Posts by Andrew Hubbs:
question 1865-1910 answer The scope of the realist/naturalist period. question Realism answer Interested in the mundane episodes of middle-class life. Tends to lean towards social reform. Writers of this discipline took it upon themselves to critically comment on America’s politics, economics, industry, and social issues. question Naturalism answer A product of scientific determinism. You are […]
Read morequestion Neutral; humans are human, rational and irrational answer Views of Human Motivation question Beliefs, rational and irrational answer Major Theoretical Constructs question Innate biological and psychological tendencies interact with social influences answer Views of Human Development question Mostly rational beliefs; rational life philosophy answer Views of Psychological Health question Formal and informal are acceptable; […]
Read morequestion What make up DNA? answer Complementary pair, Phosphate group, Deoxyribose, Nitrogenous base, Hydrogen bond question two chromosomes (AB, CD) in a cell nucleous during prophase are found. What are the relationships between ABCD? answer A is identical to B, and C is identical to D question Intron answer RNA sequences between exons that are […]
Read morequestion who wrote “Adam and Eve in Paradise” answer John Milton question what handicapsid the author suffer answer blindness question what major work is this selection taken from answer Paradise Lost question Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from what answer the Tree of Knowledge question what did Eve do when she first saw […]
Read morequestion According to the OTPF 3, client factors include: answer (1) Values, beliefs, and spirituality (2) Body functions (3) Body structures that reside within the client that influence the client’s performance in occupations question Values, beliefs, and spirituality are: answer Client’s perceptions, motivations, and related meaning that influence or are influenced by engagement in occupations. […]
Read morequestion In basic terms existentialism is an area of philosophy concerned with answer the meaning of human existence question Positivists advocate___while non-pisitivist argue____ answer the governing laws of behavior; the subjective nature of existence question A phenomenological approach to personality states that answer Peoples perception or subjective realities are important and should be studied question […]
Read morequestion A solution-oriented therapist might ask her client, a compulsive shopper, which of the following questions? Who has the best shoe sale this week, Macy’s or Nordstrom’s? If a miracle happened and your shopping compulsion was solved overnight, how would you know it was solved, and what would be different? Who in […]
Read morequestion What type of normal cells are often damaged during chemotherapy and radiation treatments? answer Epithelial cells question High risk factors for cancer include: 1. human papilloma virus. 2. chronic irritation and inflammation. 3. repeated sun exposure. 4. high family incidence. answer 1, 2, 3, 4 question A classification process that applies to a specific […]
Read morequestion PT & PTA application fee for license by exam or endorsement answer $100 question PT license fee set by the board answer $150 question the applicant doesn’t pass exam within 6mo. after graduation answer temporary permit is void if question direct supervision answer the temporary permit PT holder can only practice under question at […]
Read morequestion Anticholinergic answer drug that opposes the effects of acetylcholine at acetylcholine receptor sites question Bradykinesia answer difficulty in performing intentional movements and extreme slowness and sluggishness; characteristic of Parkinson’s disease question Corpus Striatum answer part of the brain that reacts with the substantia nigra to maintain a balance of suppression and stimulation question Dopaminergic […]
Read morequestion Which is not a concept of von Bertalanffy’s general systems theory? answer “black box” metaphor question The greatest conceptual influence on the early development of family therapy was answer systems theory question The stages of a family’s life from separation from one’s parents to marriage, having children, growing older, retirement, and finally death, are […]
Read morequestion “On-Site Supervision” answer •On sitting is present in the facility or on the campus (the facility and adjacent buildings) where assistive personnel or a holder of an interim permit is performing services. •The Pt shall be immediately available to assist •Maintains continued involvement in appropriate aspects of each treatment session in which a component […]
Read morequestion Psychotherapy answer Treatment involving psychological techniques; consists of interactions between a trained therapist and someone seeking to overcome psychological difficulties & achieve personal growth question Eclectic Approach answer Using a blend of therapies question Psychoanalysis answer Freud’s believed the patients free associations, resistances, dreams, and transferences- and the therapists interpretations of them- released previously […]
Read morequestion Psychotherapy answer Treatment involving psychological techniques; consists of interactions between a trained therapist and someone seeking to overcome psychological difficulties or achieve personal growth. question Biomedical Therapy answer Prescribed medications or procedures that act directly on the person’s physiology. question Eclectic Approach answer An approach to psychotherapy that, depending on the client’s problems, uses […]
Read morequestion Sigmund Freud is inspired by the landmark case of Anna O (Bertha Pappenheim), who studied Anna O? Her physical symptoms were alleviated when she talked to her therapist about traumatic events. answer Josef Breuer question what did Anna O call her treatment (psychoanalysis)? answer the talking cure question how many approaches to treatment may […]
Read morequestion What term is used to describe the capacity of some erythrocytes to vary in size, especially in relationship to some anemias? answer Anisocytosis Additional descriptors of erythrocytes associated with some anemias include poikilocytosis (assuming various shapes) question What is the fundamental physiologic manifestation of anemia? answer Hypoxia question The paresthesia that occurs in vitamin […]
Read morequestion Educational Psychology answer The study of learning and teaching question Pedagogy answer The study of learning and teaching with the applications to the instructional process question Intentionality answer Doing things for a purpose; teachers who use intentionality plan their actions based on the outcomes they want to achieve question Principle answer Explanation of the […]
Read morequestion Market research answer The process of collecting, analyzing and reporting data related to a particular market question Purpose of market research answer – To identify consumer needs and wants – To assist a business in predicting what is likely to happen in the future – To reduce the risk of product failure – To […]
Read morequestion Standardized Tests answer Tests given, usually nationwide, under uniform conditions and scored according to uniform procedures. question Classroom assessments answer Are selected and created by teachers and can take many different forms – unit tests, essays, portfolios, projects, performances, oral presentations, etc. question Measurement answer An evaluation expressed in quantitative, or number, terms. question […]
Read morequestion who discovered a new instinct? answer Melanie Klein question What did Object Relation Theory show in devlopment answer very different, begin shift from sexuality to relationship question How was Melanie’s relationship with her parents answer siblings were closer to them, dad ignores her question Melanie was the only child that was not what? answer […]
Read morequestion (Ch.6) Steps in designing a customer value-driven marketing strategy answer Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation, Positioning (all create value for targeted customers) question Segmentation answer divide the total market into smaller segments question Targeting answer select the segment or segments to enter question Differentiation answer differentiate the market offering to create superior customer value question Positioning […]
Read morequestion Cognition answer the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experiences and senses. question Thinking (cognition) answer mental activity that goes on in the brain when a person is storing and attempting to understand information and communicating the info to others. question Mental Image answer Area of the cortex associated […]
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