Developmental PSY211 Final

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Marcus was physically abused by his parents during his early years. Now he is in elementary school and living with a foster family; his school counselor believes that the negative events of his first few years can be overcome by his now positive life circumstances. The counselor emphasizes the role of __________ in development. stages nurture nature stability
In contrast to Freud, Erikson focused only on the impact of early experiences on later behavior. viewed children as taking a more active role in their own development. emphasized that development continues throughout the lifespan. minimized the role of culture in individual development.
Emphasized tat development continues throughout the lifespan
Baby Max begins to cry as soon as he sees his mother pick up her car keys. Max does this because he has learned the keys predict his mother' absence, and her absence reflexively causes his crying. This example best demonstrates observational learning. operant conditioning. behavior modification. classical conditioning.
Classical conditioning
Who among the following is a COGNITIVE theorist? Skinner Piaget Pavlov Bronfenbremmer
During early childhood, children develop language rapidly and are especially responsive to conversational interactions. Based on these observations, one could argue that language learning develops in stages. children play a passive role in language acquisition. early childhood is a sensitive period for language development. language acquisition is due to the unfolding of a genetic blueprint.
Early childhood is a sensitive period for language development
Dr. Bellicose found that over 75 percent of adolescents who had committed one or more crimes had parents who were punitive in their discipline study. He concluded that punitive parental discipline is a major cause of adolescent crime. Which of the following is a major flaw in Dr. Bellicose's conclusion? confuses correlation with causation cohort effects practice effects random assignment
Confuses correlation with causation
A correlation of -.79 between self-esteem and delinquency in adolescence indicates that the higher an adolescent's self-esteem, the more likely he or she is to be delinquent. self-esteem and delinquency are only weakly correlated during adolescence. self-esteem and delinquency are not related during adolescence. the lower an adolescent's self-esteem, the more likely he or she is to be delinquent.
the lower an adolescent's self esteem the more likely he or she is to be delinquent
In an experiment to determine whether children would be more likely to break a promise to work when they thought no one was present to observe their transgression, the dependent variable would be whether an experimenter was present once the children promised to work. the intervention. the number of children who broke the promise to work.
the number of children who broke the promise to work
Professor Atari is studying whether playing videogames that require mental rotation of visual images fosters success on spatial reasoning tests. The best method for Professor Atari to use to be able to infer a cause and effect relationship between the variables of interest would be to: compare the number of hours of videogame play among children who score high on spatial reasoning tests with those who score low on spatial reasoning tests. randomly choose half of the participants to play videogames and the remaining half to play no videogames and later compare measures of spatial reasoning for each group. select a group of children who already play a lot of videogames and a second group who never play video games and compare their scores of spatial reasoning.
To examine whether children's popularity is stable or changes across the years, Dr. Clique followed a group of children from the time they were 5 years old to the time they were 18 years old. This is an example of a(n) __________ design. sequential cross-sectional study longitudinal experimental
Once a researcher has developed a hypothesis, her next step in the scientific method is to: report the results. replicate the study. design and conduct research to gather empirical evidence (data). draw conclusions.
design and conduct research to gather empirical evidence (data)
The final step in the scientific method is: draw conclusions. report the results. test the hypothesis. write a new hypothesis.
report the results
The notion that development involves gains and losses that do not always occur in a straight line exemplifies which one of the following characteristics of the life-span perspective? multidirectional plasticity multidisciplinary multicontextual
You and your high school classmates are all part of the same: social construction. context. socioeconomic status. cohort.
Socioeconomic status refers to an individual's: ethnicity. culture. race. social class.
social class
According to the text, race is: part of the microsystem supported by genetic research a social construction a necessary component of developmental research
a social construction
The idea that the study of development involves several academic fields defines the ______ characteristic of development. multicontextual multidirectional plasticity multidisciplinary
According to Freud, each stage of development involves: need for cultural adaptation. a major developmental crisis. potential conflicts.
potential conflicts
In operant conditioning, an organism learns that: classically conditioned responses are learned for life. punishment always follows a reinforcer. a neutral stimulus is associated with a meaningful stimulus. a particular behavior usually produces a particular consequence.
a particular behavior usually produces a particular consequence
After watching a new Jackie Chan movie, Rob tries some of the karate moves he saw in the film. Social learning theorists would say that ______ has occurred. reinforcement operant conditioning classical conditioning modeling
Piaget's theory of development focused primarily on: our unconscious issues. how our thinking changes as we grow older. the ways in which our environment influences our physical development. biological and physical changes.
how our thinking changes as we grow older
A correlation coefficient is close to zero if: one variable increases and the other variable decreases both variables decrease one variable's change is not related to the other variable's change
To study people's thoughts about aging, a researcher would most likely use: a survey. . a laboratory experiment. the case-study method.
The quickest and least expensive way to study development is with: cross-sectional research. the case study. cross-sequential studies. longitudinal research.
cross sectional research
In seeking participants for research studies, researchers must explain the purposes and procedures of the study in advance, obtain written permission, and allow participants to stop at any time. This process is known as: informed consent. rite of research. holding harmless. release of liability.
informed consent
A genotype is a rodlike structure in the cell nucleus that transmits genetic information. reflects an individual's physical and behavioral characteristics, determined both by environmental and genetic factors. is a directly observable characteristic. refers to the genetic makeup of an individual.
refers to the genetic makeup of an individual
Characteristics such as hair color and height are visible in genotypes. phenotypes. zygotes. chromosomes.
A person whose 23rd pair of chromosomes is XY has Down syndrome. has PKU. is male. cannot be a fraternal twin.
is male
A zygote that separates into two clusters of cells instead of just one produces Klinefelter syndrome. triple X syndrome. fraternal twins. identical twins.
identical twins
D is the symbol for the dark-haired allele; d is the symbol for the blond-haired allele. Four children have the following allele pairs: Lizzy has DD, Lena has Dd, Lyle has dD, and Laura has dd. Which child is considered recessive homozygous and has blond hair? Lizzy Lyle Laura Lena
The case of PKU demonstrates that most inherited disabilities and disorders are untreatable. changes in the environment can alter the extent to which an inherited disorder influences a person's well-being. serious inherited disorders are more often due to dominant than to recessive genes.
changes in the environment can alter the extent to which an inherited disorder influences a person's well-being
Males are more likely than females to be negatively affected by X-linked disorders because their sex chromosomes match. the Y chromosome lacks many corresponding alleles to override those carried on the X chromosome. males are more likely than females to inherit recessive alleles. the Y chromosome is much longer than the X chromosome.
the Y chromosome lacks many corresponding alleles to override those carried on the X chromosome
Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited cause of mental retardation. is expressed only when it is passed from father to child. is linked to over three-fourths of the cases of giftedness.
is the most common inherited cause of mental retardation.?
The period of the zygote lasts about __________, beginning with __________. 2 weeks; fertilization 3 months; implantation 3 months; fertilization
2 weeks; fertilization
The age of viability occurs sometime between 28 and 32 weeks. 22 and 26 weeks. 25 and 29 weeks. 19 and 21 weeks.
22 to 26
Bruno and Juliana moved to the United States from Mexico 2 years ago and just had their first baby. Although Bruno and Juliana's SES is lower than their native-born peers, their baby was born at a healthy weight, due in part to the support of their social network. This phenomenon is called the: native-born paradox immigrant paradox SES paradox Hispanic paradox
Hispanic paradox
A reproductive cell is called a: amino acid. chromosome. zygote. gamete.
What do the effects of additive genes do? add up to make the phenotype add up to make nurture add up to make nature add up to make the genotype
add up to make the phneotype
The frequency of LBW in the United States _____ throughout most of the twentieth century, and then ______ in the 1990s and early 2000s. decreased; increased decreased; remained stable increased; remained stable
The longest period of prenatal development is the: first trimester. germinal period. fetal period.
fetal period
The Apgar is used one minute and five minutes after birth to: help the mother recover from childbirth. measure the health of the new mother. determine whether the newborn needs immediate medical care. measure the newborn's sensory abilities.
determine whether the newborn needs immediate medical care
Florence gave birth to a preterm infant who remains in the intensive-care nursery of the local hospital. She is encouraged to spend at least an hour each day holding her baby skin-to-skin between her breasts and allowing the baby to feel her body heat. Florence is engaged in: preemie-warming. auxiliary incubation. kangaroo care. body-heat monitoring.
kangaroo care
Henry was adopted and is genetically predisposed toward alcoholism. However, his adoptive family does not drink; they actively avoid alcohol for religious reasons. Given Henry's genetic potential: alcoholism might not appear in Henry's phenotype. he may drink without worry as an adult because of his early upbringing. alcoholism may alter his genotype.
alcoholism might not appear in Henry's phenotype.
During prenatal development, a particular organ or body part is most vulnerable to exposure to teratogens during its critical period. period of viability. vulnerability period. fetal period.
critical period
A genome is: the entire packet of instructions to make a living organism. a molecule of DNA. the basic unit of heredity for a particular organism. the manufacturer of protein.
the entire packet of instructions to make a living organism
Marsha has twins, a boy and a girl. The twins are: identical. dizygotic. monozygotic. the result of one zygote splitting in two.
Down syndrome is due to: a genetic mutation. trisomy of the 21st chromosome. a recessive allele on the X chromosome. exposure to teratogens in the embryonic period.
trisomy of the 21st chromosome
_______ may mitigate maternal depression by, in part, increasing levels of the hormone oxytocin. Breast-feeding Home births Doulas
? Breast feeding
The neural tube will become the: backbone, legs, and arms. reproductive organs. intestinal tract. brain and spinal cord.
brain and spinal cord
In a normal uncomplicated birth, the position of presentation is: buttocks first. knees first. head first. feet first.
head first
The cortical regions that have the most extended period of development are the temporal lobes. the frontal lobes. the occipital lobes. the parietal lobes.
the frontal lobes
Compared to breastfed babies, bottle-fed babies experience less severe illness symptoms. add weight and length slightly faster in the first few months. have more allergic reactions and respiratory and intestinal illnesses. are less likely to need iron supplements.
have more allergic reactions and respiratory and intestinal illnesses
__________ and __________ are examples of fine motor activities. Pointing; drawing Skipping; grasping a raisin between two fingers Climbing on a jungle gym; blinking Crawling; standing
Pointing and drawing
Which picture is newborn Bjorn most likely to prefer to look at? a face-like drawing with the features arranged sideways a face-like drawing with simple features a face-like drawing with the features arranged upside down
a face-like drawing with simple features
According to Piaget, during __________, children interpret experiences in terms of existing schemes, whereas in __________, old schemes are adjusted and new ones created to make sense of the environment. accommodation; assimilation adaptation; organization equilibration; disequilibration assimilation; accommodation
assimilation accommodation
Chomsky's LAD involves language acquisition drills that are used to foster young children's vocabulary acquisition. refers to linguistic tutoring processes by which parents provide children assistance in learning grammatical rules. is made up of computer programs that attempt to generate the linguistic rules that are needed for language acquisition. is an innate system that permits young children to understand and speak in a rule-oriented fashion.
is an innate system that permits young children to understand and speak in a rule oriented fashioin
An average, or standard, measurement, calculated from many individuals within a specific group or population is known as a: standard deviation. normal score. norm.
Assume that an abusive caregiver shakes an infant to get her to stop crying. The infant stops crying because of which of the following mechanisms? The infant is so startled by the shaking that she can't cry. Blood vessels in her brain rupture and neural connections break. The infant's airway is damaged by the shaking.
Blood vessels in her brain rupture and neural connections break
Research indicates that three-year olds ______ were better at recognizing differences in newborn faces. with younger siblings who spent time looking at monkey faces with older siblings
with younger siblings
The reflex that allows newborns to grip so tightly is the: Babinski reflex. Palmar grasping reflex. Moro reflex. rooting reflex.
palmar grasping reflex
The average child can walk well independently at about: 1 year. 2 years. 6 months.
The last skill to typically develop from the list below is: standing momentarily without holding on. sitting without support. standing while holding on. pulling up onto feet.
standing momentarily without holding on
At what point in development is the sense of hearing already quite acute? by 14 weeks of age by 6 months of age by 3 months of age at birth
at birth
The neonate's vision: does not improve until age 1. is clearest when objects are 4 to 30 inches away. is the most developed of the senses. is clearest when objects are about 10 feet away.
is clearest when objects are 4-30inches away
In which of Piaget's sensorimotor stages do infants become aware of things and respond to people and objects? stage two stage three stage four stage one
stage three
The principle of object permanence is demonstrated by an infant's: grasping a rattle and banging it on the floor. laughing when a sibling makes faces. searching for a toy that has fallen from sight. being willing to let go of an object.
searching for a toy that has fallen from sight
the scientific method used by an infant in Piaget's stage five is: theoretical. trial and error. considered anticipation of results. behavioral conditioning.
trial and error
An infant's reaction to the visual cliff is supposed to measure her: locomotion. depth perception. culture. perceptual constancy.
depth perception
Newborns prefer: traffic noises more than music. normal speech over baby talk. speech over most other sounds.
speech over most other sounds
Research has found that \"baby talk\" is: unique to English-speaking parents. confined to females; males do not use it. characterized by a high pitch, simple vocabulary, and short sentences. characterized by a lower pitch and use of nonsense words.
characterized by high pitch, simple vocabulary, and short sentences
Which of the following is one of the explanations offered in your text as to why English-speaking children use more nouns than verbs when they begin to speak, as compared to children of Chinese or Korean descent? Chinese and Korean languages are \"noun-friendly\" languages because the rules of the languages are structured around nouns. Interactions between children and objects are more common in English-speaking cultures, while social interactions are more common in Asian cultures. The English language contains more nouns than verbs; Korean and Chinese languages contain more verbs than nouns. Chinese and Korean children tend to have more limited access to toys than do English-speaking children.
Interactions between children and objects are more common in English speaking cultures while social interactions are more common in Asian cultures
Which of the following research results provides support for the cultural fostering theory of language learning? Toddlers learn new words best when they are taught in person. Toddlers learn new words best by watching others talk. Toddlers learn new words best by hearing an adult say a new word while they are playing with an unrelated object. Toddlers learn new words best in a group setting.
toddlers learn new words best when they are taught in person
Brains ______ in size in the first two years of life. don't grow triple quadruple
Whenever the eyes, ears, tongue, skin, or mouth detect a stimulus, ______ has occurred. interpretation perception response sensation
The term holophrase is used to denote: the relationship of object permanence to language development. the infant's use of one word to express a whole thought. a word that is empty of meaning. the use of two words to take the place of one.
the infants use of one word to express a whole thought
In Erikson's theory, __________ is associated with a positive outcome during infancy. the quality of the caregiver's behavior breastfeeding the amount of oral stimulation provided the amount of food given
the quality of the caregiver's behavior
In the Strange Situation, Tyrelle sticks close to his mother, fails to explore, and cries uncontrollably when she leaves the room. When his mother returns, Tyrelle fights being picked up and cries despite his mother's efforts to comfort him. Tyrelle is demonstrating __________ attachment. avoidant disorganized secure resistant/ambivalent
Two-year-old Isabella has a red dot on her nose. When she looks into a mirror, she tries to rub the dot off of her nose rather than off of the mirror. This behavior indicates that she has developed effortful control. empathy. self-awareness.
self awareness ?
When caring for their babies, an enduring gender difference is that mothers devote more time to __________ and fathers devote more time to __________. high intensity play sessions; emotional closeness feeding and diaper changes; emotional closeness high intensity play sessions; feeding and diaper changes physical care and comfort; high intensity play sessions
physical care and comfort; high intensity play sessions
Research has found that a person's temperament is: reflective of cognitive development determined almost entirely by parenting styles linked to biological patterns that appear in infancy established primarily through early social interactions
linked to biological patterns that appear in infancy
According to Erikson's theory, which of the following is true of most toddlers? They want to gain a sense of autonomy, or control, over their own bodies. They learn learn initiative through tasks that help them develop mastery. Toddler's need to learn a sense of guilt and shame in order to strengthen their sense of uniqueness. They want to depend on their caregivers to meet all of their needs.
They want to gain a sense of autonomy, or control, over their own bodies.
According to cognitive theory, infants use their early relationships to develop a set of assumptions that become a frame of reference that may be used later in life. Such a set of assumptions is called a schematic plan working model work-in-progress referential hypothesis
working model
Dr. Hoemann, a pediatrician, believes that a child's behavior problems are caused entirely by the parents' use of reinforcements and punishments. Dr. Hoemann is most likely a(n): psychoanalyst. information-process theorist. behaviorist. sociologist.
Erika is 6 months old. Which of the following would you expect Erika to be able to do? run climb up on the sofa crawl on her belly stand without holding on
crawl on her belly
Freud would attribute an adult's fingernail biting and overeating to problems during which developmental stage? phallic initiative vs. guilt oral sensorimotor
Which of the following statements is accurate? The social smile in response to another person typically first appears at about 12 weeks old. A five-month-old baby is likely to display fear of strangers and separation anxiety. An 11-month-old child may show anxiety when her mother goes into another room. Infants younger than 4 months seem incapable of expressing distress or contentment.
An 11-month-old child may show anxiety when her mother goes into another room.
When Caitlin falls and hurts herself, she cries and runs to her mother. Rather than comforting Caitlin, her mother offers her a toy to distract her. Her mother would most likely be considered a(n): slow-to-warm-up parent distal parent proximal parent authoritative parent
distal parent
Which of the following is NOT one of the essential characteristics of high-quality daycare provided in your text? cleanliness routines and accident prevention a variety of caregivers every day. engagement in active play encouragement of language development
a variety of caregivers every day.
Which four-month-old girl's temperament is the MOST likely to change over time? Yolanda, who is exuberant and easy-going. Michaela, who is inhibited and fearful. . Paulette, who is quite expressive.
? michaela, who is inhibited and fearful
As Melanie was learning to walk, each time she fell she would look for her mother's reaction. If her mother looked upset, she would cry; if her mother smiled, she would stand up and try again. Which phrase best describes Melanie's behavior? emotional self-regulation. an internal working model. social referencing. self-control.
social referencing.
Martine has just been shown two boxes. One box is a plain, unmarked box full of crayons, and the other is an empty Crayola box. Next, Martine is asked to predict in which box another child will look for the crayons. This task assesses Martine's understanding of theory of mind. conservation. class inclusion. irreversibility.
theory of mind
According to Vygotksy, which of the following would be within a child's zone of proximal development? a task that a child cannot accomplish alone or with the help of an adult and, as such, requires an adult to complete the task a task that a child has recently mastered following the assistance of an adult and now can do independently a task that a child cannot yet handle on her own, but can do with the help of an adult a task that a child figures out how to accomplish through her own independent activity
a task that a child cannot yet handle on her own, but can do with the help of an adult
During a conservation-of-liquid task, when asked why he thinks there is more water in the taller glass, 5-year-old Gus points out that the water level is higher in the taller glass than in the shorter glass but he does not seem to be aware that this change in height is compensated by changes in width. This example demonstrates a limitation of preoperational thought known as egocentrism. seriation. centration. irreversibility.
\"I catched two mices in a trap\" is an example of: egocentric speech. overregularization. the past imperfect. literal translation.
Benjy is a preschooler. He can put a dish into the microwave and press the \"2\" button to cook for 2 minutes. One day he sees his mother wipe the front of the microwave with a damp paper towel before she presses a number button. After that, Benjy rubs the front of the microwave with a napkin before he presses the number button. Which of the following reflects a social learning explanation for Benjy's actions? He is showing centration on the microwave door. He has forgotten that he didn't use the napkin initially. He is overimitating his mom. He is in the zone of proximal development in his microwave use.
He is overimitating his mom.
Because of fast-mapping, a preschooler: grasps the meaning of words describing emotions. needs several experiences with a word to learn it. has a clear understanding of all the words he uses. learns some words after a single exposure to them.
learns some words after a single exposure to them.
Daryl has a ball of Silly Putty. His 6-year-old son, John, watches as Daryl flattens the Silly Putty into a thin \"pancake.\" When Daryl asks John if there is now more Silly Putty, John replies, \"Yes.\" Piaget would say that John has: demonstrated fast-mapping. demonstrated scaffolding. an understanding of object permanence. not mastered the concept of conservation.
not mastered the concept of conservation.
Today's children in the United States could become the first generation in more than 100 years to have a shorter lifespan than their parents as a result of: their propensity to overeat and underexercise a lack of access to quality medical care an increase in the number of accidents involving teenagers new, deadly diseases for which there are no cures
their propensity to overeat and underexercise
Micah attends a preschool where there is a high teacher/child ratio and ample opportunity for creative expression. He is engaged in a long-term art project that he chose in which he is making dinosaurs out of clay. Which type of early child education program does Micah's preschool most resemble? Abecedarian Reggio Emilia Montessori
? reggio emilia
The ability to plan and prioritize appears to be directly related to the development of the ______ cortex. parietal posterior prefrontal striate
The Piagetian term for a particular type of centration in which the child thinks about the world only from his personal perspective is: conservatism. static reasoning. irreversibility. egocentrism.
The amygdala is a brain structure that registers: speech perception. body temperature. emotions. handedness.
In the past 20 years, the incidence of plumbism in the United States has declined due to: an increase in the amount of calcium in children's vitamins the removal of lead from paint and gasoline better nutrition at earlier ages improved sensitivity in the blood tests used for diagnosis.
the removal of lead from paint and gasoline
Writing your name is a ______, whereas kicking a ball is a(n) ______. physical skill; cognitive skill coordination skill; inter-coordination skill sensorimotor skill; preoperational skill fine motor skill; gross motor skill
fine motor skill; gross motor skill
According to Erikson, which of the following aids a young child in demonstrating initiative? strong feelings of competence apprenticeship opportunities offered by a child's parents a certain amount of guilt and shame neurological maturation in the limbic system and prefrontal cortex
neurological maturation in the limbic system and prefrontal cortex
Because she has developed ______, an angry 5-year-old might stop herself from hitting another child. social referencing. emotional regulation. self-esteem.
emotional regulation.
In which of the following areas will deficits be most apparent in a child who is maltreated? academic abilities social skills verbal skills physical abilities identification.
social skills
At least among the majority of families, adolescents who are successful, generous individuals are from: authoritative homes. traditional homes. permissive homes.
authoritative homes
By age ______, children are convinced certain toys are appropriate for one gender but not the other. 1 3 7
Children who lack self-control are most likely to have parents who are: permissive. authoritarian. abusive.
Freud believed that preschool boys: believe their fathers are perfect. disrespect their mothers. secretly want to replace their fathers. are openly angry with their fathers.
secretly want to replace their fathers.
Jose is very warm and nurturing of his children. He loves them very much and does not believe in punishment of any sort. Which type of parent is Jose? authoritative neglecting authoritarian permissive
In which country is physical punishment of a child illegal? Finland the United States Canada
Play that mimics aggression through wrestling, chasing, or hitting, but is not intended to harm is called: rough-and-tumble play. parallel play. bullying play. sociodramatic play.
rough-and-tumble play.
Psychological control as a means of discipline relies on which of the following? a child's feelings of guilt and gratitude to the parents a child's senses of self-concept and self-esteem a child's sense of fear toward the parents a child's sense of belonging to the family unit
a child's feelings of guilt and gratitude to the parents
Three girls start a rumor that 7-year-old Heather is a bed-wetter who still uses a pacifier. They are demonstrating _____ aggression. reactive instrumental bullying relational
To understand gender attitudes and roles, behaviorists stress: reinforcement and punishment. biological mechanisms. unconscious motivations. reasoning ability.
reinforcement and punishment.
Which of the following focuses on how children perceive and understand their experiences in their development of gender? behavioral theory. cognitive theory. epigenetic theory.
Although the test you are now taking measures many things, it is supposed to be a test of: aptitude. achievement. general knowledge.
Because of better health, smaller families, and more schooling, some nations have exhibited substantial increases in IQ scores. This phenomenon is called the: Stanford Swell. Flynn Effect. Brain Leap. Intelligence Surge.
Flynn Effect
Professor Schuyler believes that people's brains work very much like a computer in terms of input, processing, and output. This belief is most representative of ______ theory of cognition. the immersion the information processing Piaget's Vygotsky's
the information processing
Growth in brain sophistication during middle childhood allows the child to direct his focus on certain stimuli to the exclusion of others. This ability is known as: selective attention. transduction. decentration. automatization.
selective attention.
School-age children move toward more flexible logic as a result of decreasing: concrete thought. reversibility. adaptation. egocentrism.
The approach to second-language learning in which children spend the entire school day instructed in the second language is referred to as the: immersion approach. bilingual education approach. additive bilingual approach. heritage language approach.
immersion approach.
What percent of the world's 7-year-olds are in school, approximately? 60 percent 75 percent 95 percent 40 percent
95 percent
According to Piaget, in the concrete operational stage children: can only apply their reasoning to real situations. are limited to intuitive, perceptual focusing. are likely to be misled by appearances. can reason about abstractions.
can only apply their reasoning to real situations.
Which of the following abilities is necessary in order for children to be aware of what they already know and what they still need to learn? control processes automatization metacognition abstract reasoning
According to Erikson's theory, children in middle childhood tend to judge themselves as either: industrious or inferior. competent or awkward. suppressed or superior. intelligent or stupid.
industrious or inferior
Carla is usually good because she is afraid that she will be punished if she isn't. Carla is in which level of Kohlberg's view of moral development? postconventional premoral preconventional conventional
According to Freud's latency stage, children: attempt to learn self-control. seek to establish their identity. develop sexual feelings toward their opposite-sex peers. submerge their unconscious sexual conflicts.
submerge their unconscious sexual conflicts.
All of the following are forces that influence the middle childhood person's moral development EXCEPT: peer culture brain myelinization personal experience
?brain myelinization
Self-esteem adjusts to a more realistic level in middle childhood largely as the result of increases in perspective-taking skills. identity achievement. the development of an incremental view of ability. feedback about the individual's performance compared with that of peers.
feedback about the individual's performance compared with that of peers.
Beginning in middle childhood, children's self-descriptions include descriptions of specific behaviors. both negative and positive characteristics. internal states. observable traits.
both negative and positive characteristics.
Liv is an extremely shy, timid, and anxious 8-year-old. Other children seem to dislike her. She appears to be a(n): aggressive-rejected child. neglected child. controversial child. withdrawn-rejected child.
withdrawn-rejected child.
Male bullies are often: above average in size. below average in verbal assertiveness. above average in verbal assertiveness. smaller than average in size.
above average in size
Parents' beliefs that they mold their children's personalities may be diminished by the finding that: temperament defines personality. personality is primary based on the shared environment of the family. most all aspects of personality have strong genetic bases. most of the environmental effects on personality may be from the \"nonshared\" environment.
most of the environmental effects on personality may be from the \"nonshared\" environment.
Typically, school-aged children would most admire: Billy, who spends most of his free time with adults. Mary, who is the third-grade teacher's favorite. Marla, who was punished for not telling the teacher who threw a paper airplane. Timmy, whose mother kisses him good-bye at school.
Marla, who was punished for not telling the teacher who threw a paper airplane.
The most common type of family structure for children in the United States is the: nuclear family single-parent family extended family
? nuclear family (6-11)
An evalutation of Head Start found that benefits were MOST apparent for children: living in urban areas without disabilities with the lowest family income living in suburban areas
with the lowest family income
Which factor contributes to the decline in neighborhood play among children? a scarcity of vacant lots and empty fields parental obesity an increase in the emphasis on reading books
a scarcity of vacant lots and empty fields
Today, children who are in the middle childhood stage of development are experiencing better physical health than the same age group did decades ago. Which of the following is NOT a factor in the improved health of children? a reduction in the number of colds children catch ealier diagnosis and treatment of chronic health conditions the reduced exposure to secondhand smoke an increase in hand washing behavior
a reduction in the number of colds children catch
From 1980 to the current decade, the rate of childhood asthma in the United States has: decreased tripled remained steady doubled
New concepts are best learned when they are connected to: personal and emotional experiences current events a child-centered curriculum
personal and emotional experiences
Which of the following statements is TRUE? In Asian countries, girls score consistently higher in math than boys do. In Scotland, boys average several points higher in reading than girls. Academic differences between nations are much greater than these differences between genders. Across all cultures, boys are better at math and girls are better at reading.
Academic differences between nations are much greater than these differences between genders.
Seamus is very talented at drawing and obsessive about details when he draws pictures. His speech is close to what is considered to be normal, but he tends to shy away from other children and is awkward when he tries to relate to others. Which of the following diagnoses would BEST fit this description of Sheamus? autism spectrum disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder specific learning disability ADHD
autism spectrum disorder
Research reported in the text indicates appropriately medicated children with ADHD are: more likely to suffer from stunted growth than their nonmedicated peers with ADHD more likely to abuse drugs in adolescence than their nonmedicated peers with ADHD more likely to have adversive reactions to vaccinations than their nonmedicated peers with ADHD less likely to abuse drugs in adolescence than their nonmedicated peers with ADHD
less likely to abuse drugs in adolescence than their nonmedicated peers with ADHD
The child who weathers severe family problems, even abuse, and yet emerges from those experiences apparently unscathed is said to be: resilient buoyant industrious conventional
In middle childhood, the experience of moving to a new neighborhood or community is: very exciting, as this is a stage marked by a strong desire for new experiences is only problematic if the move is associated with a divorce in the family quite stressful, as this is a stage in which continuity is very important extremely rare; children ages 5 - 9 years old move far less often than younger or older age groups
quite stressful, as this is a stage in which continuity is very important
Two factors that universally interfere with family function in every nation are: low income and high conflict high stress and high income religious differences and low income ethnic differences and low income
low income and high conflict
According to the text, what method is MOST effective in stopping bullying in schools? focusing on children in higher grades focusing on children in lower grades using a whole-school strategy
using a whole school strategy
Bonnie is concrete operational and Katie is formal operational. When asked to solve the pendulum problem, Bonnie will be completely unable to solve the problem. systematically test alternative hypotheses. . unsystematically test some of the variables affecting the pendulum speed.
? systematically test alternative hypotheses
Carl is sure that his romantic passion for his girlfriend, his deep concern over the poor and homeless, and his poetic appreciation of nature are far beyond anything anyone has felt before. This thinking is characterized by juvenile obsession. cognitive dissonance. the personal fable.
Mr. and Mrs. Duran are having more frequent disagreements with their teenage daughter. If they argue over typical parentadolescent issues, these disagreements are most likely over important values such as honesty or the importance of education. less intense than arguments over similar issues with their teenage son. the most intense when their viewpoint on a matter is actually relatively similar to that of their daughter's. on mundane, daily matters such as driving and curfew.
on mundane, daily matters such as driving and curfew.
Mr. Jochim has talked frequently with his teenage children about the hazards of illicit drug use, but feels he needs to do a better job discussing the more common substance abuses. If he wants to focus on the two most commonly abused substances with his children in a discussion this week, he should focus on cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption. alcohol consumption and over-the-counter medications. alcohol consumption and abuse of household cleaning products. cigarette smoking and prescription medication abuse.
cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption.
Sixteen-year-old Nico tends to go along with whatever his friends are doing, has trouble with time management, and has a sense of hopelessness about the future. He has probably spent a long time in which identity status? identity moratorium identity diffusion identity achievement identity foreclosure
identity diffusion
Which statement about emerging adults is true around the world? They are marrying later than their parents in Western cultures, but marrying earlier than their parents in Eastern cultures. They have more years of education and marry later than their parents They are marrying at younger ages and nixing higher education at greater rates than their parents. Their college graduation rates are about 75 percent.
They have more years of education and marry later than their parents
Elyse broke up with her boyfriend after a fight. She has spent the last week repeatedly going over the fight in her mind, which has led her deeper and deeper into depression. Her continual relving the fight best reflects which of the following? reminiscence rumination fixation
Tony has thought hard and talked to many people before selecting a career in music. When asked if he'd change his mind if something better comes along, he said, \"I doubt it -- I really explored my options and I think this is the best choice for me.\" He is most characterized by identity moratorium. identity foreclosure. identity achievement. identity diffusion.
identity achievement.
Which statement about adolescent suicide is correct? The suicide rate is similar for boys and girls, and lower in the United States and Canada than in Italy or Spain. Most suicide attempts are really cries for help, which is why the majority of teenagers of both genders use methods from which they are more likely to be revived. Girls' higher rates of depression lead to higher suicide rates than boys'. Boys have a higher rate of suicide, and tend to use techniques that lead to instant death, such as firearms.
Boys have a higher rate of suicide, and tend to use techniques that lead to instant death, such as firearms.
How many individuals in the United States, Canada, northern Europe, England, and Australia cohabit during emerging adulthood? The majority About 17 percent Less than 1 percent
the majority
A criticism of high-stakes testing is that: it must begin in kindergarten to be effective in high school. standards of learning are not raised high enough. it destroys learning with its focus on test scores. it is not conducted often enough to truly raise standards.
it destroys learning with its focus on test scores.
Because adolescents regard themselves as uniquely special: it is easy for them to envision another person's perspective. it is difficult for them to envision another person's perspective. they believe everyone feels what they feel. they embrace many points of view.
t is difficult for them to envision another person's perspective.
Changes in primary sex characteristics during puberty include: pubic hair and underarm hair start to grow. a beard begins to grow. height increases rapidly. the uterus and the testes begin to grow.
the uterus and the testes begin to grow.
Does the ability of schoolchildren to use deductive reasoning tend to develop at the same time as their ability to use inductive reasoning? Yes, deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning tend to develop at the same time. No, these two types of reasoning tend to develop randomly, with deductive reasoning sometimes developing first and inductive reasoning sometimes developing first. No, deductive reasoning tends to develop later than inductive reasoning. No, deductive reasoning tends to develop before inductive reasoning.
No, deductive reasoning tends to develop later than inductive reasoning.
Ever since he began puberty, Barry has been staying awake late at night and craving sleep in the mornings. His parents should: realize that this is due to changes in the brain. get Barry professional help. realize that this is due to hormonal shifts. realize that this is due to his avoiding them.
realize that this is due to hormonal shifts.
For boys, the first ejaculation generally occurs: when facial hair first appears. after the weight and height spurt. when the final pubic hair pattern is established. following growth of the testes and penis.
following growth of the testes and penis.
In the twenty-first century, early puberty positively correlates with which of the following? aggression and antisocial behavior in boys the tendency for girls to date boys younger than themselves the tendency for girls to enter into later, nurturing relationships early-maturing boys becoming leaders in their schools and community
aggression and antisocial behavior in boys
Josephina is obsessed with her weight, yet she will eat a whole package of Oreos in one sitting. Afterwards she will go into the bathroom and make herself vomit. Josephina is of normal weight, but she constantly has heartburn. Josephina most likely suffers from: anxiety. degenerative organ disease. anorexia nervosa. bulimia nervosa.
bulimia nervosa.
Klaczynski's studies of younger and older adolescents' analytical thinking indicated that: younger adolescents were rarely logical, whereas older adolescents were nearly always logical. most adolescents do not think as analytically as their capabilities would allow. younger adolescents were more biased toward dismissing research that was contrary to their own beliefs. individuals who were analytical on some problems were analytical on all problems.
most adolescents do not think as analytically as their capabilities would allow.
Most adolescents think about themselves: frequently. occasionally. rarely. periodically.
One of the first signs of the growth spurt is: growth of arms and legs. growth of hands and feet. increased muscle mass. lengthening of the torso.
growth of hands and feet
Piaget called the reasoning that characterizes adolescence: concrete operational thinking. formal operational thought. the game of thinking. metacognition.
formal operational thought.
Rachel and Matt are in their first year of middle school. We can expect their academic achievement to: rise. remain the same as in elementary school. exhibit an erratic pattern of rising and falling. slow down.
slow down.
Which pair of nutrients is MOST likely to be lacking in the adolescent diet? vitamins A and C iron and calcium magnesium and B vitamins sodium and potassium
iron and calcium
Sixteen-year-old Paul drinks heavily and drives dangerously fast, believing that he cannot be hurt. Paul is demonstrating: the invincibility fable. deductive reasoning. self-awareness. the personal fable.
the invincibility fable.
The biological events that begin puberty involve a hormonal signal from the: ovaries or testes. cerebellum. hippocampus. hypothalamus.
The dual-process model of adolescent thought suggests that two distinct pathways exist in the brain to process thought. One pathway processes analytic thought. The other pathway processes: logical thought. ordered thought. intuitive thought. left-brained thought.
intuitive thought.
The first outward sign of puberty in a typical girl is: the development of muscular strength. an increase in weight. the onset of nipple growth.
? an increase in weight (spurt in height)
The still-developing prefrontal cortex and the full development of the limbic system are at least partially responsible for: the steadfast discipline found in young athletes. the narcissism of adolescence. the passion and commitment with which adolescents and young adults embrace nontraditional ideas. the apathy and boredom with life found in many of today's adolescents.
the passion and commitment with which adolescents and young adults embrace nontraditional ideas.
The term gonads refers to: testes in boys and ovaries in girls. the penis in males and the clitoris in females. the adrenal glands. pituitary glands.
testes in boys and ovaries in girls.
The term menarche refers to: the first ovulation of a mature egg. a girl's first menstrual period. the first year of menstruation, which is usually anovulatory. the beginning of growth of the uterus.
a girl's first menstrual period.
Which of the following has the largest impact on whether adolescent sexual discovery and exploration is healthy and enjoyable or shameful and frightening? sex hormones brain function the adolescent's gender culture and social context
culture and social context
Sexually active teenagers have _____ rate of gonorrhea, genital herpes, and chlamydia when compared to sexually active people of other ages. basically the same an unknown a lower a higher
? a lower?
Which of the following is true of hypothetical thought: It is emotionally based. It is an aspect of concrete operational thinking. It involves imagined possibilities. It is tied to the everyday world as the individual knows it.
It involves imagined possibilities.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding the relationship between body fat and the onset of puberty in females? There is a negative correlation between obesity and the early onset of puberty. There is no correlation between obesity and the early onset of puberty. There is a positive correlation between obesity and early onset of puberty. There is a correlation between obesity and the early onset of puberty, but only among South American adolescents.
There is a positive correlation between obesity and early onset of puberty.
Jacob has always known his family expects him to go to college, get a degree in accounting, and take over the family business to relieve the financial burden of caring for the family from his ailing father. By accepting this career role without exploring other possibilities, Jacob's identity status would be labeled as _______. identity achievement identity diffusion foreclosure moratorium
According to Dunphy, which of the following describes the sequence of heterosexual relationships during childhood and adolescence? groups of opposite-sex friends, private interactions within a crowd of mixed-sex groups, small mixed-sex groups of the advanced members of the crowd, formation of couples with private intimacies groups of same-sex friends, public interactions within a crowd of mixed-sex groups, small mixed-sex groups of the advanced members of the crowd, formation of couples with private intimacies groups of same-sex friends, public interactions within a crowd of same-sex groups, small mixed-sex groups of the advanced members of the crowd, formation of couples with private intimacies formation of couples with private intimacies, groups of same-sex friends, public interactions within a crowd of mixed-sex groups, small mixed-sex groups of the advanced members of the crowd
groups of same-sex friends, public interactions within a crowd of mixed-sex groups, small mixed-sex groups of the advanced members of the crowd, formation of couples with private intimacies
An obvious negative effect of tobacco use is that it: makes adolescents gain weight. speeds up growth. slows down growth. makes adolescents taller.
slows down growth.
At age 17, Jeff aspired to become a serious musician. His group of friends began to change as he made more friends with serious musical interests and drifted away from friends who were more engaged in sports. He is exhibiting peer: selection. exclusion. facilitation. focus.
In general, as children become adolescents, their self-esteem: remain stable. rise. decline.
Isaac and Derek persuaded Robert to cut school with them, engage in petty theft, and steal alcohol from his parents. They showed Robert how to get around his parents' restrictions, which is know as: delinquent apprenticeship. criminal coaching. offender initiation. deviancy training.
deviancy training
___ adolescents totally reject the religion in which they have grown up. Few Nearly all About half of all
Miko is a 16-year-old girl who lives in Japan with her family. She is most likely to seek her parents' advice on which of the following? clothes friends romance music
Peer pressure usually leads to: socially desirable behaviors pressure to have sex law-breaking behaviors use of drugs and alcohol
socially desirable behaviors
Parasuicide refers to: a deliberate act of self-destruction that does not end in death. the serious consideration of suicide as an option. assisting someone else in the act of suicide. any self-destructive behavior.
a deliberate act of self-destruction that does not end in death.
Parental monitoring is most likely to be effective and healthy when it is: part of a warm, supportive relationship. relaxed and permissive. rigid and controlling. part of authoritarian parenting.
part of a warm, supportive relationship.
Psychosocial development during adolescence is often seen as a quest to answer the question: \"Will I ever find someone to love?\" \"Why don't my parents understand me?\" \"Who am I?\" \"What am I going to do with my life?\"
\"Who am I?\"
Research indicates that adolescents who work 20 hours a week or more: create a strong vocational identity earlier than those who do not work are more likely to love their work in adulthood tend to hate their jobs and achieve less in school save more money for college
tend to hate their jobs and achieve less in school
The abstinence-only sex-education program that was widely promoted in the United States in 1998 resulted in _____ sexual activity by teenagers. a reduced incidence of a dramatic reduction in no significant impact on increased
no significant impact on
The term for a pause in identity formation, when alternatives are explored before final choices are made, is known as: moratorium. identity diffusion. role confusion. negative identity.
Which of the following statistics is TRUE? The teen abortion rate in the United States has decreased by 50 percent over the past two decades. . The use of condoms has decreased among ninth-grade boys since the 1980s. Teen births continue to increase worldwide.
? teen births continue to increase worlwide
If someone were to ask you whether or not an individual's personality remains stable from childhood through adulthood, how would you answer them? Personality is totally flexible and is subject to change throughout life. Personality is both continuous and discontinuous. Since the basis of personality is genetically determined, it rarely changes after adolescence. After the age of 12, personality is pretty much static.
Personality is both continuous and discontinuous
If you were to ask a 22-year-old college student how she feels about premarital sex, and she agrees with the majority, she would say that premarital sex is: acceptable. very risky. wrong.
? acceptable
Compared to individuals without a college education, those with a college education tend to be: married more intelligent more likely to smoke healthier and wealthier
healthier and wealthier
Which of the following is a distinct activity of emerging adulthood? drug addiction extreme sports stable lifestyles sexual promiscuity
extreme sports
During emerging adulthood, intimacy is found primarily in: relationship with self. sibling relationships. relationships with friends, family, and sexual partners. spousal relationships.
relationships with friends, family, and sexual partners.
Which of the following groups is most likely to report having smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days? eighth-graders emerging adults, ages 19-25 tenth-graders adolescents, ages 13-16
emerging adults, ages 19-25
Which of the following phenomena have contributed to the problem of the worldwide spread of sexually transmitted infections? easy access to global travel and technology serial monogamy misinformation from government agencies modern medicines
easy access to global travel and technology
Research indicates that female children who experience a great deal of ____ while very young are more likely to experience early puberty. stress diet deficiencies attention television exposure
The common middle-school schedule that involves classroom changes every 40 minutes: improves student grades creates a developmental mismatch supports children's development at this stage increases student collaboration
creates a developmental mismatch
As the United States moves increasingly toward high-stakes testing: other nations are moving away from it other nations are following suit boys are earning the highest test scores girls are earning the highest test scores
other nations are moving away from it
Which of the following statemenst about child sexual abuse has research shown to be FALSE? Long-term consequences can by mitigated if the abuse stops quickly and the child feels protected. The consequences of abuse can impact the offspring of abuse victims. THe cognitive and psychosocial effects of sex abuse can be worse than the biological harm it causes. Most cases are reported to authorities, even if not all abusers are prosecuted.
Most cases are reported to authorities, even if not all abusers are prosecuted.
Which of the following statements about adolescent crime is ACCURATE? Teen girls tend to commit more crimes than teen boys. Virtually every adolescent boy has broken a law by age 21. Chronic offenders tend to be teens convicted of many violent crimes. The majority of adolescent lawbreakers are caught.
Virtually every adolescent boy has broken a law by age 21.
During emerging adulthood, all body systems typically function: approximately the same as those of middle-aged adults optimally poorly approximately the same as those of adolescents
In late adolescence and emerging adulthood, people are able to use both emotion and logic when they address personal and social problems. This type of thinking demonstrates _____ thought. concrete formal postformal pre-formal hypothetical-formal
According to the theory of stereotype threat, a person who imagines another individual holds a negative stereotype about a group with whom the first person identifies is MOST likely to: not be affected by the imagining underperform on tasks associated with the stereotype try harder in an endeavor
? underperform on tasks associated with the stereotype
The recent effort by countries around the world to increase the number of young people attendng college is prompted by national governments' belief in: stereotype threat moratorium linked lives massification
A longitudinal study conducted by Arum and colleagues on a cross-section of U.S. college students found that current students' cognitive growth was _____ that of college students 20 years ago. half of three times twice
Professor Mtukudzi finished his post-secondary education in 1960 and loved his experience. Hi is MOST likely to believe the reason for a student to attend college should be to increase the student's: personal and intellectual growth social skills specific skills and knowledge
personal and intellectual growth
According to Erikson, once an emerging adult has established a sense of identity, he or she needs to resolve which crisis? generativity vs stagnation initiative vs guilt trust vs mistrust intimacy vs isolation
intimacy vs isolation
In what proportion of families around the world does arranged marriage occur? 3/4 1/3 2/3
According to the text, the relatively low rate of inerethnic marriages is attributable to: disapproval of interethnic marriage by emerging adults the very specific definitions of ethnic categories used to calculate these rates bonding due to similarities, which occurs most often in one's own neighborhood and institutions disapproval of interethnic marriage by parents
bonding due to similarities, which occurs most often in one's own neighborhood and institutions
Social networking may lead to _____, which happens when there are too many people available to meet and evaluate as potential life partners. hookups romance matchmaking choice overload
choice overload
What is rated as most important for successful marriage by Western emerging adults? faithfulness money love
Research indicates that parents are _____ in the lives of today's emerging adults. a burden an obstacle unimportant crucial
A friend of yours, who is generally healthy at age 80, is considering beginning an exercise program that involves vigorous walking. What advice should you give? Your friend should only do this if male, because there are risks for females. Exercise is good, but it should not be weight-bearing. Exercise this late in life is dangerous and not helpful. This is a very good idea and can provide real benefits.
This is a very good idea and can provide real benefits.
In his mid-forties, Edgar felt enormous turmoil, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness with his life. He decided to quit his job, leave his family, and start a new life on a communal farm in Colorado. Research on midlife crisis indicates that Edgar is typical of men, but totally unlike most women. typical of most people in midlife. much less satisfied with the results of his new life. very unusual for middle-aged adults.
very unusual for middle-aged adults.
Men have a more difficult time adjusting to widowhood than women do because they have large numbers of emotionally satisfying ties outside of marriage. have financial worries due to the loss of the wife's job or estate. are resentful about performing essential household tasks that were handled by their deceased wives. tend to rely on their wives for social connectedness, household tasks, and coping with stress.
tend to rely on their wives for social connectedness, household tasks, and coping with stress.
Mental abilities that decline at an earlier age typically depend on __________ intelligence, while those that are sustained until later in life depend on __________ intelligence. emotional; cognitive fluid; crystallized cognitive; emotional crystallized; fluid
fluid; crystallized
Middle-aged adults who balance the needs of aging parents and financially dependent children are called kinkeepers. Real Troopers. the sandwich generation. economically challenged.
he sandwich generation.
Nate, Tess, Leo, and Ian are all in their eighties. Nate arrives at this stage of life feeling whole, complete, and satisfied with his achievements. Tess regrets several major decisions in her life. Leo remains bitter and angry over some lost movie deals that he feels would have made his retirement worry-free, and expresses a great deal of anger and contempt for those in the movie business. Ian does not generally remember what happens from one week to the next, and depends heavily on his friendships with Nate, Tess, and Leo. According to Erikson's theory, who has arrived at a sense of ego integrity? Tess Nate Ian Leo
Past research results showed a pattern of intelligence declines in middle and late adulthood. Which of the following statements explains this pattern? The dramatic decreases in intelligence in late adulthood skewed the results, making nonexistent patterns appear during middle adulthood as well. Increased cognitive declines and incidence of Alzheimer's disease in older generations are responsible for the research findings. Cohort effects, where younger generations benefitted from improved health and education, created the appearance of age-related intelligence declines. Age-related intelligence declines are a standard part of the aging process, as proven with past research.
Cohort effects, where younger generations benefitted from improved health and education, created the appearance of age-related intelligence declines.
Prit can be characterized by the \"big five\" personality trait of agreeableness. He can anticipate that this trait will increase through middle age. can anticipate that this trait will decrease through middle age. will probably become less conscientious as he ages. will probably also become more open and extroverted as he reaches middle adulthood.
can anticipate that this trait will increase through middle age.
The incidence of elder abuse is __________ because __________. underestimated; most acts take place in private, and victims are often unable or unwilling to complain overestimated; elders make up stories of abuse to gain attention and sympathy underestimated; most social workers do not believe elders' claims of abuse or neglect overestimated; normal accidents and injuries that result from physical aging are mistaken for signs of abuse
underestimated; most acts take place in private, and victims are often unable or unwilling to complain
Trends in both crystallized and fluid mental abilities reported from the Seattle Longitudinal Study show that, intellectually, middle-aged adults typically overestimate their intellectual abilities, often with embarrassing results. show sharp decrements in ability starting around age 40. are \"in their prime,\" rather than \"over the hill.\" show steady increases in perceptual speed.
are \"in their prime,\" rather than \"over the hill.\"
When marital satisfaction is measured throughout adulthood, the pattern found is that satisfaction rises from middle to late adulthood. it is lowest in middle adulthood, highest in young adulthood. satisfaction drops slowly throughout adulthood. satisfaction peaks in middle adulthood, then falls.
satisfaction rises from middle to late adulthood.
Mr. and Mrs. Abdulkadir are both 65 years old. Based on current research, which outcome is most likely? They will live longer if they reside in the United States rather than any other industrialized nation. Mrs. Abdulkadir will outlive her husband by 4 to 7 years. Mr. Abdulkadir will outlive his wife by about 7 years. They will both have approximately one more decade of health and vitality before physical and cognitive deterioration impact daily life.
Mrs. Abdulkadir will outlive her husband by 4 to 7 years.
A problem with longitudinal research on intelligence is that: practice on the test items may produce learning. people of lesser intelligence tend to volunteer for retesting. few people participate in such research voluntarily.
?practice on the test items may produce learning
As Tom helped himself to a fourth beer, he announced to everyone at the barbecue that alcohol is healthy in moderation. How does the text define \"moderation\"? no more than two drinks of moderate size per day no more than three drinks of moderate size per day no more than one drink of moderate size per day no more than three glasses of wine, three beers, or three shots of spirits per week
no more than two drinks of moderate size per day
At a recent physical exam, Janet was told that she is an inch shorter than she was five years ago at age 50. What is the most likely cause of her decrease in height? a hereditary height shrinkage a lack of calcium in her diet effects of medication a natural collapse of vertebrae in the spine
a natural collapse of vertebrae in the spine
Of the following, the best example of fluid intelligence is: the ability to quickly perceive logical relationships between words. knowledge of computer terminology. knowledge of the names and dates of the monarchs of Great Britain.
the ability to quickly perceive logical relationships between words.
The ability to enjoy life is measured by: disability and mobility. disability and vitality. mobility and vitality. vitality and morbidity.
mobility and vitality.
The first visible signs of senescence may be observed in the: posture. eyes. gait. skin.
The term \"male menopause\" is sometimes used to a dip in testosterone in response to anxiety or sexual inactivity. impotence when a man is aware of his wife's menopause. the sudden loss in fertility in a middle-aged man.
a dip in testosterone in response to anxiety or sexual inactivity.
The world leader in both the obesity epidemic and the diabetes epidemic is: Mexico. the United States. Canada. the United Kingdom.
the United States.
Which of the following is true of the sexual-reproductive system for both sexes during adulthood? Fertility is increased. Sexual responses become quicker. The level of sex hormones increases. Reproduction becomes less likely.
Reproduction becomes less likely.
A person who has many of the personality traits associated with extroversion would most likely be described as: depressed and anxious. active and outgoing. open and receptive. creative and intelligent.
active and outgoing.
After nearly 20 years with his company, Mike's job was outsourced. He wants his new job to offer not only a good wage but also job satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. He is focused on the: secondary gains of work. extrinsic rewards of work. self-fulfilling prophecy. intrinsic rewards of work.
intrinsic rewards of work.
As adults age, their friendships tend to: dissipate. fade. stagnate. improve.
Evelyn, a mother of two, has been divorced for six years and would like to remarry. Most likely, she will marry a man who: has no children. will want to have more children with her. will expect her to take full-charge care of his children. has children from a previous marriage.
has children from a previous marriage.
Individuals who are accepted in a family that is not their legal or biological family are: fictive kin. generative allies. social convoys. kissing cousins.
fictive kin.
Most developmental theorists today believe that: generativity cannot appear before the age of 40. intimacy always precedes generativity. stages of adult development are not entirely orderly and predictable.
stages of adult development are not entirely orderly and predictable
The group of people who move through life with an individual, providing protection and encouragement is the individual's: social convoy. safety net. support network.
social convoy
The notion of the sandwich generation: accurately conveys the financial strain adults often experience by caring for elderly parents. clearly communicates the degree in which adults care for their elderly relatives. is not very accurate. correctly describes the reality of many adult lives.
is not very accurate.
Who is likely to have the most stable personality? a 14-year-old girl a 5-year-old boy a 35-year-old woman a 23-year-old man
a 35-year-old woman
About _____ percent of older adults (over 65 years old) in the United States are residing in nursing homes. five twenty twenty five ten
According to your text, this is NOT a normal consequence of aging. a decline in the overall size of the brain dementia, including Alzheimer's disease a decline in the speed of recall and retrieval a decline in visual and auditory abilities
dementia, including Alzheimer's disease
As people age, vitamin and mineral needs may increase because: the body's ability to use nutrients is reduced. breathing and heart rates increase, requiring more food. aging bodies use up the vitamins stored during younger years.
the body's ability to use nutrients is reduced
Autopsies show the brains of Alzheimer victims: appear to be normal. have a proliferation of plaques and tangles. have shrunk to half of normal size. show damage from strokes.
have a proliferation of plaques and tangles.
Joan suffered a ministroke that left her mildly impaired. Much to her delight and her family's delight, she soon recovered. What is her likely prognosis? She will continue with an active life but suffers some loss of function that her family denies. She will need physical therapy to prevent future problems. She will most likely have other strokes; the first one was a warning. She will continue with a full, active life because she has been cured.
She will most likely have other strokes; the first one was a warning.
Many elderly people suffering from depression do not receive treatment because: their depression goes undiagnosed. there is no effective treatment for the elderly. treatment is too dangerous to their health. their depression will disappear in time.
their depression goes undiagnosed.
Mrs. Calderi is 70 years old and, as a typical person in late adulthood, she: is quite happy and enjoying her life. finds her daily activities to be severely limited. feels deserted by everyone and lonely most of the time. is in the best of health with only minor aches and pains.
is quite happy and enjoying her life.
Research in sensory functions in later adulthood indicates that: about 50 percent of adults have uncorrectable visual impairment. hearing remains virtually unchanged. hearing loss hampers one-word functioning. most visual and auditory losses can be compensated for.
most visual and auditory losses can be compensated for.
Research on wisdom finds that: most of the elderly are wise. wisdom is never found in adults younger than 50. a minority of adults are wise. wisdom is more common at age 30 than age 70.
a minority of adults are wise
Which statement about hormone replacement therapy is TRUE? It involves replacing cortisol that naturally decreases with age. Some findings may be related to SES rather than HRT. It increases the risk for osteoporosis. Research on its use has yielded consistent positive findings.
Some findings may be related to SES rather than HRT.
Implementation is quitting a habit according to a plan. When is implementation most successful? Tackling one habit at a time. Planning implementation to coincide with a major life change. Doing it on one's own. Keeping the date or plan for change to one's self..
Tackling one habit at a time.
All of the following statements are accurate in terms of the effect of SES upon a person's life span EXCEPT: Better income may result in better medical care. The impact of SES on life span is decreasing in the U.S. In the United States, the difference in life span between those with the lowest and the highest SES is about 30 years.
Which of Sternberg's intelligences is usually MOST valued during high school and college? practical analytic general creative
According to a comprehensive study, factors that contribute to a long life include: vacation time and limited social interaction. lifelong work and a diet rich in fresh vegetables. prestigious work and a large home.
lifelong work and a diet rich in fresh vegetables.
Paula is a middle-aged doctor who is an expert at laser eye surgery for the correction of myopia (nearsightedness). She graduated from medical school 35 years ago. Daryl is a young doctor who also does the surgery; he graduated from medical school 5 years ago. According to information presented in the textbook, who would likely be the better choice for operating on your eyes, and why? Daryl; since he is younger, he thinks faster and can adjust to problems that arise Daryl; he graduated more recently and knows the most recent techniques Paula; she will probably complete the operation more quickly than Daryl. Paula; she has done the operation so often that she is more strategic and flexible
Paula; she has done the operation so often that she is more strategic and flexible
George is 65 years old and is experiencing some symptoms of age-related hearing loss. If he is typical for his age, which sound would be the LEAST audible for him? the voice of a young child ringing in the ears a low, bass beat music on headphones
the voice of a young child
A decade-long study of Finns found that those high in extroversion were likely to move from isolated areas to more urban environments, suggesting that: environment shapes personality personality determines genetic influences personality influences choices
How do consequential strangers differ from friends? They include people from a wider variety of faiths, ethnic groups, ages, and political opinions. Unlike a friend, consequential strangers know nothing about a person. Unlike a friend, consequential strangers do not have much impact on one's life.
? Unlike a friend, consequential strangers know nothing about a person.
What percentage of contemporary U.S. adults will never make a marriage-like commitment? about 30 less than 10 about 5 more than 40
less than 10
Lena and Gregory are both 30 years old and hold graduate degrees. They are about to get married; this will be the first marriage for both of them, and neither has children to bring into the marriage. Statistically, their marriage MOST likely will: end in a divorce never experience any dips in satisfaction last until one of them dies be childless
last until one of them dies
Ageism impacts the elderly by: invoking rebellion. empowering them to use their strengths and wisdom in their communities. undermining their feelings of competence and self-esteem. creating special opportunities for older adults that would not otherwise exist.
undermining their feelings of competence and self-esteem.
The main reason we may not notice the young-old is that: they are a problem-prone minority. there are relatively few of them. they do not fit our stereotypes of the elderly.
they do not fit our stereotypes of the elderly.
The Hayflick limit is a natural limit to the: life span of a victim of an infectious disease. size of the earth's population. number of times cells can divide. number of children born to one set of parents.
number of times cells can divide
Elderly drivers have fewer car accidents than young people do because: strict laws require retesting for drivers over age 65 younger drivers have poorer peripheral vision their reaction time slows, so they don't make implusive decisions elderly drivers compensate for deficiencies by driving more slowly and avoiding night driving
elderly drivers compensate for deficiencies by driving more slowly and avoiding night driving
Older adults have _____ vocabularies; they have _____ fluency. extensive; extensive limited; limited limited; extensive extensive; limited
extensive; limited
Vera was diagnosed with Alzheimer disease while in middle age. Her doctor told her family that, compared to the kind of Alzheimer's disease that develops in old age, this version: progresses more slowly. progresses more rapidly. has many more symptoms.
progresses more rapidly
__ is a common condition because many elderly people take many different prescription drugs. Undernourishment Reversible dementia Pick's disease Polypharmacy
After mandatory retirement was outlawed on a federal level in the 1980s, the average retirement age in the United States: stayed the same increased dramatically was no longer measured decreased
Today, most never-married older adults in the United States are: pitied or ridiculed about as happy as people in long-term marriages still seeking a mate unlikely to have a mate or partner of any kind
about as happy as people in long-term marriages
The changes of primary aging are: caused by disease. preventable. reversible. universal.
The number of years an average newborn of a given species lives is the: average life expectancy. species life expectancy. maximum life span. minimum life span.
average life expectancy.
Using elderspeak when engaging in conversation with an older adult: aids in hearing all words spoken. is demeaning. endears the speaker to the elder. helps the individual comprehend the meaning of the conversation.
is demeaning.
Which of the following components of the human information-processing system functions as executive? control processes working memory knowledge base tertiary memory
control processes
Which of the following is crucial when older people have sensory loss? greater dependency reduction in time spent out of the home acceptance compensation
A family of many generations but only a few members of each generation describes the ______ family pattern. nuclear beanpole collective stratified
A man who is almost 65 years old develops a more passive style of interaction and withdraws from society. Which theory predicts this behavior? selective optimization continuity self-actualization disengagement
Brad has added a room onto his house in anticipation of his elderly parents moving in with him. As the oldest son, he feels obligated to provide care for them out of a sense of: filial responsibility. guilt. satisfaction in spending their final years together. family ethics.
filial responsibility.
Claire and Dennis have lived in the same house for over 40 years. They reared their children there and were actively involved in the community. As they age, their children want them to move to a nearby small apartment. Like many other older adults, Claire and Dennis: will leave their house but will not sell it. prefer to age in place. want their children to move back into the family home. look forward to living closer to their children.
prefer to age in place.
Life satisfaction for the elderly correlates with: ethnic group more than religion. income more than social contact. friends more than family.
?friends more than family
In developed nations, the style of grandparenting that generally is most common is the ______ role. companionate remote involved surrogate parent
The term \"ADL\" refers to aged developmental limitations. activities of daily life. association for disabled living. Alzheimer's disease.
activities of daily life.
Which of the following is a true statement about family caregivers of the frail elderly? Dementia greatly increases the burden of caretaking. Daughters-in-law are often grateful that they can reciprocate for nurturing they once received. A majority eventually become clinically depressed.
Dementia greatly increases the burden of caretaking.
Which of the following is true of selective optimization with compensation? Older adults who use it are those with poor self-efficacy. It expects that older adults will attempt to continue to do everything they have always done. It was first emphasized by Freud and Erikson. It involves older adults figuring out how to accomplish what they want despite their limitations.
It involves older adults figuring out how to accomplish what they want despite their limitations.
Which of the following theories claim that social forces limit individual choice and direct life, especially in late adulthood? dynamic theories stratification theories behavioral theories self theories
stratification theories
With regard to their grown children, most elderly people: withdraw from family connections. lose interest in their children. try to control their children's lives. are more likely to give financial support than to receive it.
are more likely to give financial support than to receive it.
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