Asset Nolan Essay Example
Asset Nolan Essay Example

Asset Nolan Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (337 words)
  • Published: April 28, 2018
  • Type: Article
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The categorization of how modern organizations rely on IT can be summarized into three statements. A) Some companies depend on IT for back-office support (e.g., accounting). B) Some companies are reliant on round-the-clock IT operations. C) Not all companies have a strategic dependence on new technologies. D) The correct answer is all of the above.

According to Ross, Beath, and Goodhue (1996), IT managers need to focus on three types of IT assets, which include the following options except for a. process assets b. technology assets c. relationship assets d. human assets. The correct answer is A.

For IT leaders who establish partnering for joint IT-business decision making, the correct answer is C. This activity involves managing the relationship asset.

The primary duty of the CIO is to synchronize a company's IT resources with its business objectives, while the responsibilities of


the CISO usually do not include evaluating the financial viability of IT investments. Conversely, the CSO is a recently established leadership role that aids in strategizing and supervising compliance with federal reporting mandates. Businesses face challenges in differentiating themselves on the Web due to the ease of replicating website design features. Additionally, online travel sites such as Expedia, Travelocity, and Orbitz compel airlines to primarily compete on price rather than differentiation.

The statement that managing the costs and vulnerabilities of data centers and networks is the only critical IT management role is false. It is true that information technology encompasses computer hardware, software, and communications technology for processing, storing, and transmitting information. Microsoft Corporation is indeed responsible for many of today's de facto software standards in corporate America. A telecommuter is someone

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who works remotely and communicates through IT to perform their job. Contrary to definition, the CIO does not report directly to the CEO.

To manage the human asset, it involves recruiting, developing, and retaining IT workers with specialized skills and business knowledge. An IT specialist working as an independent contractor without a specific work location is now known as a free agent.

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