ . a. as a substitute for face-to-face conversations or phone calls b. when requesting information and responding to inquiries c. as a cover document when sending longer attachments d. when sending an identical message to multiple receivers answer a question Which […]

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GEB CH 8 – Flashcard
16 Feb 2017 Flashcards

question developing routine messages answer developing ROUTINE MESSAGES quickly does not mean abandoning the writing process of planning, drafting, and reviewing question the writing process for routine messages: key planning steps answer key planning steps: -audience analysis -idea development -message framework question audience analysis answer consider exactly what information your audience needs and how they […]

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GEOT 2306 Chapter 2 Study – Flashcards
07 Feb 2017 Flashcards

question Article I of the Texas Constitution: answer contains the Texas Bill of Rights. question Texas adopted its third constitution in 1845 in response to answer statehood question The Constitution of 1836 differed from the Constitution of Coahuila y Tejas because it included constitutional protection for answer slavery. question The Constitution of 1836, which established […]

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Amendments 11-27 – Flashcards
17 Mar 2016 Flashcards

question 11th Amendment answer One State cannot be sued by another state question 12th Amendment answer separation of votes for President and Vice President question 13th Amendment answer Abolished slavery. question 13th Amendment answer Abolished slavery. question 14th Amendment answer (1) All persons born in the U.S. are citizens; (2) no person can be deprived […]

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