The Nature and Extent of Violent Crimes Essay Example
The Nature and Extent of Violent Crimes Essay Example

The Nature and Extent of Violent Crimes Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (305 words)
  • Published: January 31, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Crime has been around for hundreds of years. There is really no way to stop crimes from happening. However, by understanding the importance to know how crimes originate, when they occur, where crimes are more likely to occur and who can commit such acts of violence, gives law enforcement a better understanding on how to deal with these situations and to help make society a safer place.

There can be many reasons for violent crimes, Criminologists imply that violence can happen because of personal traits; something that is inherited, mental abnormalities, low intelligence, and dysfunctional relations. Ineffective families can also lead to violence for example the absence of a father figure can cause young children to react violently towards other children.

Other types of ineffective families are abusi


ve parents, poor parenting, and rejection. se of drugs and alcohol can trigger a person to react in a violent way without being fully conscious of their actions. Also people with low incomes can also be pushed o do violent crimes. for example, a individual in need of money can attempt a robbery on a corner store that individual can end up shooting the cashier for money. Gangs also are a problem. Individuals in gangs are fighting over districts and who controls the drugs being sold on the streets. Gangs don’t only harm other members but they also take many innocent lives.

Experts in criminology use collected information by different government agencies such as police departments. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) then takes this information from law enforcement agencies including crimes reported to authorities and number of arrests made by police agencies

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therefore, creating a huge data base know as The Uniform Crime Report (UCR). The UCR is separated into two categories part one crimes; murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft, and arson.

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