Is Beauty Skin Deep Essay Example
Is Beauty Skin Deep Essay Example

Is Beauty Skin Deep Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (540 words)
  • Published: April 2, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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It's an obscure truth... your perception of the perfect woman, the symbol of attractiveness, the early life idol for numerous young females... Barbie... due to her unrealistic body shape, she would need to move on all fours. The concept of 'beauty' has been deeply instilled in our consciousness as early as 3 years old, even disseminated by seemingly innocuous items like the ubiquitous Barbie doll. As we gaze upon this doll - tall, bronzed skin, slim - it epitomizes the idea of 'Beauty'. When we think about 'Beauty', what immediately comes to mind is this visually captivating image of a doll with characteristics reminiscent of Barbie - synthetic, fake and detached from reality. As previously stated, it's all centered around visual depiction.

The dictionary's definition of 'beauty' matches my own viewpoint perfectly. It defin


es beauty as a feature within an object or individual that brings intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind. According to this definition, beauty is innate, residing in a thing or person. I believe many of us might agree on this notion of 'inner beauty'. You might even comment about some women's excessive use of make-up by saying things like, 'She could scrape off her makeup with a shovel'. However, such a physical action would indeed be impractical and potentially harmful to the woman's face. Unfortunately, the idea linking beauty predominantly with one's outer appearance has grown exponentially.

Historically, a Japanese woman's attractiveness was gauged by her hair length. Indeed, regardless of whether it was untamed, unattractive or didn't complement her features well, she would still be deemed beautiful. Juxtaposing this with modern beauty standards may appea

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irrational. However, from another viewpoint, it could indicate that even if a woman does not possess typical physical features such as an attractive face, lovely hair, captivating eyes or appealing legs; individuals look past these external aspects and recognize her character as the actual essence of beauty.

Much like the Japanese, they observed beyond the current condition of the hair. Over time, the perception of beauty has transformed. Two decades ago, models weighed 8% less than the average woman, not double, but almost triple as they now weigh 23%. Clearly, the perception has shifted. But how could something once deemed beautiful no longer be seen as beautiful? The media continually alters this perception in our minds yet we must strive to look beyond this shallow outlook. We need to appreciate that which remains unchanging and universally regarded as beautiful: our personality, that remains unaffected and unaltered by media influence.

The media perpetuates the idea that we are inadequately beautiful by exhibiting heavily edited images in publications. Can this be labeled as beauty when it's devoid of authenticity? Some individuals resort to drastic measures to alter their appearance, but aging is inevitable and can't be dodged. Thus, can it be justifiable to denote a person as less attractive when signs of aging like sagging skin appear? You and I will eventually experience these changes. Everlasting beauty doesn't correspond solely to physical attributes which are transitory; it should also incorporate who you truly are underneath any superficial layer used to camouflage it.

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