Religion Project One Pinocchio is a Disney Animated film produced around 1940. The storyline revolves around a marionette's journey to transform into a human boy. Geppetto, a carpenter, serves as Pinocchio's creator, who becomes enamored with his creation and makes a wish upon a star for it to come to life. The Blue Fairy fulfills Geppetto's desire by granting life to Pinocchio, albeit not as a genuine boy, but as a living marionette. However, Pinocchio must demonstrate his worthiness of becoming a real boy by showing bravery, honesty, and selflessness.
During his quest to become a genuine boy, Pinocchio is led by Jiminy Cricket, who serves as his conscience. This journey can be interpreted as an initiation involving personal development and change. To prove himself deserving of becoming a real boy, Pinocchio must exhibit his merit. The blue
...fairy commences this process by bestowing upon him the capacity to live autonomously and make choices.
In this place, he must develop the necessary qualities to become a good person. However, like everyone else, he needs to make initial mistakes in order to learn from them. On his way to school one day, Foulfellow the fox and Gideon the cat approach him and convince him to work for quick money. They sell him to Stromboli, a puppeteer show promoter, which results in his enslavement. Eventually, with assistance from the Blue Fairy, Pinocchio manages to escape but is soon persuaded by Foulfellow to go to Pleasure Island where there are no schools or laws.
Pleasure Island allows children to freely engage in activities like eating, drinking, smoking, fighting, and destroying things. However, Pinocchio is unawar
that the Coachman's intention is for the children to behave recklessly. The Coachman closely monitors them because Pleasure Island actually has a hidden motive of turning them into donkeys so they can be used as laborers in mines. As time passes, Pinocchio starts showing donkey-like characteristics such as growing ears and a tail. Once he realizes what is going on, he regains consciousness and successfully escapes.
After Pinocchio manages to go back home, he discovers that Geppetto, his maker, has been swallowed by a whale. This is when Pinocchio starts an unselfish mission to save his father, initiating the three stages of Initiation. Fearlessly diving into the sea to find Mondo the whale, Pinocchio intends to be swallowed by it so he can reunite with Geppetto and rescue him. Eventually, Pinocchio finds the whale and successfully reunites with his creator.
Pinocchio comes up with a plan to escape from Monstro by making him sneeze with fire. He successfully carries out the plan and holds onto Geppetto tightly as they swim as hard as they can. Sadly, Monstro continues to chase them relentlessly, causing them to crash onto land. At the moment when Pinocchio tries to save his father, he enters a state of liminality where he is unsure about what will happen next. He finds himself in a state of uncertainty, not knowing what lies ahead. As soon as Geppetto wakes up, he realizes that Pinocchio is motionless and facedown in a puddle.
Pinocchio's wooden remains are brought back to his home and his death is mourned. However, the Blue Fairy decides to fulfill her promise of turning him into a real
boy due to his selflessness. This rebirth signifies the final stage of his transformation journey, as Pinocchio acquires a new identity and forms a brand-new sense of self. His old persona is entirely erased, allowing him to reintegrate into society as this newfound individual. Nevertheless, he can never return to his previous state or reclaim his former self.