The car hire market in the UK evolves around the tourism industry Essay Example
The car hire market in the UK evolves around the tourism industry Essay Example

The car hire market in the UK evolves around the tourism industry Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (728 words)
  • Published: December 30, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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The car hire market in the UK is closely linked to the tourism industry. In 2002, although there was an increase in foreign visitors compared to 2001, the tourism sector suffered its biggest decline in twenty years due to foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks and the September 11 events. Furthermore, more British people have been traveling abroad for vacations, leading to a decrease in domestic tourism over the past two years.

According to a source from, there has been a 25% increase in self-drive holidays taken by Brits within the U.K. due to the fear of flying. In order for a company to be successful, it must create an action-oriented strategic marketing plan based on market information. When identifying or positioning a product in a target market, the car hire market is influenced by external factors that are beyond


the control of the company. One of these factors is the economic environment, where the level of activity in the car hire industry depends on overall economic activity. As a result, there have been some losses in recent years, especially in short-term rental which closely correlates with GDP.

The success of the car rental company is dependent on the number of international tourists visiting the UK and the state of the global economy. Official data reveals that currently, the UK is experiencing its slowest growth in a decade. The annual growth rate for service industries, which includes car rentals, has declined from 2.5% to 2.2%. According to BBC news (, it is predicted that economic growth in the UK will continue for the next six months; however, there are concerns about economic vulnerabilities in both the US and Euro

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The economic instability in the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe will have an impact on consumer spending and subsequently affect the tourism industry. Moreover, the potential war between the UK and Iraq poses a threat to the economy, resulting in a decline in tourist numbers and affecting the car rental sector. In the UK, driving regulations specify that individuals must be at least 17 years old but no older than 70 to drive. Changes in business and corporation tax as part of modifications to the tax system can significantly influence decisions regarding purchasing or renting vehicles in the long-term rental market. Additionally, alterations in income tax linked to company car benefits play a crucial role in the business car rental market.

(http://www. Despite the threats in the macro-environment, the UK car rentals market is experiencing an increase in rentals of around 6 percent (http://news. This is due to the rise in fuel prices and under capacity. However, these changes may only be temporary in the UK due to recent rail problems and increased fares by Rail companies. The dominant players in the UK car rental market are major international companies such as National Car Rental (previously EuroDollar), Avis Europe, and Hertz. These companies operate through a combination of wholly-owned and franchised operations. The remaining market consists of numerous small companies that primarily serve local markets. Avis, the largest car rental company in England, is currently experiencing shortages of cars and high demand from corporate and public clients. This presents opportunities for new companies to enter the market.

Target Marketing is the process of identifying market segments, selecting one or more of them, and developing

a marketing strategy to meet their needs (Hill ; O'Sullivan, 1999). The company's segmentation strategy can range from the concentration strategy where the company targets on one segment to the multi-segment strategy where the company selects several segments in the market, satisfying each with a different marketing mix. A concentration strategy carries financial risk if the selected market experiences a downturn. On the other hand, selecting too many segments can result in thin marketing efforts and extra expenses. Therefore, in today's competitive car hire market, it is favorable to adopt a multi-segment strategy that spreads risk across a few segments.

The car hire industry has two main customer groups: business and leisure. Business customers generate 53% of revenue, while leisure customers account for the remaining balance ( Therefore, our target audience consists of corporate business clients and leisure clients. The marketing plan will be divided into two strategies to cater to the specific needs of each sector.

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