Airman Leadership School – Flashcards
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Describe the Covey Time Management Matrix.
Place each task in one of four quadrants - Q1: Quadrant of Reaction, Q2: Quadrant of Quality, Q3: Quadrant of Deception, Q4: Quadrant of Waste. Focus on Q1 and 2, avoid Q3 and 4.
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What two steps are essential to Any time management plan?
Make a to-do list, prioritize tasks
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List several time management tools.
Calendars, organizers, personal planners, PDAs, smartphones
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What types of items should be delegated?
Priority "C" tasks, priority items that are urgent but not difficult
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How can you take command of the telephone?
Don't depend solely on messages left, no more telephone tag, call scheduling, work with others, voice-mail and answering machines
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Identify 2 examples of the early use of air power.
Air Machines, Aeroplane No. 1, Military ballooning
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Identify the 4 operations the USAF has participated in since 1990.
Desert Storm, Provide Relief/ Restore Hope, Allied Force, Enduring Freedom
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List 2 Air Force Medal of Honor recipients.
SSgt Henry Erwin, A1C William Pitsenbarger, SSgt Maynard H. Smith, TSgt Forrest Vosler, SSgt Archibald Mathies, A1C John L. Levitow, CMSgt Richard Etchberger
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What Air Force Manual (AFM) or Air Force Instruction (AFI) governs Dress and Appearance?
AFI 36-2903
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How do Dress and Appearance support Air Force culture?
Provide standardization and teamwork
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How far back does the origin of Dress and Appearance standards date?
1775, when General George Washington commanded the Continental Army
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Why is it important for military members to show respect for the Flag?
It honors our military heritage and shows an appreciation for freedom.
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What Air Force Manual (AFM) or Air Force Instruction (AFI) governs Drill and Ceremonies?
AFM 36-2203
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Air Force culture supports military professional by:
Helping you appreciate the need for authority, discipline, and the importance of following orders promptly and precisely. Helping you develop desirable qualities like professionalism, commitment, dedication and leadership/followership. Promoting a stronger military orientation.
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Define wellness.
A complete advancement towards treating the mind, body, and spirit as a whole. A condition resulting from incorporating a system of individual programs into your life.
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List the four dimensions of wellness.
Social, Spiritual, Emotional, Physical
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Describe the Social dimension of wellness.
It deals with your network of friends and personal relationships with those you care about
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Describe the Spiritual dimension of wellness
It is that within us which motivates us in life and gives us strength and resiliency
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Describe the Emotional dimension of wellness
It refers to building an awareness of accepting your feelings and moods
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Describe the Physical dimension of wellness.
It refers to weight control, a balanced and healthy diet, appearance, self image and exercise
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Explain why being totally fit impacts mission accomplishment.
Having a well rounded perspective of fitness socially, spiritually, emotionally and physically increases your ability to influence and lead your subordinates.
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Describe the purpose of the Air Force Fitness Program.
To motivate all members to participate in a year-round physical conditioning program that emphasizes total fitness to include proper aerobic conditioning, strength/flexibility training and healthy eating
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List 5 key players of the Air Force Fitness Program.
Fitness Assessment Cell (FAC), Unit Fitness Program Manager (UFPM), Immediate Supervisor, Physical Training Leader, Individual
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Define the Fitness Improvement Program.
A unit-based of fitness center-based program that all members receiving an "unsatisfactory" fitness score are required to attend.
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Define the Healthy Living Program.
A program that target nutritional and exercise behavior changes to improve the members' health and fitness
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List the factors of proper weight management.
Aerobic Fitness, Muscular Fitness, Flexibility, Body Composition
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List the four basic eating rules.
Eat small frequent meals, Eat every 3 - 4 hours, Eat as soon as possible after exercise, Consume a variety of foods
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Give an example of how not eating frequently throughout the day may affect you.
Slow metabolism, Overeating, Reduce physical performance, Reduce mental performance
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Give an example of a behavior not recommended to achieve optimal fitness.
Weighing yourself daily, Using diuretics or laxatives, Spending an excessive amount of time in saunas, Participating in extremely low calorie diets
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Define stress.
Any circumstance (stressor) that places special physical and/or psychological demands on an organism leading to physiological, psychological and behavioral outcomes. If these demands persist over time, long-term or chronic undesirable outcomes or strains may result.
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What is the difference between eustress and distress?
Eustress - the positive consequences of stress, Distress - the negative consequences of stress
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List the subcategories of organizational stressors.
Job, role conflicts, environmental, interpersonal, leadership, organizational structure, change
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List the major types of extra-organizational stressors. Give examples of each.
Family problems - child care issues, health problems, Marital issues - separation, divorce, arguments, Financial issues - debt, second job
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What are the 4 stress reaction/condition types?
Physiological/Physical, Psychological, Behavioral, Cognitive
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List 3 ways to intervene and adapt to combat and operational stress to prevent PTSD.
Accept the fact of being in the military and prepare for the worst, Understand that fear is normal, Try to prevent fear so intense that it controls you (training to survive), Communicate feelings and thoughts with others, Reduce continuous exposure to the trauma, Seek professional help immediately
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Describe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
A disorder diagnosed by psychologists/psychiatrists; diagnosed for people who have experienced a traumatic event in or out of combat and have problems coping and causes significant organizational, extra-organizational, rational, relationship and interpersonal disturbances that causes depression.
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List the three behaviors associated with suicide.
Completed suicide, Suicidal gesture, Suicide attempt
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List ways a supervisor can keep suicide prevention a continuous process within the workcenter.
Keeping open communication with the subordinate and family, Ensuring new members and family attend budgeting, parenting, and/or stress courses, Making unannounced visits to shift workers, Addressing the topic in performance feedback sessions, Addressing the topic at Commander's Call, Making frequent face-to-face contact with subordinates, Bonding with Airmen through workcenter activities
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List three ways an attempted or completed suicide affects the workcenter and family.
Causing copy cat attempts, Division within the workcenter, Lower morale, If suicide was completed in the workcenter, people may be afraid to go in the same area, People may accept blame for not noticing the warning signs, Family may need professional counseling or financial aid
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What are the actual impacts of going to Mental Health for assistance?
The majority of those people who self-refer have a positive career outcome, The individual may be rehabilitated and returned back to normal routines, Assistance can also be provided to the family; help them with any problems related to their family member's health
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Name additional referrals you could use to provide assistance in stressful situations.
Leadership, First Sergeant, Commander, Mental Health Services, Chaplain
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Identify the purpose of AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure.
To provide an enlisted force structure that best meets mission requirements; provide a common, stable career structure for all enlisted personnel, and provide all Airman the opportunity for professional growth.
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Describe the expectations of the Junior Enlisted Airman Tier of AFI 36-2618
Adapt to the requirements of the military profession, Achieve technical proficiency, Grow into becoming a highly effective member of the USAF, As a SrA; begin to exercise limited supervision and leadership, Prepare for increased responsibilities and continue to broaden technical skills.
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Describe the expectations of the NCO Tier of AFI 36-2618
Become expert hands-on technicians, Serve as supervisors, ensure team members work together, Train and develop Airmen, Develop leadership skills, Accept all tasks and missions assigned and be held accountable by supervisors, Accept responsibility for what your workcenter does or fails to do, Fulfill your individual duties and Ensure you team and unit are successful.
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Define the expectations of responsibilities at the tactical level.
Perfect primary occupational skills and develop knowledge of USA institutional competencies, Complete PME, Earn 5- and 7-skill levels, Complete the CCAF degree, Strive to become the best technician and team member possible, Train others and Serve as a first line supervisor and section leader.
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What is the Wingman concept?
The wingman responsibility challenges you to take care of other Airmen. Being a good wingman means you share a bond with other Airmen. It also means that you can be counted on to support other members in all situations both on- and off-duty.
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What are some of the ways you can demonstrate effective followership?
By enthusiastically supporting, explaining and promoting leaders' decisions. By developing innovative ways to improve processes and provide suggestions up the chain of command that will directly contribute to unit and mission success.
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In what ways will you be expected to demonstrate leadership as an NCO?
Accepting and executing all duties, instructions, responsibilities and lawful orders in a timely and efficient manner, Leading and developing subordinates, Exercising effective followership in mission accomplishment, Placing the requirements of your official duties and responsibilities ahead of your personal desires, Issuing lawful orders appropriate for the completion of your assigned tasks and Detecting and correcting conduct and behavior that may place you or others at risk.
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As an NCO, what are your general responsibilities in regards to pre-deployment?
Meet all pre-deployment requirements and ensure you educate and assist your subordinates with deployment preparation actions. To correct and counsel subordinates who do not meet deployment readiness standards.
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Define ethics.
A principle of right or good behavior, a system of moral principles or values, a study of moral philosophy, or the rules and standards of conduct governing the members of a profession.
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What are some principles we value as military professionals?
Honesty, honor, integrity, service before self, discipline
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What are some things expected of our daily conduct as military professionals?
Don't lie, cheat or steal, Follow the rules, Adhere to the standards, Always do your best work, Always conduct yourself professionally, Don't discriminate, Treat people with respect, Be open and honest.
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What resources or methods can you use to guide your ethical conduct and your subordinates do the same?
AFIs, The USAF core values, the UCMJ, Know the expected standards of conduct, Mentoring, Proper leadership
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If you fail to conduct yourself in an ethical manner, there are sure to be consequences. Give examples.
Bringing shame upon one's self, one's unit, one's service and one's country. Setting a bad example for others, Facing corrective actions for breeches of discipline; leading to discharge, It could compromise one's credibility with one's superiors, subordinates, nation, etc., Workcenter disruption.
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Considering the traits described in the text, why is integrity important?
It helps our subordinates, coworkers and supervisors trust what we say and do, It builds trust and trust is the foundation of all good relationships and teams, Showing it creates public trust for our decisions on defending our nation.
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How could you do, or do you, demonstrate Service Before Self in your daily actions?
By demonstrating a willingness to be worldwide available and ready, by working long hours when necessary, By being prepared for deployments and performing any duties necessary to accomplish the mission. As supervisors, we need to be willing to modify our own leave schedules so our subordinates can take their leave and by ensuring your family and your subordinates' families are prepared for our absences from home.
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What is the difference between the two categories of operations excellence: internal and external?
Internal - How we do business in the USAF, External - The way we treat the world around us, like environmental issues
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List the ten guidelines of being a good follower.
Know your abilities and seek self-improvement, Being technically proficient assures we have the knowledge, skills and abilities to complete the mission, Obey orders and initiate appropriate actions in the absence of orders, Develop a sense of responsibility and take responsibility for your actions, Make sound and timely decisions and recommendations, Live and set the example for others, Be familiar with your leaders and their jobs; anticipate their requirements, Keep your leaders informed, Preserve your ethics, morality and integrity when performing every task, Be a team player.
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List and define the followership traits known as CILI.
Competence to accomplish assigned tasks is a must for a good follower, Integrity for a follower means basically the same as it does for a leader; be honest, Loyalty supports and enhances effectiveness of leaders through faithfulness, obedience and respectfulness, Initiative can be described as motivation, determination, perseverance and risk-taking.
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List and define each of the 6 leadership traits known as SLICED.
Selflessness is sacrificing personal wants and needs for the greater cause which reflects the core values of service before self, Loyalty supports and enhances the effectiveness of leaders through faithfulness, obedience and respectfulness, Integrity for a leader means basically the same as it does for a follower, be honest, Commitment is complete devotion to duty; total dedication to the USAF, the unit and our comrades, Energy is the enthusiasm and motivation to take the initiative, Decisiveness is a willingness to make decisions, act on them and accept responsibility for the decisions.
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Define leadership.
The act of influencing and directing people to accomplish the mission with the ability to inspire confidence and support from the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals by accepting authority and responsibility creating an environment where people want to go do the job.
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Define followership.
The capacity to follow a leader by being competent at doing their jobs and committed to mission accomplishment.
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Define unit effectiveness.
Meeting unit goals with less cost and maximizing personnel participation.
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True or False; To become an effective leader, you must always keep in mind two fundamental concepts: the mission and the people.
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Describe the dynamics between leaders and followers.
It is extremely important to unit effectiveness. A positive relationship between supervisors and subordinates creates an environment of mutual respect and cooperation that allows for effective and efficient mission accomplishment. In simple terms, before you can lead, you must learn to follow. When you become a leader you have an understanding of what your followers expect of you as a leader. It's important that you know how your followers perceive you, that way you know what is going right or wrong and you can make the necessary steps to improve overall effectiveness and efficiency. Your goal is to be an effective leader that brings success to your unit.
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List and define 3 types of personal power.
Referent power - the personal charisma or likeability characteristics (trust, confidence, etc.), Expert power - his/her special knowledge or skills related to the job, Information power - his/her perceived access to important data and useful information like reenlistment information and promotion statistics.
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How does effective leadership and followership impact unit effectiveness?
As a leader, to promote unit effectiveness, you must embrace the leadership traits and influential skills that foster trust, teamwork and constant improvement. In order to achieve mission success, effective leadership and effective followership are required. The USAF needs followers who are actively involved, when followers actively contribute, they take personal pride in the art of followership and they value the purpose of leader-follower dynamics. This achieves a higher level of mission accomplishment.
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What is considered drug abuse?
Using "street" drugs; misuse of prescription or over-the-counter drugs inhaling glue and aerosol products; spice and mood altering substances and the ingestion of hemp seed oil or products made with hemp seed oil.
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List some of the drugs (both legal and illegal) abused in today's USAF.
Illegal use of prescription drugs, Marijuana, Spice, Steroids, MDMA or Ecstasy, Cocaine, Methamphetamine and Alcohol
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What types of issues could Marijuana abuse cause?
Problems with memory, learning, perception, thinking and problem solving. Smoking Marijuana also increases your risk for heart attack. The use of Marijuana is also linked to depression, anxiety and personal disturbances.
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What types of issues could Spice abuse cause?
Similar reactions to that of natural cannabis.
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What types of issues could Anabolic Steroid abuse cause?
Liver tumors and cancer, jaundice, fluid retention, high blood pressure, increases in LDL (bad cholesterol) and decreases in HDL (good cholesterol). Other side effects include kidney tumors, severe acne and trembling. In addition there are some gender-specific side effects.
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What types of issues could Ecstasy abuse cause?
It can interfere with the body's ability to regulate temperature and cause hyperthermia, liver, kidney psychological effects, cardiovascular failure and even death. Individuals experience increases in heart rate and blood pressure, muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, faintness and chills or sweating.
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What types of issues could Cocaine abuse cause?
A decreased appetite and many chronic users can become malnourished. Different means of taking cocaine can produce different adverse effects. Regularly snorting cocaine causes nosebleeds, problems with swallowing, hoarseness and a chronically runny nose. Ingesting cocaine can cause severe bowel gangrene. People who inject cocaine often experience severe allergic reactions and are at increased risk for contracting HIV.
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What types of issues could Methamphetamine abuse cause?
Confusion, tremors, convulsions, anxiety, paranoia, aggressiveness, hyperthermia, convulsions, heart attack or stroke and can result in death. The central nervous system actions that result from taking even small amounts of "meth" include increased wakefulness, increased physical activity, decreased appetite, increased respiration, hyperthermia and euphoria. Other effects include irritability and insomnia.
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What types of issues could Alcohol abuse cause?
Drinking small amounts of alcohol can impair judgment, coordination and reaction time. Heavy drinking over time can cause certain cancers, liver cirrhosis, immune system disorders and brain damage. Excessive drinking may lead to alcohol poisoning and even death.
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Why has the USAF established a policy on substance abuse?
Established policy provides a standard for all to adhere to, helps individuals to supervise more effectively and is a useful management tool. It is important to educate individuals that disciplinary action can be taken for violations and deter substance abuse before it happens.
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Why is it important for you to know about the drugs described in the text?
In order to lead effectively, you must stay informed and understand the challenges drugs present to individuals, understanding how they're used and the impact drugs make on a squadron. Understanding drug lingo will help you recognize when people might be using drugs. Ignoring the problem won't make it go away so continue to talk to people about current trends surrounding our installation.
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What types of issues could illegal drug and alcohol abuse cause?
Illegal drugs cause a decline in morale. They disrupt teamwork and synergy because they present discipline problems and the loss of work hours through illness or resolution appointments. Many abusers face legal issues, administrative actions can be taken by their supervisors and possible dishonorable discharge.
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What is the focus of the USAF policy on Equal Opportunity and Treatment (EOT)?
To conduct its affairs free from unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment. It provides equal opportunity and treatment for all members irrespective of their race, color, religion, or national origin, along with age and handicapping conditions in the case of civilian employees.
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What is the difference between Equal Opportunity and Treatment (EOT) and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)?
EOT - equal treatment of military members, EEO - civilian employment, provides equal opportunity for all applicants and employees regardless of their race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, or handicapping condition.
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How do the USAF Equal Opportunity (EO) policies positively impact workcenter effectiveness?
They set acceptable boundaries for operating as military professionals. They help us focus on the job we're given and allows us to prevent and correct human relations issues as they arise. Fair treatment raises morale; high morale equals better productivity.
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What are some different ways unlawful discrimination can take place?
Personal discrimination - Individuals acting out against another person or group of people, Systemic discrimination - Organizational policies which act against an individual or group of people.
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Why is personal discrimination considered unlawful?
Because an individual is taking action to deprive a person or group of people a right based on their color, national origin, race, religion or sex. It can also deny an individual the opportunity to advance.
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What are some examples of dissident/protest activities that fall under the purview of AFI 51-903, Dissident and Protest Activities?
KKK, Aryan Nations/Skin Heads, Black Panthers and other activities that include active participation in organizations that encourage supremacist causes. Another example is attending a "No Blood For Oil" demonstration.
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Define sexual assault.
A criminal act/ punishable under the UCMJ. Offenses of a sexual nature, committed without lawful consent of the victim. It is different from sexual harassment because it is a crime.
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How does sexual assault impact the workcenter?
It creates anger within the workcenter, strained interpersonal relationships, communication problems, lower morale and lower productivity.
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Why do victims of sexual assault or attempted sexual assault not seek help?
Because of fear of being blamed by their leaders, peers and others, fear of reprisal, fear of sanction from perceived misconduct, fear of not being believed, it's embarrassing, lack of trust in the system, lack of knowledge of what to do, lack of awareness about the resources to help.
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What is your role, as a supervisor, in managing human relations?
Preventing, Identifying and Correcting Equal Opportunity problems.
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What are some ways you might become aware of possible unlawful discrimination issues?
Through observing and/or listening to people's interactions, subordinate complaints and from information received from your superiors.
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How could you correct negative human relations issues?
Getting both sides of the story and always taking some kind of action, Counseling individuals' for unacceptable behavior and ordering subordinates to stop any unlawful discriminatory acts. After implementing a solution, monitor the environment for compliance, document (MFR, LOC, LOR, etc.) and then report the issue if unresolved between individuals. Apply corrective actions/recommend punishment, ensure the complainant or witness don't suffer any retaliatory actions, change reporting official if necessary, rearrange shifts, remove someone from a position and, depending on the severity of the situation, refer problems up the chain of command or to the EO office.
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Name two differences between a professional relationship and an unprofessional relationship.
Professional relationships - help to contribute to the effectiveness of the USAF, help build professional relationships to enhance morale, discipline and operational effectiveness, preserve respect for authority and accomplish the mission. Unprofessional relationships - detract from the authority of superiors or result in, or reasonably create the appearance of favoritism, misuse of office or position or the abandonment of organizational goals for personal interests.
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Define fraternization.
A personal relationship between an officer and enlisted member that violates the customary bounds of acceptable behavior in the USAF and prejudices good order and discipline, discredits the armed services, or operates to the personal disgrace or dishonor of the officer involved.
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Name at least 3 individual responsibilities involved in maintaining a personal relationship.
Always "walk the talk" and be aware of how circumstances can change relationships. Always be aware of how perceptions impact work performance. As both a supervisor and leader, you should adopt USAF policy as your own personal guide and talk about it in the workplace. Have workcenter get-togethers and talk about it and build proper relationships. If you feel someone is initiating an unprofessional and inappropriate relationship with you, then confront them and remind them of their responsibility to keep the relationship strictly professional. Avoid situations that are unprofessional and if it persists report to the chain of command.
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Describe two roles that supervisors perform in preventing unprofessional relationships.
Training is an important prevention technique. Always set the standards during initial performance feedback and provide periodic workcenter briefings. Use negative examples as workcenter briefing opportunities. You must do this to maintain respect for authority and keep a professional environment. Balance supervisor and subordinate relationships by establishing good communication with subordinates and explain responsibilities. Provide a professional environment by maintaining professional relations, but don't let friendship outweigh responsibility for the mission. AS a supervisor, you have a moral obligation to posses a "service before self" attitude and follow the rules to which you made a commitment.
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Define diversity.
The fact or quality of being diverse: difference. Unlike in kind: distinct, varied; a point of respect in which things differ; variety.
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Define the differences between primary and secondary dimensions of diversity. Give examples of each.
Primary dimensions - Age, race, language, gender, physical qualities, ethnicity, cultural background, disability, sexual orientation. -Differences that are inborn and/or exert an important impact on our early socialization and an ongoing impact throughout our lives; difficult or impossible to change. Secondary dimensions - Educational level, job function, socio-economic status, personality profile, marital status, family responsibilities, religious beliefs, geographic location. -Differences that we acquire, discard and/or modify throughout our lives; easier or possible to change.
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Identify factors that create diversity.
Languages, customs, religions, moralities, race, ethnicity. - Anything that makes people different from one another. - Any characteristic associated with an individual.
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List 5 barriers to diversity.
Prejudice, Stereotyping, Unlawful Discrimination, Collusion, Ethnocentrism.
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Describe prejudice.
An adverse opinion or judgement formed beforehand or without full knowledge or complete examination of the facts. It is also a preconceived idea, preference, or bias. People aren't born prejudiced; they're influenced or taught by other to wrongfully pre-judge another individual or group.
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Describe stereotyping.
The belief that all people in a group are the same.
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Describe Unlawful Discrimination.
All written or verbal communications that degrade individuals on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, or sex that are not otherwise authorized by law or regulation.
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Describe Collusion.
A secret agreement between two or more persons for a fraudulent or deceitful purpose. The working definition is to cooperate with others, intentionally or unintentionally, to reinforce stereotypical attitudes, prevailing behavior, and norms. There are basically three ways that people collude: silence, denial, and active participation.
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Describe Ethnocentrism.
The belief that one's own culture (or ethnic group) is superior to all others and is the standard by which all other cultures should be measured. It's the inability to put aside one's own cultural attitudes and imagine the world from the perspective of a different group.
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Define and describe 3 types of collusion.
Silence - The practice of neither supporting nor defending the right of others to be fully included in the workplace. It permits negative behavior to go unchallenged. Denial - a passive approach that simply ignores any evidence of negative behavior. It's similar to putting your head in the sand and pretending, despite evidence to the contrary, the problem doesn't exist. Active Participation - Involves actions that overtly work to prevent to inclusion of others. Promotes negative stereotypes, other forms of unfair judgements and disrespectful behavior.
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Provide examples of how barriers to diversity affects workcenter performance.
One of the most important factors in turning diversity into a strength is a respect for different cultures and for people from vastly differing backgrounds. Workcenters that respect and treat Airmen as individuals are likely to succeed better than workcenters that tend to look at individuals differently based on stereotypes.
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Provide examples of how Prejudice affects workcenter performance.
It causes suspicion, rejection, alienation, isolation, violence, abuse and bullying.
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Provide examples of how Stereotyping affects workcenter performance.
It can be damaging to self-image, self-esteem, lead to mistaken beliefs about people, lead to discrimination, lead to serious interpersonal differences, erode morale, negatively impact group dynamics and negatively impact a leader's influence.
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Provide examples of how Unlawful Discrimination affects workcenter performance.
It erodes morale, makes some feel uncomfortable, causes and anxiety.
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Provide examples of how Collusion affects workcenter performance.
It can cause serious harm in the workplace. It can be damaging to self-image, self-esteem, lead to mistaken beliefs about people, lead to discrimination, lead to serious interpersonal differences, erode morale, negatively impact group dynamics and negatively impact a leader's influence.
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Provide examples of how Ethnocentrism affects workcenter performance.
It is especially dangerous in a nation-security context because it can distort strategic thinking and result in assumptions that the adversary will behave exactly as one might behave.
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Provide examples of skills to manage diversity.
Recognize individual awareness if values and beliefs. Recognize awareness the values and beliefs of others. Assist individuals in recognized differences. Help individuals to discover similarities. Encourage Airmen to move on to the work at hand.
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Define RESPECT as related to addressing diversity issues.
Resolve conflict at the lowest level. Explore options. Sensitize yourself. Promote positive human relations. Eliminate unacceptable behaviors. Consider the needs of the unit. Take a stand.
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Provide an example of Resolve conflict at the lowest level.
If someone offends you, let them know right away.
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Provide an example of Explore options.
Try to work out agreements. However, if you can't resolve them on your own, use the chain of command if necessary.
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Provide an example of Sensitize yourself.
Empathize and be in tune with your subordinate's diversity issues.
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Provide an example of Promote positive human relations.
Model positive behavior and let USAF core values model your behavior.
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Provide an example of Eliminate unacceptable behaviors.
The USAF views any conduct that results in discrimination or prejudice as offensive and illegal. There is a zero tolerance policy: any acts of violence, harassment or threats to anyone based on diversity won't be tolerated.
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Provide an example of Consider the needs of the unit.
Teamwork is key to success in everything we do. The relationships you build will aid in the mission.
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Provide an example of Take a stand.
Uphold DoD and USAF policies against discrimination.
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Describe the importance of cultural awareness in relation to the Air Force Mission.
Without training in cultural awareness, we quickly label "wrong" to the behavior of those who do things differently. We fail to realize that individuals from other cultures are so important to our future and the USAF mission.
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Describe the importance of religious diversity in relation to the Air Force Mission.
We're sworn to defend the Constitution because it provides for the free exercise of religion, and to deny Airmen of this right is inappropriate. If we don't respect the rights of our Airmen, what does that say about us? Religion is such a personal issue especially for our deployed Airmen who are in harm's way and their faith is one of their sustaining forces. Airmen operating globally must appreciate the differences between a secular worldview and a religion-centric worldview.
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Describe the importance of foreign language skills in relation to the Air Force Mission.
Language has become a greater point of emphasis in the past several years as the military has had to manage with a shortage of people who speak languages such as Arabic and Pashto, the language spoken in much of Afghanistan. When we can communicate, we can build friendships that lead to building trust, something that's critical to successful operations. In a crisis situation, it can help reduce misunderstandings that can lead to embarrassing situations and help expedite accomplishment of critical operations.
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Describe the importance of regional awareness.
Regional awareness and familiarity includes learning about the culture and religions particular to a place. An Airman's success in their ability to do their job properly and operate in a foreign country depends on their knowledge of the cultural reality there. The Air Force and success of the mission needs Airmen who can influence the outcomes of US, allied, and coalition operations anywhere in the world.
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Identify skills required to develop regional awareness.
Airmen need language and regional training in PME. This goal will help ensure Airmen are ready to deploy and operate with people of other cultures in any region of the world. Among the objectives of the culture and language initiative are (1) develop cultural knowledge and skills to support deployments across the globe; (2) develop specialized regional expertise to optimize air, space, and cyberspace capabilities in support of theater operations anywhere in the world.
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Give an example why cultural sensitivity is important in relation to the Air Force mission.
To win hearts and minds of those from other nations. To gain support of those from other nations. To build friendships. To build trust and respect with those from other nations.
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Provide examples of how cultural awareness, religious diversity, and foreign language skills influence mission success.
When we can communicate, we can build friendships that lead to building trust, something that's critical to successful operations and can help expedite the accomplishment of important operations.
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How do diversity skills relate to the Enlisted Force Structure?
You must always exhibit a whole-hearted respect toward your fellow Airmen and the people of other nations with whom we operate. You must ensure the efforts and innovations of all Airmen are welcomed and appreciated. In so doing, you let the world know the Air Force understands and respects their diverse cultures and religions. As the Air Force transforms, so must you as both a leader and follower. Finally, remember under enemy fire, the race, religion, sex, or geographic origin of the Airman fighting next to us is irrelevant!
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How do diversity skills relate to USAF Core Values?
Regardless of religious preferences, Airmen share a common Air Force heritage in the oaths we take, core values we embrace, and mission we undertake to protect our nation. Integrity demands we respect others and that we live up to our oaths. Service Before Self demands respect for the Constitution, our Air Force, and each other as well as an understanding that in the military our service begins with a commitment to our responsibilities, not only our rights. Finally, Airmen share a commitment to a climate in which individuals of diverse beliefs form an effective team that is essential to achieving Excellence in All We Do.
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