Traditional vs. Nontraditional Learning Essay Example
Traditional vs. Nontraditional Learning Essay Example

Traditional vs. Nontraditional Learning Essay Example

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Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children and not for the education of all adults of every age? (Erich Fromm) Without continual growth and progress, then improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Success requires hard work, dedication, and the determination to self-satisfy the need to become the best individual anyone could be. While direct and indirect learning are seen as effective solutions to gaining higher education, they differ in social interaction, hands-on learning, and organized scheduling. Many online and traditional students still work as professionals with full-time jobs.

They’re parents with the responsibility of taking care of a family, live in the country or isolated counties, or happen to be retirees attempting to further their education or aspiring students who simply cannot afford to make the transition to attend college classes on campus so the online setting


is the closest form of traditional education virtually possible for them to pursue a higher form of education. To make this determination, it is important to first evaluate whether or not patience, means and ability to pursue a degree of choice from a traditional institution as opposed to an online setting is possible.

The computer-generated classroom is a key contributor to the educational community, causing establishments to begin practicing the same online prototypical as a form of training technical specialists in both private and public universities. Online students must possess the qualities to remain focused and self-motivated without the typical person-to-person interaction with classmates or instructors. However, an online learner as well as traditional learners must possess unique characteristics needed to excel outside of a traditional setting and inside the classroom.

Social interactions are considered mor

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of a sense of inaccessibility that online learning may promote among learners. For an online setting, social communication with peers and educators can eventually become frustrating because the only given methods of communication and the natural desire for person-to-person social interaction. In the computer-generated setting, it is important that students feel comfortable expressing themselves freely through their writing because all communication is written. However, with the independence and flexibility through the online environment comes major responsibility.

The online process takes undeniable commitment and self-discipline to keep up with the flow of the process and remain motivated. Many of the non-verbal communication mechanisms instructors use to determine whether a student has a problem with comprehension, misunderstanding, frustration, boredom, or non-attendance is not probable in the online environment. Consequently, when a student is experiencing difficulty, either with the technology or the course content, the student must communicate their issue immediately.

Otherwise, the instructor will never know what is wrong; therefore, the student cannot receive proper assistance. Meaningful and quality input into the virtual classroom is an indispensible portion of the educational process. The testing and challenging of ideas is often encouraged, reasonable amounts of time are given to each student to process the information learned, before posting well thought-out responses. It’s detrimental to the student’s success, which they understand they will not always be right or know how to come to a specific conclusion.

It’s just important for each student to be prepared to accept the up and coming challenges. Dissimilarly, person-to-person students are expected to engage, absorb knowledge and give into natural social interaction without much consideration. On campus, students could gather and interact with one another before, during,

and at the conclusion of class. Typically those outside interactions are where friendships are formed using numerous forms of communication styles and activities.

At the same time, misconceptions related to the difficulty of teaching or learning online, skills available to support accessible instruction, the support and benefit needed for high-quality instructors, and the needs of online students generate challenges for such vision statements and planning documents. In order to efficiently accommodate, upkeep, and encourage the features and expertise of the successful online student, online learning developers, instructors, and teachers should consider two instructional prototypes when designing their online courses and learning interactions, which happen to be exploratory and dialogical.

Traditional learning promotes collaborative learning, interpersonal and communication skills, social learning skills, self and group evaluation skills, reflection skills, and self-directed learning skills, all of which are characteristics of the successful online learner in contrast to online learning. However, the learning technology provided within online learning through the use of several online learning technologies, including hypermedia, multimedia, search engines, digital udio and video, graphics, and self-reliant instructional components developed using a variety of authoring implements. The requirements for online are no more or no less than that of any other quality educational program when social interaction is involved. Direct or indirect students will view online learning as a convenient way to receive their education - not an easier way. Quality education and social interaction can take place without going to a traditional classroom. Traditional and non-traditional education both offer similarly unique advantages through hands-on learning.

However, despite the similarities, established institutes could contribute to a better way of learning by choosing to assist students through the same methods as

non-traditional institutes in terms of marketing, recruitment, and even providing employment and support services to students more effectively. Through both teaching methods instructors must effectively comprehend and demonstrate their content areas and have the ability to enhance their curriculum to better fit the needs of each student. The biggest asset most online learners have over traditional learners is their say in when and where to handle coursework.

However, distant education is not an acceptable choice for everyone based on the level of motivation, self- discipline and learning styles by which may contribute to the lack of collaboration from students. Despite persistence, these traits are even more crucial to those pursuing an education online. Mainly based on the online system being sought after and completed on the students own accord. On the other hand, students working within an online environment are more successful when understanding the key external factors that influence the online learning experience.

Communication and management are two of the most significant factors for instructors to consider when teaching in the online environment. Just as, traditional classrooms view lesson plans and itineraries as critical, getting the correct message across to students is a goal both institutes regard as their ultimate goal. With no set class schedules and no direct interaction with instructors throughout the day, monitoring oneself becomes the most challenging, enriching and for those unmotivated, depressing aspect of an online education.

In contrast, on campus school schedules, one of the biggest advantages given through online learning is the freedom to schedule study time around the student’s schedule. Based on job requirements throughout the week or if the student is more effective as a morning, evening or

night student, the decision is based on their individual needs. Students are given the option of interacting with faculty at any time throughout the day or through instant chats or emails. An added advantage offered through online learning is the right to speak on any doubts the student may take in comparison to attending group on campus.

The largest disadvantage of online learning is the lack of discipline, which adds to the difficulty of concentrating unless the student possesses a fixed level of determination and persistence. Whether an online student views their choice as suitable for not having to attend class directly, the same level of academic integrity and intelligence still apply. In today’s working atmosphere, non-traditional methods of gaining a higher education are often viewed as the only realistic way for advancement.

Through direct and indirect learning, social interaction, hands-on exploration, and flexibility for organized scheduling one step at-a-time is the process best followed concerning the furthering of education! The expectations of online instruction and interaction can bring students one step closer to experiencing the traditional classroom as well. One characteristic that embodies people is the nature of the social interactions between students in the pursuit of communal goals and ideas. The social interaction through these relationships that sustains the community, or in the case of a community of learners, sustains learning.

Regardless of which form of education an individual chooses, it is important for students to understand that what works for one, may not work for the other. Whether it is through traditional learning or non-traditional learning, colleges and universities all expect the same amount of motivation, determination, trust, and ambitiousness as the student remains self-motivated

to succeed.

Reference Page

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