The physical appearance of St Bartholomew’s change between 1123-1515 Essay Example
St. Bartholomew's was founded in 1123 by a man called Rahere.
Rahere built the eastern part of the church which includes the Lady Chapel were people would come and pray to Mary. Rahere also built the ambulatory were the pilgrims would walk about and look around the church. He also built the sanctuary and monks choir. The sanctuary was where the mass was preformed and where the priest and monks would perform their religion rituals.
The choir was where the monks worshiped god through prayer and song, hymns and chants in Latin.Rahere built these parts of the church so that the poor and people can come and visit. His church looked very plain on the inside because the king was a Norman and he wanted the church to be built in Norman style.Norman architecture was very pl
...ain it was mostly in between 1066-1200. However the architectural evidence that dates the time of the build of the eastern part of St.
Bartholomew are for example the doorways and the arches were round at the top zigzag or geometrics patterns. As well as the windows and pillars, the pillars were very large in shape which supported large towers and roof tops.Moreover in 1144 Rahere passed away, and then the church was ruled by a new prior, Prior Thomas, when Rahere died the church wasn't really finished it was left dark and unfinished. So then prior Thomas built the arms of the cross and he also began to build the nave Thomas also began building other parts of the church but before he could finish Thomas passed away.In addition to prior Thomas he also managed to collect mone
for the church which was put in towards the charity as well as money to expand the church he also managed to perform miracles in the church, because in those years St. Paul's Cathedral was the biggest church in England and it was very famous.
But people stopped going to pray and ask for forgiveness at St. Paul's instead they were going in to St. Bartholomew's. to watch miracles being preformed and to pray to god.The architectural evidence shows that when prior Thomas was around he changed the church from Norman style to early English style which dates back to the year 1200-1300.
Basically now the style was reformed from plain in to a bit more decretive style. For example in the Norman style the pillars were very large but in the early English style the pillars are thinner and more geometric in its shape.As well as the doorways and windows more style was drawn in to this building. I think that Thomas wanted the church to have more impact to it wasn't just the time that they were in.
The church was left to be built up by three other priors that carried on building the church after Prior Thomas tragic death.The churches architecture changed over the years from the Norman plain style to more creative early English style then it moved on until it got to the Tudor style and the Tudor style was very bright and lively especially after King Henry the 8th and changed to the church from a protestant plain not very creative but slightly creative church in to a more opened catholic church however it did take quite a
while until St. Bartholomew's change dramatically.
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