Role Of Ceo And Top Management Team Business Essay Example
Role Of Ceo And Top Management Team Business Essay Example

Role Of Ceo And Top Management Team Business Essay Example

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  • Pages: 10 (2566 words)
  • Published: September 4, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Determining an organisation is a complex undertaking. For a organisation to be shaped in proper mode, CEO and Top direction squad have a major part. They have to be cognizant of every determination they make.In defining of an organisation CEO and Top Management squad has to explicate effectual schemes for any organisation Strategy, Work civilization and operations are the three chief pillars on which it stands. And the function of CEO and Top direction squad is constructing these 3 pillars.

To hold a competitory advantage in today 's corporate race organisations have to be shaped in such a manner that, they can with stand the worst scenarios and turbulencies ' . To determine an organisation in a positive mode, an effectual work civilization has to be shaped.

An organisation as whole can be viewed as a aggregation of systems and for synchronal operation of these


systems an effectual scheme and decisive operational steps are organisation comprises of all executives and directors.Thier corporate determinations and thoughts are the nucleus to Shaping of these pillars.CEO has a major function to play in planing the organisational features and this in a manner is related to his/her ain values and character. The synergism of Operations, scheme & A ; work civilization has to be in balance and this where the TMT 's semen into action. Therefore in determining of a Organization effectual scheme, operational scheme, strong organisational construction and a Dynamic work environment is required.

Role of CEO & A ; TMT in Shaping of Organizational Culture:

Mentioning to Appendix 1.1, we can state that there are certain outstanding elements in the defining of work civilization in a administration and CEO and to

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direction play the function of a director in determining it. These elements are detailed by c.kane-urrabazo, in her journal really efficaciously. The cardinal elements are

  • Trust and trust worthiness
  • Delegation
  • Empowerment
  • Consistency.

These can besides be known as the edifice blocks to a positive work civilization. ( C.kane-urrabazo,2006 ) .Catherine has postulated based upon these edifice blocks, where in Management should concentrate to construct a positive work civilization. The most of import thing is to acquire the employees do work, Leaderships must derive the trust of the employees, and for this they have to be consistent in what they do and what they say. And must make a sense of ego value in the employees by personally lending and pass oning at all degrees. This is what Steve Jobs did, he made employees experience they are particular by straight affecting with them and, authorising them, this houseman would better employee occupation satisfaction which in bend would lend to positive growing of the organisation.

See Pepsi carbon monoxide illustration, based on the 3 hypothesis suggested by ( Y.Berson 2008 ) , and mentioning to decisions made by c.kane-urrabazo, ( 2006 ) hazard and challenging determinations made by Indra truly created gained the trust of her employees are supported here. ( when Indra Nooyie decided to put off the Fast Food concern of Pepsi, which contributed to 35 % of the gross of the overall gross of the organisation, that was really risk determination to do to achieve a better entrepreneurial chance that was re invent Pepsi Co. the creativeness, and invention by diversifying the organisation into healthy nutrient sections in the industry. creativeness, invention and self way

value of the Indra contributed to the authorization of her employees and therefore built a positive, and dynamic work environment.

Best illustration of type to hypothesis 2 suggested by Y.Berson et Al. ( 2008 ) would be General Electric work civilization ( refer to appendix 1.3 for inside informations ) .Such an organisational civilization comes under Hypothesis 2: The Security values of CEO 's will be more positively associated with the Bureaucratic work civilization, ( Y.Berson,2008 ) , in such a work civilization as indicated by ( Bhargava Kelkar,2000 ; Sherman & A ; Smith,1984 ; Clark,2001 ).

Therefore there was good authorization, and trust and trust worthiness between employees and direction. The motive degree was truly good for the employees. Then why it crumbled. Based upon this illustration we can reason that, in Shaping of organisational work civilization, other factors than personal values of CEO 's and concentrate of direction on ( constructing trust, authorization, consistence ) must be considered. so that, we can efficaciously mensurate the public presentation of a organisation. organisations such as Google, where non bureaucratic work civilization is prevailed and employee occupation satisfaction sis really high, but once more corporate catastrophes such as Enron remind us that power and money can truly blind the leaders at times, a degree of Bureaucracy in organisations is must this statement is in contrary to decisions of Bhargava & A ; Kelkar, ( 2000 ) ; Sherman & A ; Smith, ( 1984 ) ; Clark, ( 2001 ) , ( C.kane-urrabazo,2006 ) .

We can reason that whatever be the instance in future mitigating fortunes and extenuating factors will come into drama while Determining of

organisational civilization but, it 's all in custodies of the leaders, to device efficiency in organisations. Therefore in determining a organisation civilization CEO and Top Management has to concentrate on the edifice blocks harmonizing to ( C.kane-urrabazo,2006 ) which would better employee occupation satisfaction and therefore helps to better public presentation of the Organization. This abstract tells where to, and how to accomplish Besides based on ( Y. Berson et al,2008 ) we can state that personal features contribute to preparation of civilization by CEO 's and Top Management, which would lend to overall public presentation. This abstract tells what contributes to how to accomplish.

Role of CEO and TMT in Shaping of Organizational Strategy

Scheme in a organisation exists at all degree, for illustration the survey of HR schemes in UK and Gallic Firms by Olga Tregaskis, shows that HR schemes promote HR planning mechanism, ( Olga Tregaskis,1997 ) . As Jim Hart President and CEO of Senn Delaney says that an organisations civilization plays a outstanding function in put to deathing a organisations scheme. Personal Valuess and ends of CEO are associated to the preparation of Strategy and their Strategic Decisions ( Y.Berson et al,2008 ).

Besides Jim Hart says that 'leading the civilization is a of import portion of put to deathing your organisational scheme ( Senn Delaney, n.d ) . Thus the defining of organisational scheme is linked unidirectionally with defining of civilization. Thus lets look from the position of preparation of organisational Strategy and the functions of CEO and Top direction based on decisions from J.Sarrazin.

Like CEO of D & A ; B Sarah Mathews, says in a sole interview to Rube field,

"Analyze what 's go oning in the market and place the company targets consequently '' . Therefore as a first measure to explicate a effectual scheme he/she pulp have clear apprehension of what 's traveling on around in, In any organisation, if a CEO fails to pass on his committednesss and does non firmly back up the programs and schemes, the programs and the schemes can non be effectual, Steiner ( 1969 ) .

Sarrazin based on his findings has proposed 5 theoretical accounts of endeavors with changing function of top direction and CEO in its scheme preparation . Based on these 5 types of signifiers we can explicate the function of CEO and TMT in each house & A ; the factors set uping their determination devising.

Ram Charan and Geoffrey Colvin in a Fortune magazine article argue that deficiency of Vision is non the lone factor lending to the failure to schemes, but there are other factors lending to it, like the economic factor, market state of affairss, environment factors, cultural differences, changeless force per unit area on CEOs. Leaderships know the job but ignore to accept it, besides the CEOs trueness towards, and their subsidiaries with who they have been working for a long clip they are blinded in their determination devising ( Charan, Colvin, 1999 ) merely as it happened in the instance of Walt Disney.

Again taking illustration of Pepsi Co and Indra Nooyi 's Strategy to re invent Pepsi carbon monoxide. Her strategic determinations was making a batch of positive influence on her employees occupation satisfaction and public presentation, as they saw their leader doing tough determination which was once more linked

to her Personal feature and values. Therefore her strategic determinations were constructing a positive work civilization, and this in bend was Determining the scheme of the Organization with her every determination she made. The function here she played was that of a pilot mentioning to ( Sarrazin,1981 ) .

The function of CEO in defining of Strategy in organisation is that of a developing a clear vision and conveying his committedness toward his nonsubjective clearly to the top direction. The Chief executive officer and the top direction plays the function of Negotiator, Entrepreneur ( look for new chances ) , and Pilot etc. In preparation of Organizational schemes, which in bend is determining a civilization of the organisation, which in bend effects the Shaping of Strategy of organisation on a over all footing.

But once more as said by Andrew C.Taylor Chairman and CEO of universe 's largest auto rental company Enterprise Holdings `` There is no individual solution, no silver slug and no single supplier that meets all the mobility challenges confronting our universe today, finally the market topographic point will make up one's mind the best solution '' ( Enterprise retentions, 2012 ) .

Role of CEO and Top Management Team in Shaping of Organizational Operations

Determining of effectual operations is cardinal to an organisations effectual public presentation. Determining the organisation operations should be in such a mode that it should give high end product besides at times of market fluctuations. Therefore to determine a organisation 's operations in a positive mode, its work civilization, organisational construction, effectual schemes have to be shaped in a decisive mode, based on the correlativity bing between organisational scheme, cultre and

personal values and features of CEO provided by ( Y.Berson et al,2008 ; J.Sarrazin,1981 ) .

Therefore step of Organizational operations effectivity will be the step of defining of Organizatinal civilization, scheme preparation and personal values. Operationss are all about transforming inputs to end products ( stop goods and services ) . 'Operations in an organisation are cardinal to the organisation because it produces goods and services which are the ground for bing ' ( N.Slack, 1995 ; p.8 ) . In organisation there are other maps  coordinated by operations direction. Thus operations turn out to be a critical tool to achieve competitory advantage. As stated by N.Slack ( 1995 ) , that these operations have boundaries in which it maps and definition of these boundaries, means Shaping of operations in a organisation. Organization civilization a step of organisations public presentation  .Based on the groundss  we can reason that in Shaping of operations in a organisation TMT 's and CEO 's have a cardinal function and their features are nucleus to all these.

Sing the illustration of Pepsi Co. Which has an advanced work civilization where in failures are tolerated and the CEO is looking for new entrepreneurial chances, and hazard pickings is encouraged the public presentation is more related to gross revenues growing. The work civilization is shaped such that employees are empowered and motivated, the employees trust the direction determinations. In such a organisations the operations formulated will be in conformity to their public presentation which is gross revenues growing . Therefore by set uping an effectual organisational construction  Pepsi carbon monoxide is able to keep its operations  and run into its client


In a missive to her portion holders, indra Nooyie states the importance of work civilization and employees on the performace she says '' Performance with Purpose is non a stand-alone enterprise. Alternatively, our sustainability ends, across the four planks-Performance, Human, Environmental and Talent sustainability-are woven into the cloth of our trade names, steering how they do concern, while bring forthing important sourcing, operational and consumer impacts that improve both our top and bottom lines. ''

Chief executive officer and TMT play a cardinal function in determining organisational operations which in bend would organize a step of the public presentation of Organization related to work civilization. Based on this in determining op Organizational operations the function of CEO and top direction might change, but it 's non limited.


It is apparent that function of a CEO and TMT in a organisation is non limited to Shaping of organisation civilization or scheme and Shaping of operations but instead he/she plays a entrepreneurial function i.e. happening new chances in a organisation ( Mintzberg,1973 ) . In Determining of scheme the function of CEO is to hold a clear thought of his vision and analyse his surrounding and explicate a strong aim, and the function of top direction squad would be to do certain these aims are successfully implemented and supervise them.

In Determining of Organization civilization the function of CEO is every bit shared with his TMT, both envision and execution. When it comes to Shaping of Operations, the Role of CEO is to make a good organisational construction and scheme and the function of Top Management Team is to implement these schemes and supervise the public presentation.

The single features of

a leader reflect his or her actions and determination he/she makes. But a far extent there are other factors besides that need t be considered. Be it Wal-Mart failure in Germany ( refer to appendix 3.5 ) or Enron 's Multimillion dirt, the consequences show that a organisation is at times bullied by its ain shadow of growing and Work civilization. Rather other factors come into action such as market conditions, alteration in client gustatory sensation one should non take flawlessness but instead look frontward to larn from the errors and travel forward.The decisions and hypothesis postulated by ( Y.Berson et al, 2008 ; Sarrazin, 1981 ) has major part to this essay. There have been instances of organisational catastrophes and failures like the instance of Enron which open new Windowss of surveies in the field of direction patterns and dispute the bing theories and direction rules.

From a managerial point of position these surveies shows what sort of houses are able to prolong disruptive and unsure conditions and factors lending to it. These inside informations contribute to effectual and efficient determination devising in an organisation. Puting it together it provides a frame work to mensurate the public presentation and predict the organisational behavior over clip. Such non fiscal analysis is really of import for fiscal anticipations and determination devising.

But for the success of a organisation, a healthy work environment is the bow most requirement, to actuate employees and in today 's corporate civilization, actuating employees is cardinal job faced by TMT 's and CEO 's. To reason their functions are non fixed to peculiar activities in existent universe.

Therefore defining of organisational civilization would be cardinal

component and the function played by CEO and TMT in formative civilization would consist defining of Organizational operations and scheme preparations. Thus CEO 's function would be more of making a sense of ownership in employees at that place by hiking their public presentation, explicating schemes for this and pass oning to all degrees and top direction function would be in manus to the function of CEO.


  1. PepsiCo UK & A ; Ireland. ( n.d ) Vice President Of Operations [ Online ] Available From:
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  3. PepsiCo UK & A ; Ireland. ( n.d ) Operations Available From: hypertext transfer protocol: //
  4. Sameh M.Fahmi ( 2006 ) Operations, Processes and Decisions. Organizational Structure Weblog [ online ] Available From: hypertext transfer protocol: //
  5. ICMR ( 2004 ) PepsiCo 's Distribution and Logistics Operations Available from: hypertext transfer protocol: //
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