Alcatraz Outline Essay Example
Alcatraz Outline Essay Example

Alcatraz Outline Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (276 words)
  • Published: December 13, 2017
  • Type: Description
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Jeannine introduction l. Picture this. You are trying to get to the mainland from an island about 1. 5 miles 'UT in the sea. You must survive the freezing cold waters that could kill you if you are В±exposed to them for too long. Not to mention how strong the current is that can ;weep you out into the middle of the ocean, and on top of it all, there are man-eating ;harks in the water. What is a place like this? Electrical.

Electrical was the most :eared prison you could be sent to. Eddy l. Military Prison

Civil war and Spanish-American civil war prisoners . 861 2. Isolation, shark infested waters, and cold, strong, and hazardous currents made it 'effect. 3. In 1898 prison population increased from 26 to over 450.

New :instruction 1. Huge concrete cell block completed in 1912. 2. New cell block underground. The "dungeon"<



  •  Federal Prison History and Escape attempts A. Opened in January 1, 1934 1.

Security: Maximum 2. Capacity: 312 B. No one ever officially escaped, but many believe that a few did 1. 36 prisoners made a total of 14 escape attempts, two men trying twice.

  •  23 caught
  • Six killed
  • Three never found.

Frank Morris, John Angling, and Clarence Angling escape attempt.

Notable mates A. AY Capons B. Alvin "Creepy Carpi's" Kirkpatrick C. Arthur R. "Doc" Barker


What do you think of when you hear the name Electrical? It was clearly one of the Verso places on this Earth you could have been sent to. It held dangerous and :ammos inmates and was nearly non escapable. Shark infested waters, cold and gizzards currents made i

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a perfect prison.

Electrical was not a place you would nave wanted to go to when it was a prison. Cake Nicholson

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