India today requires a visionary leader, someone who can guide the nation towards uncharted territories. The leader should nurture the potential of their people while pursuing a clear vision. In order to achieve this, it is crucial for the leader to be both grounded in the present and focused on the future. They must excel in handling current affairs while also envisioning what is to come.
He needs to develop, design, and foster a fresh plan for the future. Many acknowledge that we are lucky to live in an era abundant in information. However, what is often overlooked is that information alone does not possess power. True power and a competitive edge are only acquired when reliable information is promptly acted upon. The Right to Information Act is available to us. However, unless we utilize it to restrain unethical practices, discussing the i
...ncreasing corrupt system in our society is futile.
Is there anyone in this state who is fully dedicated to implementing this Act completely? The answer is definitely a resounding NO. A leader with vision should view themselves as liberators instead of restrictors of human abilities, with their primary focus being the development of their people's potential. Every individual on Earth has a desire to grow and enhance themselves. What we require is a leader who can wholeheartedly devote themselves to unleashing rather than suppressing the abilities of those they lead.
In brief, it is important to acknowledge that individuals with a solid self-esteem are more inclined to attain favorable outcomes. This leadership principle has proven to be enduring and should not be undervalued. Unfortunately, in India, numerous leaders have neglected to provide
their followers with chances to uncover and apply their innate abilities. Rather than promoting the concept of success and enabling individuals to utilize their own ingenuity and resourcefulness to achieve it, most leaders tend to exert excessive control and dictate specific actions at every stage.
They view their people as insufficiently mature, reliant, and unable to make decisions or think independently. In reality, a genuine leader empowers others to become leaders as well, rather than simply followers. However, this form of leadership has gradually suppressed creativity, vitality, and enthusiasm. Presently, we are lacking in innovation, productivity, and performance. H. G. Wells once wrote, "Leaders should lead to the best of their abilities and then disappear. Their influence should not impede the fire they have ignited." Hence, it is crucial to allow individuals to thrive as they strive towards their goals.
A visionary leader recognizes the importance of empowering their people instead of suppressing them. They acknowledge that both climbing uphill and belittling others are harmful to the soul. The current global dissatisfaction, unease, and instability originate from individuals not living up to their full potential. Thus, a visionary leader measures success not by their level of power but by how many lives they influence, inspire, and empower. Currently, we stand at a crucial crossroads where we must swiftly decide our way forward.
To be considered noble-hearted and humanized, we should opt to live for our less fortunate siblings. Instead of being consigned to the dustbins of history, we should aspire for leadership that can lead us towards greatness. Envision a future where young children visit a poverty museum, akin to a science museum, and are
touched by the living conditions of individuals in the past millennium. What is required is a dream, a vision - an extraordinary Indian Dream.
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